which would you choose? advice please!


Active Member
Hi all,

We could either go this year for a week in sept. - 2-9 - with free dining, pofq...already booked...or go for a week in dec. - could be anytime between thanksgiving and christmas, to avoid the crowds on either side - and camp in fw with dining for the same price. Which would you do? Strong feelings either way? Better weeks in early Dec. if we go that way? The floor is open to debate. Thanks!!!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
If I had to choose I would go the first 2 weeks of December. Christmas time at WDW is pretty much better than any other time of year.
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Well-Known Member
I would be a bit worried about camping in December because it could get very cold. Do you mean tent camping? If so I'd vote for September just because of the weather. I would whole heartedly vote for December if you're not tenting it.
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Well-Known Member
Add another vote for December from me!

Going when the xmas decor is up is great. The whole "world" looks amazing. The weather is also very comfortable, but chilly at night... I know in Sept. the weather can still be hot and humid, and crowded with everyone taking up the free-dining. And you'll have more waiting time for your trip which is always fun! September will come and go, and you'll still have your Dec trip to look forward to! :)
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New Member
'A bird in the hand' theory.
You already have reservations for September.

Christmas is great at WDW.

The weather can also be unpredictable in December.
I have been there when it was so cold you'd freeze your hidden mickeys off.

Good luck.
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Yet another vote for December...it's my absolute favorite time. I will NEVER go when it's hot...been there, done that.

However, if it were me...I'd skip the dining plan altogether and book POFQ instead of the campground. I'm not a camping-kind of girl. I'd much rather have a nice hotel, great weather and fly by the seat of my pants for dining and do mostly counter service (with the exception of one or two ADR's).

Happy planning!
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Active Member
I would be a bit worried about camping in December because it could get very cold. Do you mean tent camping? If so I'd vote for September just because of the weather. I would whole heartedly vote for December if you're not tenting it.

Take it from someone who has lived in FL for 25 years, you won't have to worry about it being very cold in December. Last Christmas, we were in shorts. I would vote December because you would be out of hurricane season, better - cooler - weather and smaller crowds. September isn't too crowded but it is still really hot and you run the risk of really rainy weather. My vote is December!
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Well-Known Member
I guess I am the only vote for September. I really don't mind the heat at all, other than my frizzed up Florida hair!:ROFLOL:Maybe we were lucky but last year, it did rain but for only about 30 minutes a day. Crowds were wonderful. We loved it so much that we are booked again this year.

I do love seeing the decorations in early December though but we had to wear pants all of our trip in December plus it got really cool at night which meant we had to tote a jacket around all day.

Have a great trip!
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Well-Known Member
December is my vote. September is still on the warm side and the peak of hurricane season. I enjoy early December at WDW due to the nicer weather, low crowds, and the decorations. What ever you decide have a great time!
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Well-Known Member
December is my vote. September is still on the warm side and the peak of hurricane season. I enjoy early December at WDW due to the nicer weather, low crowds, and the decorations. What ever you decide have a great time!

You're the ONLY one who mentioned hurricane season! (noticed where you're from, hope all is well :) ).

My vote would be December as well, especially if you've never been around that time (or haven't been in a while).

FYI we went last year in December, and as a native, I wore long sleeves at night and shorts in the day and was FINE :ROFLOL: A few years ago, our home a/c broke on Dec 3rd and it was 92 degrees out :eek:.
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Well-Known Member
First week of December is my favorite week to go. All the holiday activities are a blast, and they really make WDW a whole new place from any other time you've seen it.

The only downfall here, for me, is the hit or miss weather. We had days that were really nice, and days that were really cold. So we had to pack basically everything for all sorts of weather.

In September, camping is a much more practical idea. It can be extremely hot that week, but that is something I never mind. It's a personal preference. I would guess the crowds will be the same, and you have free dining which is a HUGE plus!

So it just depends on how much the weather & free dining are impacting your trip. :)
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Active Member
we went in Dec 06 stayed at POR and loved it...it was not cold at all...the nights would get chilly if the wind was blowing, but all in all, not freezing...the decorations are amazing....I loved POR and we took the boat to DTD and stopped at POFQ to pick up other passengers....the ride was cool, but not unbearable at all.....we took it at dusk and seeing the treehouse villas was pretty neat, but once we got into the "opening" and saw DTD all lit up, BEAUTIFUL! We're going back this Dec-Contemporary Resort and can't wait! Even if you camp, I don't think it would be that bad....guess it really depends if your idea of camping is tent or camper/trailer........here in Louisiana, weather is pretty much the same as it is in Florida and we are usually wearing shorts here in December and sometimes into January!!! But hey, either way, you'll be at Disney...have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
I love Disney in December, but if my choices were camping in December, or a resort bed in September, September wins, hands down! I may live on a farm, but I don't do sleeping in the great outdoors (or cook, or make beds or sweep the floors on vacation....)
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