Why don't people like Test Track??


Original Poster
OK, the real question is why don't Disney enthusiasts like yourself like Test Track.
I have noticed that alot of posters on these boards and other websites really have a negative image of Test Track and I thought I would open up a conversation as to why. being that it seems to be fairly popular with the general public.

Personally, I like the attraction quite a bit. It's got at least a coherent story, several different elements, good use of sensory elements (the corrosive chamber, the cold/hot rooms, overall sounds, etc) and it's just plain fun.

Now I know it would be better if the crash car were working (is it yet???) and if it didn't break down quite so often, but I think it is generally a good (if not great) feat of Disney ingenuity...

or.... maybe people just miss world of motion (which I confess I never got to experience) and are a little bitter about that being taken away... anyhow....

what are your thoughts?


New Member
I think for me, it is the fact that nothing in that ride is really a new experience. I don't have to go to Epcot and wait in an hour long line to do most of the things that happen in the ride. I can go over bumps in my car. I can go through turns in my car. I live in Louisiana, so there is the heat element. And, I can roll down my window, stick my head out, and go much faster than the 65 mph at the end of the attraction.


Well-Known Member
SpectroMan said:
I think for me, it is the fact that nothing in that ride is really a new experience. I don't have to go to Epcot and wait in an hour long line to do most of the things that happen in the ride. I can go over bumps in my car. I can go through turns in my car. I live in Louisiana, so there is the heat element. And, I can roll down my window, stick my head out, and go much faster than the 65 mph at the end of the attraction.
I bet you travel by train AND still ride Big Thunder aswell.
For me, I enjoy TT, but only when I can get round without it breaking down :mad:


New Member
I love Test Track but there is one thing i hate about it. There's no surprise becaue you can see exactly where the track is going. You know it's about to swerve, you know it's going to miss the 2nd set, because you can see exactly where the track is heading before time.


New Member
Test track is fine. I think that some people have a dislike for Test Track because it doesn't really belong in Epcot. What I mean is that in the area it is in, there are different pavillions with different themes that are both educational and fun. The other pavillions have rides as well as education in the form of entertainment and Test track doesn't really fit in with the other buildings. It is just not as interseting. I hope this makes sense.
Everybody enjoys going on Test track because of the exciting end but it seems as though that is all you can really expect from this ride and to those people who have a certain idea about what an attraction at Epcot should be like, test Track is a bit of a let down. Of course, I could be totally off the mark.:)

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
There is only one thing I don't like about Test Track: the horrible TOO LOUD music in the queue.

My sons love this ride, so I am always a good sport about it.

The last time we rode, however, it was just hysterical. We were single riders, but ended up in the same car with a man and 3 women who I think may have been co-workers or conventioneers. The women were screaming their lungs out. I don't really think they knew why.

My son and I were laughing just as hard as they were screaming.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I like the ride, and try to make it a point to ride it each time we go. My 3+yr old is quite excited to ride it next month, so there's a little added incentive to get to it. :) My problems with it are:

- Frequent breakdowns
- They still haven't fixed the collision scene
- It doesn't fit with "Future World" (Yeah, that's a whole different can of worms, I know ;) )


New Member
I enjoy it. I just wish it had more of the outdoor / speed element. A few more spins around the outside of the building at 70mph would be fun... :slurp:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i like it...................... i think that some people have a bad taste in thier mouths because it replace the beloved WoM. but dont quote me on that, just a hunch from others reaction.


I like it, but lets be honest, the best part of the attraction can be replicated in your own car by sticking your head out the window.

Boo's Mom

New Member
I went 165 mph for 8 laps at Lowes Motor Speedway but I still love test track. I like cars and I like speed (but I don't drive fast honest :goodnevil ) I guess its just all of the different things going on in the ride that keeps me coming back. I don't hate the ride at all. I just wish it didn't break down as much and the lines were not so long so I could ride it more when I visit the world.


Well-Known Member
I like the attraction, I just don't like the way they handle the lines for it (aka fastpass)
Ever since the introduction of fastpass, the standby line, and even the single rider line, is constantly exceeding 40+ minute wait times. I'm sorry, I've ridden the ride a number of times, I can't justify waiting in a line for that long, to ride a ride that I have already experienced. This applies for all rides at WDW, unless its a new attraction, I will not wait around for an hour or so to ride it. If they were to fix the handling of the line and queing system to work more efficiently and take neccesary precautions to prevent breakdowns, then I would look upon it more fondly.

Any ride that the wait time has exceeded 105 minutes(http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=46051) is not one I'm gonna go near.


New Member
i don't hate it. its a good ride, not great in my opinion. like brich said, a little bit longer going at 70mph would enhance it greatly.....


Well-Known Member
LewZealand said:
refresh my memory on what the "collision scene" or "crash car" are.

Right before you would turn to do the "crash test" there was a car that would perform its own crash test. I hasn't been working for a while. However, they put in hydrolics and a loud noise to simulate the car hitting the wall just before you turn the corner.

And to answer the thread question, I think a lot of people don't like it because of what it replaced. WoM was a great attraction, and while I enjoy test track, so much more could have been done with it than what we see now had they just destroyed the building and worked from the ground up like Mission: Space.


Well-Known Member
Why I don't like it? I DO like it! Actually, I think it's a heck of a lot of fun. How can you say it's not well liked when the fastpasses run out within an hour of opening and the line is consistantly long? Ok, well, the line is badly done, grant you and that's the one thing I do hate about the ride - the line. No matter what, you're waiting WAY too long to ride it. I've had to miss it a few times simply because they were out of fastpasses and the main line was upwards of 1 1/2 hours long!

But, overall, I really enjoy the ride. It's fun. I would love there to be more of the end 70mph curved turn, but eh, it's ok. It's still fun.


Active Member
SpectroMan said:
I think for me, it is the fact that nothing in that ride is really a new experience. I don't have to go to Epcot and wait in an hour long line to do most of the things that happen in the ride. I can go over bumps in my car. I can go through turns in my car. I live in Louisiana, so there is the heat element. And, I can roll down my window, stick my head out, and go much faster than the 65 mph at the end of the attraction.

Stated so well. That is how I feel, too. I especially got annoyed by the ride when a single rider who happened to be about 12 years old was ranting and raving about how cool it was to feel like she was driving. That made it seem so ordinary and that has stuck with me since then.


Well-Known Member
id like to take my car in there now that would be fun. and i would defiitely be doing 140 outside . :sohappy: i havent had a chance to push my car yet but i got it up to 125 and i had a whole lot left in 6th gear.

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