Why does the Monorail smell like cow?


Original Poster
I mean, everytime I am on the thing it's like a trip back to hayseed alley and I expect the next stop to be a loft in a barn.



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Yeah, most of the WDW Monorails I have been on smell like stanky @$$ :hurl:

I think its from all the B.O. fumigating, permeating, and festering in the monorails in the hot florida sun all day. :lol:

They really need to invest in some Morgue grade disinfectant for the carpet and everything else in the monorail! :lol: :hurl:


New Member
Yes! I well not yes I'm excited it smells but I thought I was the only one that noticed. Not much Disney magic there. It didn't seem like it was a BO type smell though...but I guess that's where it comes from. They could get those automatic air freshners they have in the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
When I went in December I picked up a smell that was a cross between B.O. and dirty diaper. I experienced it again just yesterday at Chuck E Cheese:hurl:


New Member
:lol: Thank You!!!!!!

You've just ruined it for me. I guess my next ride on the monorail will have to be up front with the operator. If there is any smell there, i'll know the driver farted.


Active Member
Definitely an Elephant odor to the monorail. IAs stated by others, think it may have to do with a combination of BO, wet bathing suits, the heat, and the vinyl/leather composition of the monorail seats. Those seats even look similar to elephant skin.


Well-Known Member
I wonder often they wipe down the seats and the hand rails? You have to figure enough sweaty and dirty people ride the Monorail a day to make a Germ paradise :D

Next WDW trip: July 9 - July 16 Pop Century :sohappy: :sohappy:


We were on it in March, and a family got on in the seat opposite us and immediately began to change both of their children's diapers. Nice!


WHOA!!! people get NAKED in the monorails????:eek: When does this happen? is it part of the standard admission price? are there discounts for APholders?:drevil:

I'd think they'd (CM's) just be able to go into the monorails and dump fabreeze all over everything...works for cat ______ so i would think it would work on BO or glue or elephants or naked people...:D

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