What section to request at All Star Sports?


Active Member
I'll be staying there April 18-23!

I'm going to request the Surfs Up building because it's closest to Stadium Hall where the food court is and it's also close to a pool.
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It depends on what you are looking for really. If you want to be close to a pool, the main building, or to be in a quiet area, then you would request something different. The first time I stayed there I had just about the perfect location for me. It was a high floor room on the back side of the Surfs Up building. It was close to the main building, had a great view of Summit Plummet at Blizzard Beach and was quiet as it was on the car park side of the building.

Obviously you can't be too specific with requests, but if you decide what is the most important factor for you, there should be no probs as long as it isn't too busy.
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GTOKID said:
I would request to move to POP...ALL star is not very nice...

I'm not arguing with your opinion, but that doesn't say very much. Do you want to qualify your opinions and tell us why you don't like it? That might me be more helpful to somebody trying to decide where to stay.
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Active Member
GTOKID said:
I would request to move to POP...ALL star is not very nice...

Are there cockroaches under the beds and slimey black goo coming out of the faucets?

Then please don't knock other people's choices.

I'm excited about staying at All-Star Sports next month. I'm not expecting crystal chandeliers and a golden toilet. I'm going to Disney World for my son, and he just thinks a sports themed hotel is the coolest thing. That, and as long as it has a bed and bathroom, is all I care about.

I just don't think that was a very nice post you made. Besides not answering the person's question, you just made them, and me, feel bad.

Thank you.
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New Member
We stayed last Nov. in the tennis section. We found it a little quieter than some of the others, and it's still pretty close to the pool and food court. The All-Stars were fine for our stay. Of course we like to stay at moderates too, but sometimes the budget dictates other wise. :animwink:
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New Member
I stayed in AS Sports 2 yrs ago and liked it very much. We stayed in the back, at the baseball area. The walk to and from the main building isnt bad if you dont have little ones. The laundry room was very nice compared to what I have seen in Deluxe resorts. The pools were nice and we had no problems there. My cousin and I came to the conclusion that there are Disney people hiding in the bushes at night and releasing animals. We saw an armidillo, and alot of rabbits and something which looked like Chip and Dale! It was cool.

I dont have anything bad to say about AS Sports. Have fun!
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