Regarding your first sentence, I would be. I feel like the rest of your response speaks to it. Disney used to be a company that tried to maximize the experience for each and every guest, and worked hard to make people want to return, and want to be on property, etc., etc. If you're inconveniencing your customers with another process so that you can minimize staff, you don't really care about your customer's experience. You only care about your costs. I'm not saying that makes Disney good or bad. I'm saying that it makes Disney different than they once were, and what separated them from all other companies in the entertainment business. Now, just like all other companies, they only care about the presidential flash cards they collect, and not about your experience, or that you even want to return to their property after visiting.
Back to my original "I would be"... to quote myself.

I would call their implementation of the reservation system as having nefarious motivation. Not that Disney is more evil than any other company necessarily, but the motivation to implement the system as you stated which makes them not the Disney so many of us have been loyal to for years, decades, eons. It's just a sad deterioration of the way they have always made things special in the past.