What is the weather really like? (late sept)

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Quite a bit like summer, maybe a little more mild and we've experienced less rain than trips in spring and summer. Only "bummer" of late September is shorter park hours and less daylight. Have a great vacation! We are there Sept. 19 - 26.
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New Member
Rain is always a possibility--especially in the unhappy event of a hurricane nearby. A few years ago, we only got rained on twice during our 12-day Sept trip. One time was during MNSSHP--it poured for a WHILE. So much, in fact, that Disney made everyone's MNSSHP tickets good for an MK visit at a later date. The other time was just more of a mid-day thunderstorm that lasted 30 mins to an hour. I don't remember the humidity specifically, but the fact that it rained meant that it must have been pretty humid for at least a couple of days...

Being from Texas, 80-90 degree weather with humidity is not really a issue--especially with all the air conditioning at WDW--but I think it is pretty warm and humid. We also went to the water parks, and it was never too cold to go to the water park...

You can look at various websites (like weather.com) to see things like average highs/lows, days with rain, etc..

The main thing I can say is that I don't remember my kids (4,6,8 at the time) COMPLAINING about the weather (and it doesn't take much--trust me). So, this makes me think that--while it was warm--the heat must not have felt oppressive, as it often does here in the summer time.
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Well-Known Member
Yes it is STILL hot in September. Sadly, things don't tend to cool down for us until late October/early November. (We sorta skip over the whole "autumn" thing down here.)

September is also peak hurricane season so there's a good chance of rain and storms in general.
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Well-Known Member
We went for the first time in September last year for "Food and Wine" (which is great!) :slurp: Now I can tell you that the heat and humidity didn't bother me that much but the rest of the family, (hubby especially) said never again, that time of year!
I made sure we stayed well hydrated with lots of water and always in and out of A/C areas. :cool: The only day I was uncomfortable was when we went to Animal Kingdom, didn't seem to be any breeze there at all.
You'll have a great time just don't get a sunburn!!! :mad:
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New Member
We went for the first time in September last year for "Food and Wine" (which is great!) :slurp: Now I can tell you that the heat and humidity didn't bother me that much but the rest of the family, (hubby especially) said never again, that time of year!
I made sure we stayed well hydrated with lots of water and always in and out of A/C areas. :cool: The only day I was uncomfortable was when we went to Animal Kingdom, didn't seem to be any breeze there at all.
You'll have a great time just don't get a sunburn!!! :mad:

I'll agree with you on two things here:
1) Animal Kingdom seems like the HOTTEST park. Maybe it's airflow (not much breeze); maybe it's because there are less indoor attractions than a place like MK, maybe it's the long stretches of nothing... whatever it is, it seems hotter than the other parks...
2) Sunscreen is your friend. Our daily ritual at WDW started with putting sunscreen on everyone. AND there's a bonus: later, when you smell the sunscreen, you'll think of WDW.
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