why can we non FLoridians get the same discount


Well...i don't think its fair that anyone other than Florida residents get a discount!!! :fork:

JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING!!!! Please don't hurt me!:hammer: :goodnevil


New Member
Originally posted by agdbeanie
Stop complaining long enough to figure out that Disney DOES offer discounts to non-Floridians.

Special Summer Savings

Your oh-so-friendly advice is greatly appreciated. Interestingly enough, the site that you referenced shows the same accomodations I had last year (on the same dates) would actually cost me more this year.

Now I know that I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed, but I didn't think that was considered a discount.

Guess I need to go back to business school and start over. :cry::hammer:


New Member






are you talking about the "Play 4 Days Pass"? It won't work. You have to have proof of florida residency before you activate it. You'll need to have a picture ID and they'll scan your fingerprints so somebody else can't activate it for you.


New Member
We just moved to Florida from Oklahoma. We have been here for almost 6 months. I can understand both sides very easily. One thing to note though, is we have spent more this 6 months at Disney, then we have the last five years at Disney. And we took a trip every year. And for the arguement that we're new and we will settle in. That will not happen anytime soon. Our kids are 2 and 4, and can't get enough. So we will continue to spend huge amounts of money at Disney while we reside in Florida. So I can easily understand why Disney offers the FL discounts.
And no matter the company there will always be discounts you can't have. Disney offers the best discounts to it's employees and FL residents and maybe a few others. Unless you want to move to FL or work for Disney you'll never get the discounts.
So instead of dwelling on what you can't have, dwell on what you can. There are other discounts out there.
And have fun!!


New Member
WE have the FL resident season passes. The problem with this "discounted" pass is that you can only go in the off season. Now to tell the truth we prefer going in the off season because it is less crowed. But you also have to contend with shorter park hours, certain attractions like COP being closed, and others that are closed for rehab.

We don't live close enough for day or weekend trips but since the tickets are cheaper we try to go more than once in the year and believe me we still buy too much Mouse merchandise. :lol:

I do think that Disney's packages are overpriced and that they should bring them down. I compared the packages to purchasing everything separate and separate was cheaper. We would have to eat like $300 worth of food a day just to break even on the package.

Anyway, just my thoughts.

Take Care,
:wave: ACE


New Member
It's cause we have to put up all you darn tourists! haha just joking, I think it is because Disney feels since we live right here, and there are a lot of local who steer clear of the parks they should try to get us in cheaper.


I have to agree with what everyone says here because all are valid points. I live in Maine and believe it or not if you have never been here the tourist season( I live on the coast so I see it alot)is outrageous and I dont blame the Fl residents for getting their discount because whether they go to Disney or not(shame on you if you dont) they still have to put up with the residuals of having the most famous theme park in the world in their backyard. BUT at the same time, I agree with Strobe, that it would be nice to see some sort of substantial discount. 10% off my room rate aint gonna do it. Why cant WDW implement a program like some of the casinos offer. Casinos offer some frequent visitors huge perks on repeat visits. They belong to a club and when they earn points for staying at the hotels on site or spend X number of dollars in the gift shops they give them FREE stuff. Like a nights stay. They know the people are going to gamble. Its guarnteed money. As if WDW doesnt know that each typical American family isnt going to spend 2-3k on food, souveniers, and all the rest that comes with it. If I want to stay at an AS resort( which is all I will probably be able to afford next stay) for 7 nights at Thanksgiving time, its about $600. With a 10% discount its $540. Well if you give me 2 free nights for having spent 2 vacations there in the last 3 years now it looks more like $430. THAT is a lil more reasonable for the 8-9k I have spent recently. Maybe also give a discount on the passes. It would definatly make my decision to go again sooner then I would otherwise easier. I am still most likely gonna spend the other 2-3k on the other stuff. I dont think it is fair also to compare a Fl residents costs because you dont have to figure in 1k plus in travel expenses to get there which most other families will have to pay. Sorry for the long post. Hang in ther Strobe...we will all go back eventually....just next time will be a lil more frugal.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwforus
Why cant WDW implement a program like some of the casinos offer. Casinos offer some frequent visitors huge perks on repeat visits. They belong to a club and when they earn points for staying at the hotels on site or spend X number of dollars in the gift shops they give them FREE stuff. Like a nights stay. They know the people are going to gamble. Its guarnteed money. As if WDW doesnt know that each typical American family isnt going to spend 2-3k on food, souveniers, and all the rest that comes with it. [/B]

Well in a way they kinda did. It is called DVC. I know it isn't the same, and it cost a lot up front, but then the discounts are great down the line. If you love WDW, then DVC is for you. I so wish I had joined sooner. I love DVC, but I really wish they offered discounts on park tickets. I get the feeling that they will in the future, so many DVC members are requesting them with the Disney club ending, or maybe the Disney Visa will pick that up.

I wish we could get the FLA discounts, heck I wish I could get to WDW with out flying or driving for 2 days, but that isn't going to happen. (but I can dream can't I?)


I dont feel that DVC is for everyone. If I am going to invest 13k its gonna be in real property not something that disappears in 40 years. I think a points system for "average" guests. My definition of average would the family that goes once a year at the most, more like every other year like myself(hopefully).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwforus
I dont feel that DVC is for everyone. If I am going to invest 13k its gonna be in real property not something that disappears in 40 years. I think a points system for "average" guests. My definition of average would the family that goes once a year at the most, more like every other year like myself(hopefully).

Yes, DVC isn't for everyone, but since we go every year I wish we had started earlier, :brick: . If you think about it, 13 k is the price of a cheap new car or used one. 40 years later you have nothing to show for it either. Infact you get a lot more use over the 40 years out of DVC then you do a car. (Now be it, a car can be a nessesatiy and DVC and vacations are not.) A car also have upkeep running expensives. Same with a boat. Besides houses and other land property, very rarely does expences go up in value. Many that do we don't want to sell anway (Jewerly, or pricless items). In 40 years I will be 70 and I think me and my family will have gotten our money out of it by that time.

To be honest with you it is very hard to find real property for 13k now a days (at least anywhere I know of.)

Going every other year can work well for DVC too, that way you can bank points and get by with a minimal amount of points and get at least a one bedroom. There are many other options for DVC point useage also.

I can see how it might not fit into all peoples lives. At the time that we 1st starting going to WDW we were young and there was no way we could afford it (hey we coudln't afford a house or decent car then!:lol: , we really shouldn't of went on the trip, but I am gald we did!)

My point is if you plan to go yearly or every other year it is an investment worth looking into and it is a way WDW does reward people who go frequently.


New Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Theres a few reasons why us floridians get a discount::

First off...the off season! Most of the people who go to the parks during the non-holiday times are in fact floridians...and most of us only go cuz we get the discount. They know that.

Second...TOURIST season...before i begin...in NO way do i want this to offend anyone..but...during the tourist season...Florida becomes a pretty unpleasant place to be. Traffic, crouds, and the occasional rude tourist do make this place a pretty uncomfy place to live. In a way, I think its disney's way of saying "thank you" for us residents having to go thru a lot of that. I know that florida IS a tourist state..and I for one dont have a personal problem when the season hits..but i have heard the complaints of others...

Third...those who save money on tickets, will spend more money on merchandice ;) They make more profit from that then they do from tickets.
Well Dan,what about us people who don`t live in Florida who ONLY go during the :OFF: season,I will never go in the "ON" season,for one reason it`s just too darn HOT and I don`t like the HUGE CROWDS.:D


Well-Known Member
Another semi valid point made above that id like to elaborate a tad bit on...

Yes...we may not buy as much stuff with each single visit to the park as someone who is from "another state" would..HOWEVER..we go MORE OFTEN due to the discounted passes..which equal higher profits....

If we didnt have the discounts/annual privlages..we probobly wouldnt go half as often...

Personally..up until recently..I was going at least twice a month...spending tons of money on food etc each time...

Disney sorta relies on us Floridians to keep the parks full when (as darrel stated above) "its too damn hot" etc...since we dont care..we're used to it ;)


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
i think the discounts would be enticement enough for everyone to move to FL...

like we aren't crowded enough already


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the important thing to remember is that Disney is a for profit corporation which is doing ok financially even despite the "downturn" in tourism. They have offered reasonable discounts to tourists both in and out of state as enticements to visit the parks. They offer additional discounts to Florida Residents because they depend on us to visit the parks when out of state and country folks are not coming. Contrary to popular belief offering huge discounts to out of state residents will not significantly increase their attendance because pricing doesnt have as much to do with people visiting right now as do things like safety, security, and willingness to travel.

When events occur like we have had over the last 2 years, people tend to stay closer to their homes. A nesting reaction for lack of a better description. Some people will be enticed to forgo that "stay close to home" scenario by discounts but many will not. However, Florida residents are clsoe to home, thus it takes just a little bit of nudging and they visit the parks more frequently and I would imagine spend a considerable amount of money during the course of the year.

Non local tourist will generally speaking visit 1 time per year and spend about 4000 (disney estimate) on their disney vacation total. Then they go back home and Disney may not see them again for 2 to 3 years. Granted there are many people from out of state who visit multiple times per year, but they are not the majority of the visitors. So when you speak in terms of a frequent flyer system, the florida residents are definitely the ones who are more likely to visit multiple times per year and that is why they are offered discounts

On another note, if you are that sensitive to pricing there are ways to save money and still stay on property. First and formost look at your hotel accomodations. You can shave a few hundred bucks off your stay by staying abreast of discounted room rates first of all. Second instead of staying at a deluxe resort do a moderate or value. Afterall, the up charge on the rooms is more for available services at the resort than it is for room size. Most of the rooms on Disney property are in the 350 to 400 squarefoot range no matter how much you pay for it. The layout is what makes on seem larger than another.

Finally and I am not saying this to be mean but just as a reality check. If you feel the prices are too high, then you have to decide for yourself if there is enough value in the product to justify paying the admission/hote/food/mechandise rates. Afterall, there are other vacation alternatives when you are price sensitive that could allow you to save a little bit more so you can really enjoy that Disney vacation the following year.


Active Member
Bear with the length of this one...

I hadn’t posted on the forum in a while. Then after rambling through this thread; I felt it was time. We have all read threads where we have felt so passionate on a subject and watched someone else just crash and burn with their arguments on the same subject. A subject that one feels is un-debatable because of obvious reasons.

When I saw the topic of this thread, I assumed the poster was being sarcastic. I am VERY PRO-‘Florida Residents receiving a special discount’. I take this stand as a Disney Stockholder, a former cast member, a resident in a city whose main industry is tourism, and a life long fan of Disney.

I think everyone who agrees with me has already posted out the many reasons why the Florida Resident discount is excellent for Disney. The rest of my post will group the two types of arguments against the discount and my dissection of a poster’s comments who felt strongly about the subject. I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I promise if you read it all the way through you will understand my angle.

I will briefly class what I believe the two roots are behind the people who are Anti-‘Florida Residents receiving Special Treatment’. Some ‘special’ people can fit in both.

GROUP A – People who believe that discounts should be given equally across the board. Their logic being, ‘If I don’t get the special rate, no one should get a special rate.’ These are the people who tried to twist and drift this thread from ‘talking about a special benefit to the whole state of Florida’s residents’ to ‘Disney World should be much cheaper across the board – It is to expensive.’ Look at the names in these posts and do a search. These are the same people who constantly complain how WDW is getting thrifty with their budgets on new projects. These people apparently mix-up an illusion that WDW is a government run national treasure (federally funded) and the fact that the Disney Co. is a Forbes 100 business. Emphasis is on the BUSINESS.

GROUP A Example:

“If Disney does not want to extend the discount to everyone, you would think that they would at least offer it to repeat customers. Say someone who comes every other year or something like that.” -- Mase

(If you are Disney, Why reduce your profit on repeat customers? Repeat customers apparently are ok with and think you are doing something right to begin with. Hence repeat. )

GROUP B – People who are so immature in logic and so completely jealous of the fact that Florida residents living so close to WDW. They don’t think Florida residents need a discount because the already benefit from being to magically get up and go whenever they want. These people are so far into Neverland, that they believe these residents are also so privileged to begin with because they are able to get Disney Paraphernalia whenever they want.

Group B Example:

‘I'm not saying that residents don't spend their fair share of money, but you live there and have to deal with Mouse merchandise 24/7. You can buy most of it any time you want.’ -- Mase
Anyone sense a little bit of jealousy to Florida Residents?

I am now going to reflect more on Mase’s posts:

“Now I know that I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed… Your oh-so-friendly advice is greatly appreciated.” --Mase

Well, I will try my best.

“But tourism really cascades into the heart of the Florida economy…. So all in all, I'm just trying to say that the tourists may help the economy in more ways than initially meets the eyes.” --Mase

Mase, Shhh! keep it down. We don’t want the people of Florida to know that tourism is their #1 industry. Just kidding, I get the hunch they already have an idea on how much tourists’ money means to their economy.

“When tourism is hitting on eight cylinders, the current system might be OK.” –Mase

Is being ranked one of the Top 100 successful businesses in the World, ‘OK’? I think over the last 30 years, WDW was able to sweat it out enough in Orlando to keep their heads above water and maybe stay a little out of the red. I’m sure they don’t have to go to the extreme to hire say “accountants” to figure out what works and what doesn’t. At least not yet. *** Lots of Sarcasm

“Disney would be smart to provide discounts to families like mine who would otherwise not be able to make the trip…. We were there at this time last year for our honeymoon, and we REALLY wanted to go this year too.” --Mase

You know what my greatest memories of mine working at WDW are? Well, I am going to tell you. When you see a mom and dad with about 6 kids wearing their home made Disney t-shirts, their generic autograph books, and their matching packs they got from home. Then you see the look of the satisfaction and content on Mom and Dad’s face who busted their a$$ for you don’t know how long to afford this experience. Some of us are so spoiled with our many visits, I think we forget how special and unique an experience it is at WDW, and the pride a family has to tell everyone back home that they were able to make this experience. To these families every penny they had to save and every hour of overtime was worth while. I think Walt Disney World is still very much affordable to the average family in the US. You are married now. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices. So you aren’t able to afford to go to Orlando every year. Grow up.

“I wasn't ready for the heavy heat in early April, so I ended up purchasing a bunch of clothes as well. Not to mention sunscreen, sunglasses, tennis shoes, and everything else I forgot to bring with me.” --Mase

This is so irrelevant to anything. You not packing tennis shoes to go to a theme park can not be blamed on unexpected climate. Next time you should look on the Internet and get a weather forecast before you go. A poncho, maybe. Tennis shoes, no. This is no one’s fault but your own. No pity for you.

In conclusion, I hope this helps you all understand where I am coming from on these arguments. I decided to take a different approach to explain that this shouldn’t even be a topic for debate. I tried to show some ‘behind the magic’ of people’s logic on this topic. We all know why the Florida Resident Discount is great marketing and business.

I’ll leave you all with this:

“Guess I need to go back to business school and start over.” --Mase

No, I would just ask for a refund and call it a day.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
well I have not been sarcastic....

However,, dont you think for the good of the economy, especially with the war being on, and the loss of tourism in Florida, that Disney could offer a one time deal this time?

We are on the balance point, and the discount would MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD whether to come to Florida or not.

Maybe you don't work in the tourism industry. However, if tourism jobs keep dropping, like they are in Winter Haven, it will affect the rest of the Florida economy.

The Floridians who have posted seem to be just skirting the statement that "we don't need your money."

Well I owned a tourist ladend business in Wisconsin, and when we made changes so that my tourists decided to go to other states and spend their money there, my store and others like it , went out of business., never to reopen again... This is not a story but fact..

Just a Gu who never had a bad day at Disney..


Sure we need your money...bring it on down! Heck...you can give me all the money you want.

We need your money...that's why you're not getting a discount!:lol:

Can't we just agree it all works out in the end??
Florida Resident Discount x Multiple trips/year >/= No Florida Resident Discount x One (maybe) trip/year (or less)

That's not even counting the discounts that ARE available to everyone!

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