While riding Test Track on recent trip, it broke down but we didn't get a re-ride?


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Well we were using the single rider line so I guess I shouldn't really complain, but I felt bad for the people who waited in the normal line. You see, from the starting incline, the ride was messed up. We never gained any speed, going at the same constant of about 5-10 miles per hour. When we did the first breaking test the sound sped up but we didn't. The same thing happened with the second brake test! So we continue on all the way until the crash dummy part when suddenly our car stops. Well waiting there is a mechanic who works on our car for about 5 minutes. When we start going we go towards the doors that break away but never pick up speed like hte rest of the ride. Only RIGHT when we started to make the right banking on the high speed part outside did we start to go normal speed. The ride finished and we waited while they added another, of which I took a pic of the back room where all the cars are repaired!

But something odd happened, they didn't give ANYONE a RERIDE! I was definetly surprised since in all the past occassions that this happened we always recieved a re-ride!

In the past we stopped maybe for a second and started going again, but on this ride only half of the outside high speed part was at the right speed. This kind of ed a lot of people off, but the cast members went along as if nothing happened.


Active Member
similar thing happened to me, they don't offer out second rides, but we asked, and they didn't mind and put us straight back on again!


New Member
I rode on Test Track in summer 2000 - first time I'd been on it. Just as it sped outside the car suddenly did an emergency stop.

There was a very strong smell of burning rubber.

We weren't sure if it was part of the ride or not! Then we noticed a mechanic fiddling around at the back of our car!

Must break down quite often as two weeks ago (return trip) it broke down while we were waiting in line!


Well-Known Member
Might Have been only your car
Originally posted by Atticus

Well we were using the single rider line so I guess I shouldn't really complain, but I felt bad for the people who waited in the normal line. You see, from the starting incline, the ride was messed up. We never gained any speed, going at the same constant of about 5-10 miles per hour. When we did the first breaking test the sound sped up but we didn't. The same thing happened with the second brake test! So we continue on all the way until the crash dummy part when suddenly our car stops. Well waiting there is a mechanic who works on our car for about 5 minutes. When we start going we go towards the doors that break away but never pick up speed like hte rest of the ride. Only RIGHT when we started to make the right banking on the high speed part outside did we start to go normal speed. The ride finished and we waited while they added another, of which I took a pic of the back room where all the cars are repaired!

But something odd happened, they didn't give ANYONE a RERIDE! I was definetly surprised since in all the past occassions that this happened we always recieved a re-ride!

In the past we stopped maybe for a second and started going again, but on this ride only half of the outside high speed part was at the right speed. This kind of ed a lot of people off, but the cast members went along as if nothing happened.


Active Member
First off, love your avatar Garysargent. Great pic.

Secondly, you're supposed to get a re-ride if the ride breaks down? LOL. I was on it during one of my trips (Aug 2000) and the car stopped right before the trucks comes out and you swerve to miss it. It was so odd because we stopped and then the truck turn on it's lights and if I'm not mistaken, it also honked. We sat there a couple of minutes and it starts up again, the car swerves with no lights or honking and then the onboard audio started up about it being a close call. Just wierd since it didn't all match up. But the rest of the ride went along just fine and there was no re-ride.



Active Member
I think that if you ask for a re-ride, you do get one. Once DH & I were riding HM, and there were these evil teenagers in the doom-buggy behind us who kept cutting up (loudly!), and kicking our doom buggy. We told the CM at the end of the ride about it, and she let us re-ride.


Account Suspended
Surely you jest!

I think it's very funny. Most people on this forum would love to be "stuck" in a ride. I have always enjoyed the times when a ride "broke". Gosh, it's a special event. I have been on several WDW rides when they broke and a CM came to our vehicle and walked us out of the attraction. It was better than the regular ride IMO. Count your blessings!


Active Member
Universe of Energy broke down on my latest trip. The ride was down the rest of the day. Nothing was offered. I remembered in the past that either a re-reide was offered or some accomodation was made.

But oh well... I'll just have to wait for my next trip to watch Michael Richards discover fire.


New Member
Originally posted by kaos
Universe of Energy broke down ....Nothing was offered. I remembered in the past that either a re-reide was offered or some accomodation was made.

But the re-ride, is always offered for the same attraction.

And since UOE, never has a longer wait than till the next show. And Since when you come back you still have to wait till the next show, you would wait just as long as if they did offer you a re-no-wait-pass for that show.

If UOE ever gets back to the day that thjere is a longer wait than till the next show starts, I would want to be at Epcot on a day that crowded.

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