What is your LEAST favorite Disney Resort?

Mia's Daddy

New Member
I personally will NEVER go back to Coronado Springs. I know I tick a lot of people off when I say this, but I absolutely hate that resort. It is too big ( I know it is for conventions). I do not like the food court. And SOME of the castmembers who worked there were soooo rude. And I can go on and on and on, but I want to know what you guys think. So what resort do ya hate?


New Member
Originally posted by disneyisbest
Well If I had to pick one I guess it would be the Grand Floridian. Not that I dislike the resort itself. It just seems to attract a lot of snobbish people.

I have to agree with you. There is nothing wrong with it, it's just too much for me. I get uncomfortable when I go there. I feel like I souldn't be there,like I'm out of place:lookaroun
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New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
You've got a great chance of walking farther at Pop than you do at Movies. Music's going to have the longest walk, Sports somewhere in between if you get Baseball or Tennis.

Yes sir! Getting stuck in "the boot" at AS Music can be a loooong walk! :lol:
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Just a quick recommendation for people complaining about walking too far at the All Star Resorts.

If you're walking too far to the left at All Star Music, get off at the All Star Movie bus stop and head right.

If you're walking too far right at the Music, get off at Sports and head left.

If you're walking too far to the left at Sports, get off at Music and head right.

If you're walking too far to the right at All Star Movies, get off at Music, and walk to the left.

If you're walking too far to the right at Sports or too the left at Movies, you're out of luck!
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Well-Known Member
Saratoga Springs BY FAR is my least favorite.

Followed by Grand Floridian. Especially the pictures of the technicolor rabbit and monkey on the wall...
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New Member
I know that this will be a very unpopular answer but I had the worst stay ever at POR, and would definately not return. The resort itself was lovely but the condition of the room was poor with broken furniture and light fixtures, dirty bedlinens, and mold and mildew all over the bathroom.
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I'll go with Coronado Springs.

At first, when I got there, I thought it was really nice.

Until CM's were using the room next door to watch a basketball game and being VERY loud. Then my S.O. got treated rudely and practically accused of lying from a very rude manager in the food court.

I did like the place but that happened at the beginning of the trip and really made the whole reseort feel yucky afterwards. Bad taste in mouth from that place.
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Active Member
I feel Coronado was the worst Disney Resort I have ever stayed in. I was disappointed in the fact that I expected the Disney experience, but it simply was not there. It was like any other hotel, similar to a glorified La Quinta on the side of a highway. The people at the food court were rude and the layout was bad. The themed scenery was limited and the rooms were small.

I love the Wilderness Lodge, but I hated having to share the buses with Fort Wilderness for as much as we paid for those rooms. We waited over 45 minutes for a bus to Magic Kingdom. Finally, another park's bus driver got out and physically telephoned for a bus to come to Wilderness Lodge. That was bad!

I don't have one single complaint about POR. Everything has been perfect everytime we have stayed.
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New Member
I'll change things up here & say the Contemporary. I know it's a classic, but the theme (or lack thereof) does nothing for me. Too sterile I guess. It's also quite noisy, and the food court is small & rather dirty.

I'm amazed so many people dislike Coronado Springs. True, it's not as whimsical as some of the other resorts, but it's beautifully landscaped & the food court is quite good. I find CS quite relaxing & particularly enchanting at night.

To each their own!
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New Member
Wow i'm totally surprised!

My parents absolutely LOVE the Coronado and the Wilderness Lodge Resorts. We're actually going back and we had a choice between Caribbean and Coronado and I booked Caribbean for my parents, my sister and I. Something about the Coronado gives me weird vibes despite the fact that i've never stayed there before.

Anyway, my least favorite resort has to be Port Orleans Riverside. We just stayed there last month and I didn't like it at all. There wasn't a good selection of food in the morning, you paid $2 for a urine-sample-sized cup of fruit which was all ripe, the staff just didn't seem to care you were there, the ice cream guy tried to make a pass at me, and the whole layout of the hotel was confusing. Plus, our room was very dark in the morning and throughout the day so I would wake up not knowing what the weather was like. Don't say "Well you could have opened the blinds" because we couldn't due to the fact that every 2 minutes guests would be walking by, so with me getting out of the shower I think you can imagine what kind of a peep-show that would be. We couldn't get any reception in the room, so we were either forced to walk out of our rooms constantly and TRY to get reception out there (Which wasn't much better but still OK for making short calls) or stay in the room and pay the fees for calling long-distance family members.

I can't wait to go back to my Caribbean Beach :)
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New Member
Originally posted by WDWKat26
Anyway, my least favorite resort has to be Port Orleans Riverside. We just stayed there last month and I didn't like it at all. There wasn't a good selection of food in the morning, you paid $2 for a urine-sample-sized cup of fruit which was all ripe, the staff just didn't seem to care you were there, the ice cream guy tried to make a pass at me, and the whole layout of the hotel was confusing.We couldn't get any reception in the room, so we were either forced to walk out of our rooms constantly and TRY to get reception out there (Which wasn't much better but still OK for making short calls) or stay in the room and pay the fees for calling long-distance family members.

Did you eat in the foodcourt or Boatwrites. If you eat at Boatwrites you get more of a selection.

I have always found the cast members there to be very nice and helpful.

And if you're in Disney World to have fun and get away from the real world, why are you making cell phone calls?

Long Live Port Orleans-Riverside(I liked the name Dixie Landings better:lookaroun)
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Well-Known Member
I would have to disagree with most of you when i say coronodo is my favorite i have had rude cm's there and i have had the long walk but overall it has been my favorite bcause the wait for busses was only like 10 minutes at the longest every time i have been there so far it has been 5 times there. My least would be wilderness lodge because the long wait for the busses

dishonorable mention for POR Riverside because our room was GROSS

the air conditioner had mildew caked on the vents, we didnt notice till halfway through the trip and explains why our allergies were killing us all trip, the only time i have ever had an allergy attack in florida.

By the way continue coronado bashing because i would rather have the resort empty anyway even better for me.
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Well-Known Member
I am surprized at the dissing of CS, but having just stayed there for the first time, I experienced the pros and cons.

Yes, the lay out is HUGE, but no one has mentioned the CMs whizzing around on the golf carts. One nearly ran my mom down, then he didn't even stop or look back, never mind apologize!:brick: Nabbing a good location is key at CS. We begged our way into Cabanas 9b, which is closest to bus stop 1, the main pool, and the food court. We also experienced rude CMs at the food court.

I selected CS since I was going to WDW with my mom and CS was reported to have the fewest number of children staying as guests. My mom had just had surgery and needed peace and quiet, so after getting the good location, it was OK. Again, I was going for a little less 'in your face' Disney experience, for my mom, so CS fit the bill.

As for the All-Stars - I would NEVER stay at Sports unless extremely desparate. Sports books large groups of teens, in conjunction with competitions at the WWoS complex. I don't blame WDW, this is a great combination for the teens & Disney, but other guest beware! The teen agers hang out at the pool late at night & are very loud everywhere they go. They also push their way onto the bus without waiting in line & are generally not pleasant to be around.

At my last stay at Music, with my family, in Nov 2003 - we had several disappointments. First, even tho we were staying a total of 8 nights (5 @ Music and 3 & Movies) we were assigned Rock, which is quite a hike to the main hall (food court, busses). When I asked why we had such a remote location even tho I'd booked our stay 5 mo in advance, the CM told me that they assign the bldgs based on your length of stay. So, guest staying the longest, get the closest bldgs. This made me mad, since we were paying for 8 nights, just breaking it up between 2 resorts. We asked to be moved the next day and were (to Jazz).

However, we weren't moved soon enough! During our first night, a fight broke out in the room next to ours at 2:30 AM and went on for forever. I called the front desk and they had security there in less than 5 min. Then around 4:00 AM, 2 guys, mid-20s, tried to get into our room and the room on the other side of us (not the fighters, but the other direction). They were drunk and lost. So I called security AGAIN and asked them to help the 2 guys find their room.

I went to GR the next morning and they said they'd move us to Jazz and call over to Movies & make sure I got what I wanted (Buzz) when we moved. There was no problem at check-in at Movies and we did get Buzz, so it worked out in the end, but all things considered, I'll take a moderate over a value. Having said that, we're going to stay at PC in Oct, just to check it out. :wave:
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Well, I haven't stayed at many. But I can say that I loved POFQ. The only thing I'd change about it is the overdone Mardi Gras decor. I thought it could have been toned down a bit. But other than that, it was nice.
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New Member
Originally posted by WDW1971
The only thing I'd change about it is the overdone Mardi Gras decor. I thought it could have been toned down a bit.

<img src="">


Heh, my previous trip, earlier this month, included my first stay at POFQ. I loved the resort; it exceeded my expectations -- however, it's probably my least favorite. My first choice was actually the much-maligned Coronado Springs, which is my favorite among the moderate resorts. It's the newest, and while the rooms are incredibly boring, the exterior is more detailed than many of the deluxe resorts. The variety at Coronado Springs' food court was impressive. Perhaps the transportation and facilities there aren't readily accessible for some, but this doesn't apply to me, as I always bring my vehicle to Walt Disney World.
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I've only stayed at All-Star Music, All-Star Sports, and Pop Century. Since they are the cheapest on property I don't expect much, but of the three, my least favorite would be All-Star Music simply because it seems to be serviced the last going to and from the parks on the All-Star Bus route last time I was there. And from your posts it doesn't sound like that has changed too much. Pop Century greatly improved upon this since it was the only one on its route. Plus, the layout seems to make more of an effort to have as many buildings as possible close to the bus stops.

I also wanted to respond to the post about what building they assign you to. From my experience, it always seemed kind of random if you get a close building. I always thought that was the result of it being based on if a room was available at that time you check in rather than it being previously assigned (which is how it should be done if it isn't already, in my humble opinon). I've tried making special requests for a close building for past reservations and one time it worked and another time it didn't. And then a previous post said a CM says it's based on length of stay. Does anyone have any tips to ensure a room in a close building or how room assignments are actually done at Disney resorts? It seems like one just has to be persistent and be there at the right time when one opens up.

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Well-Known Member
There is not any one particular resort that I don't care for, BUT I do hate the All Star resorts when they are filled to capacity with cheerleaders. I'm not picking on the cheerleaders - I have 12 yr on myself. I actually try to find out in advance which competitions are being held at the time we are going down and try to avoid where they are staying. Teenaged cheerleaders are loud, rude & obnoxious. Other than that I like the All Star - all I'm looking for in December is a hot shower and a comfy bed!

Cheerleaders are not the only one....we were staying at POR last year along w/ two 10 & under pop warner football teams and those boys were terribly behaved (loaded up w/ food in the food court and walked out without paying, etc.).
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Diane Hughess

New Member
My least favorite was All Stars Sports..It was like a Motel 6, and the food court was overpriced and tasteless..If I couldn't stay at Port Orleans Riverside or AKL, I would definately stay off site in a "suite'-like hotel--seperate room for the kiddies, rather than listening to everyone in the room snoring while I lay awake!!
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New Member
If you hate groups, especially cheerleaders, don't ever stay at the All-Stars.

Year round, all three themes get groups. Right now, it's mostly smaller groups such as bands/choirs that are performing for Magic Music Days in the parks.

Major group season is from November to April. That's the cheer/dance competitions and the ones with 800-1000 rooms per theme for those groups alone.

Groups are put into Tennis, Basketball, and Baseball, rarely Football. Never into Surf's Up. They are put into Rock, Country, and Broadway, maybe every now and then a few rooms in Jazz, but never Calypso. Groups are put into Mighty Ducks and Love Bug, sometimes Dalmatians and Toy Story, but never Fantasia.

As far as assigning rooms, most resorts won't do it except on weekends for FL residents and if you request certain buildings/floors/area/etc.

All-Stars are different. Because of the sheer number of rooms and amount of groups there at one time, most rooms are pre-blocked. I HATE IT. It's not fun working, telling someone we can't get them into a specific building.
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