Why do people from the Uk come to WDW


MuRkErY said:
I wish I lived 1000 years in the future though, lol.

This is actully fact, but the UK is moving ever closer to North America every year, by something like 1 Inch, or something dumb like that, so think in like a 1000 years time WDW will only be a train ride away as well, lol.

Um, in 1000 years, you'd only be 1000 inches, or 83 feet closer. Your best bet will be teleporation ala Stich Great Escape.

BTW, I personally LOVE having the Brits in Florida, or any other foreigners (except those pesky Brazilans :animwink: ). Makes for great conversation while waiting in the lines. We have several friends from the UK who come to visit (and vice versa) and we always have a great time with them.

DisneyWales said:
Food is better, .....

Duh. That's true when comparing any place to the UK. :lol: Sorry - had to get that one in.


New Member
MuRkErY said:
Because DLP is not as good.

I'd rather go to the US than France, and the language obviously.

It might only be a train ride away, but it actully would take me longer to get to DLP than it would to get to Florida. 7-8 hour flight to Florida, or a long drive down to the South England, then a 30 min train ride, then another long drive to Paris.

Plus, the weather, and you feel more at home in the US rather than France, which is obviously due to a combination of things.

I wish I lived 1000 years in the future though, lol.

This is actully fact, but the UK is moving ever closer to North America every year, by something like 1 Inch, or something dumb like that, so think in like a 1000 years time WDW will only be a train ride away as well, lol.

Don't know anything about continental drifts, but everything else you say MuRkErY is spot on.


Aren't the British famous for their...love...of the French anyway? :lookaroun

Of course, IMHO, the best way to experience WDW is to marry a Brit, bring him over to the States and then visit WDW together. That way, you can experience the magic of WDW and the sexy British accent at the same time. :slurp:


JMishy said:
Aren't the British famous for their...love...of the French anyway? :lookaroun

Of course, IMHO, the best way to experience WDW is to marry a Brit, bring him over to the States and then visit WDW together. That way, you can experience the magic of WDW and the sexy British accent at the same time. :slurp:
do you have the right country? :p


I've been to both. DLP is nice, but it just isn't WDW. There is so much more to WDW than being a theme park. The atmosphere, the people, the details, the weather, the exchange rate etc.

I agree that DLP may have slightly better rides and exceeds the MK of WDW in some ways. But this becomes irrelevant when you consider the absence of EPCOT, AK etc.

There are some things about going to WDW that can't be adequately described in a few words. There is a certain atmosphere and feel about the place that is totally missing from DLP. Maybe the distance factor ironically is part of the reason to go to WDW - when I spend that amount of money for a holiday, I want to go somewhere. Two hours on a train just doesn't make for the holiday feel in the same way as an 8 hour flight to another continent does.


New Member
In 2004 we were at TL and seemed to be the only Americans there! My husband joked that all of Great Britain was there. I struck up a conversation with a women while were watching our tots, and she said the Brits love the water parks, b/c the weather is so nice--sunny and warm.


"Why do people from the UK come to WDW?"

For the same reason people from UT (me) come to WDW.

Although I am a days drive or a hour and change flight from Disneyland (which I frequent quite a bit), I love making a trip to WDW.

If a person made the trip just to visit the Magic Kingdom park, I'd question the trip too. BUT - it's about the whole resort, all 4 parks, Downtown Disney, the hotels and everything else - golfing, boating, horseback riding, etc.

Personally, I feel Disneyland park trumps the Magic Kingdom park but when you compare the whole resort as a whole, WDW trumps the DL resort hands down.

I've never left WDW thinking or feeling that I had seen and done everything I wanted. There is so much to do or see at WDW, it leaves me wanting to come back often to explore and find new things. This is my motivation to go to a Disney resort further away than a Disney resort that is closer to me.


New Member
having been to both... all I can say is I would rather go back to WDW time after time. DLP is 2, one day parks the studios could even be a half day park. Its quite a pathetic park.

The only good thing DLP had over WDW is the BBQ in frontierland.

Also WDW has Epcot. Epcot beats anything else. To us brits Orlando is a place we can stay in for weeks. DLP is more of a long weekend place. And as for paris itself it is just a tad to expensive to function in. You can often have heart attacks at how much things cost over in France.
9 Hour flight for me to WDW or at least 15 hours by train to Paris and if you do get a plane it is very overpriced for what it is.


Active Member
DLRP was the first Disney park I visited as a child, so it will always be a special place for me, there is a certain european charm to the place which can be found through the totally immersive detailing of the architecture (except WDS! lol its ok but no where near finished!), it truely is the best MK style park out of them all.

However I see DLRP as a long weekend getaway, as I live in London its only a 3hr train ride right into the heart of the resort. Its a good way to get that disney fix when you feel you need it.

I choose WDW as my long vacation destination because it is just that, a destination with theme parks, water parks, entertainment districts, 100's of places to eat, and numerous recreational activites, combine that with the beautiful floridian weather, the friendly people (CM's and the public), the surrounding area attractions/shopping and the fact that it is set in 47sqmiles of land, and you can easily see why someone would choose WDW over DLP.

However I think it is difficult to compare the 2 for the reason being that NOTHING will ever be as big as WDW has become, so anything built after will pale in comparision. DLRP may have its problems but it still remains a magical place! and I for one will continue to visit both!


Well-Known Member
Because it's a different experience. People from all over the world go to WDW and DL, just like people from the US go to DLP and TDL.


Active Member
Disneyland Paris is fine.... Until you experience Walt Disney World!!!

As many have said - The exchange rate, weather, friendly locals, size, shopping, food..... and on, and on!

If I had to make the choice of visiting Disneyland Paris once every year or visiting WDW once every ten years, I would still pick WDW every time.

Can't wait to visit again in May, the excitement is building by the minute!

Hope to see you all there! :wave:


New Member
Disneyland Paris is good for a short break of a few days. If you can get to London then it's a three hour train ride to the front gate. If not, you can fly. This lets you leave early in the morning get to the parks by 10 or 11 spend the rest of the day there, a full day there then up to maybe 5 or 6 on the third day and get the train back to London.

You can't do that to Florida - one whole day getting there and an overnight flight back.

However, for a full on holiday as others have pointed out Disney World has so much more choice and then works out cheaper to visit.


Well-Known Member
I don't think most of us are dismissing DLP outright. Disneyland Parc is stunning, and does everything bigger and better than it's Orlando cousin... it's just not Florida though (and it doesn't have a Wedway Peoplemover!)


New Member
Because WDW is Amazing, and Paris is not ads good, plus depending on the times of the year it can be cheaper to spend three weeks in Florida than a weekend in Paris.


New Member
Mecha Figment said:
when they can simply take a train or drive to Disnelyland Paris?
Eh not that I am from the UK or anything but...Theres tons of reasons that people like WDW better that I could think of...1st the just tropical Florida.2nd Well we all know that France is kinda er jerks to the U.S. and its always like that throught history and I think UK people like U.S. more than France so they come here.3rd Disneyland Paris sucks.4th France people are jerks.Example for the reason they are jerks when U.S. was being formed during Adams term in office we sent people over to negoitiate with France and these 3 dudes appear and started being unreasonable JERKS!

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