What is the most embarising thing that has ever happended to you at WDW?

Speedo Bob

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Do you guys remember the one time when I was at the World during my 40th birthday, it was the trip my parents suprised me with from the Birthday Fairy.Any ways I have posted about this trip in another thread before. To make a long story short I was feeling very blue because I had reached mid life and I had not accomblished all that I had wanted to and I really felt like an extreme loser.Well anyways I was feeling really down b4 the trip and I had lost like 25ibs because I was not eating my usually 20,000 caleries a day diet.

When I went to the World on that trip I wanted to do every recreational activity avalible. So when I read about being able to Parasail on Bay Lake at the Contemporary I was all game.Anyways I got all signed up and I actually did it. I really enjoyed it tremendously but there was only one little glitch when I was doing it. Remember how I lost 25ibs, well my Speedo was very very loose on me, and a big gust of wind went through and low and behold my Speedo came right off in the air. It is likely still some where at the bottom of Bay Lake as we speak. I was actually Parasailing up in the air with nothing on the bottom, I must admit it was a good feeling but I was very embarased when I came down and had to get on the boat.The Cast Members were very professional about it and did not even crack a single smirk.

Any how what is the most embarrsing thing that has happend to you at WDW?


New Member
My first trip in 1989, I was about 11. I was walking through the parks and I was wearing white shorts. Well, in the middle of Main Street in MK, my mom grabbed me and pulled me into a store... we needed to buy new shorts for me because, well, guys wouldn't be too interested in this story... but let me tell you, at 11 (or any age even!) that is REALLY EMBARRASSING!!!

Speedo Bob

New Member
Original Poster
Come on I know it is embarrising to share all of these experinces but I would to hear some more. wsapooh you must have a good story to share.


New Member
Ripped my pants getting into Space Mountain. Not a small tear. I'm talking "stem to stern" rip in the back. Almost turned them into a kilt. It was a bad combination of being a big guy, old shorts with thin material and the angle of sitting in the "tight" space.

Thankfully, it was at the end of an E ride night so it was dark, park lights were low and not lots of people around. I had "clean" underwear on and it was possible to "tuck and cover" to hide the tear. Leaving the park, I made my kids walk behind me to provide cover.

If it had happened during the day, I shudder to think how bad it would have been. Thank God for small favors.:p


Well-Known Member
After a long day in the parks, I headed to MouseGears at EPCOT to do some last minute shopping. If you've been to MouseGears, you know there are places throughout the shop where periodically noises or character voices come out of hidden speekers around the shop. While walking past a door that said "Dressing Room", I heard a high pitched squeeky voice comming out of a door which I figured was one of these speekers. I was having trouble hearing it so I leaned closer to listen. Only Disney would think of having a fake dressing room in a gift shop! What theming! Then the nob on the door began to turn and I relized that it really was a dressing room. Quickly, I ran away quickly and did not stop until I reached the other side of the store. :eek:


New Member
Once when we were headed towards the front gates of the MGM Studio's it was nighttime and I almost ran smack dab into a curb. My mother yelled at me to watch out! Another time we were at Epcot in the UK showcase just finishing watching Illuminations, after it was over I turned my chair around and almost ran off the curb...luckily my friends and family yelled at me to stop. I could've been hurt. I was in such a state of awe at the time from just being there!!! :lol:


New Member
This is not my most embarrasing moment, but it is a much better story.

Last year, my band went to Orlando for a competition. We had to leave the parks early one day because our jazz band had to perform, and our drum major was going to sing a solo. While exiting MGM Studios, she ran into one of the blue light posts out side the park. The whole time before our performance, she had an ice bag on her forehead, but nevertheless, she did win best soloists.


New Member
Originally posted by kellydisney
My first trip in 1989, I was about 11. I was walking through the parks and I was wearing white shorts. Well, in the middle of Main Street in MK, my mom grabbed me and pulled me into a store... we needed to buy new shorts for me because, well, guys wouldn't be too interested in this story... but let me tell you, at 11 (or any age even!) that is REALLY EMBARRASSING!!!

Hey Kelly I was in Disney World in 1989 as well and I was 11 too!!! Do you remember what month you were there? :)


Well-Known Member
Great stories you guys! I don't really have any that are that embarassing because I'm not able to go that often but I love reading your screw ups! lol!:lol:


New Member
Originally posted by cuteypatooty78
Hey Kelly I was in Disney World in 1989 as well and I was 11 too!!! Do you remember what month you were there? :)

She may not remember the exact month, but she does remember the time of the month! :D :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by kellydisney
My first trip in 1989, I was about 11. I was walking through the parks and I was wearing white shorts. Well, in the middle of Main Street in MK, my mom grabbed me and pulled me into a store... we needed to buy new shorts for me because, well, guys wouldn't be too interested in this story... but let me tell you, at 11 (or any age even!) that is REALLY EMBARRASSING!!!

oh man! that would be emarrassing!! :eek: :lookaroun


New Member
I wouldn't really call this embarrassing, but more funny. To some people it would be, but not to me. My friend, sister and I were at MK during the 1st week of June this year. It was pouring down rain. We were in Tomorrowland and racing to get on the TTA to get out of the rain. Well, I didn't notice until it was too late. The line for it was going a different way than where we were coming from. I had flip flops on so it was even more slippery. I tried to turn while running, but ended up slipping and falling instead. It was so funny. And the worse part, was that it was in front of a LOT of people. I slid, fell, got back up and kept running. Everyone was laughing. I guess it's one of those things you have to be there for it to be really funny :lol: :animwink:
My embarrassing moment was breaking a tourists camera. Two ladies asked me to take a picture of them. Well I did and when I handed the camera back, I thought the woman grabbed it and I let go too early. I don't think it was a digital camera or anything too expensive but yet it wasn't a throw away one. The lady picked it up and dusted it off and told me no problem. But I felt pretty embarrassed. I wonder if the pictures were developable:veryconfu


New Member
Ouch! did the camera break in pieces? :(

I was working with Guest Relations one morning by the Fountain of Nations in Epcot and I was filming a family by it, and when I was returning the video camera, I thought the father had grabbed it, and let it go, just like you did. Luckily for me, we both noticed and grabbed it again by the strap and it barely hit the floor. I think I lost my color, but the father laughed and made me feel better. Thank God, nothing happened. Wheeew! :)


New Member
I have to have the most embarrising thing EVER! My brother, who was only 14 at the time, decided to walk along the concrete ledge in EPCOT. You know, the really big thing in the front of the park. Anyway, he jumped off when he got to the end and it was higher than he expected and he fell down really hard. This wouldn't have been such a big deal except EPCOT was just closing and thousands of people stopped and laughed at him because everyone could see him.:lol: :lol: :lol:


On my honeymoon in '91 I rode Body Wars for the first time. I get motion sick and didn't realize how bad Body Wars would make me feel. Well I tried desperately to make it to a bathroom but tossed my cookies:hurl: right after getting off the ride in front of alot of people. I spent the rest of the afternoon in first aid. That is why I'm not going to be riding MS because I read that it makes you feel like Body Wars and with 3 kids now I can't spend an afternoon in first aid!

Don L Duck

New Member
Originally posted by Speedo Bob

When I went to the World on that trip I wanted to do every recreational activity avalible. So when I read about being able to Parasail on Bay Lake at the Contemporary I was all game.Anyways I got all signed up and I actually did it. I really enjoyed it tremendously but there was only one little glitch when I was doing it. Remember how I lost 25ibs, well my Speedo was very very loose on me, and a big gust of wind went through and low and behold my Speedo came right off in the air. It is likely still some where at the bottom of Bay Lake as we speak. I was actually Parasailing up in the air with nothing on the bottom, I must admit it was a good feeling but I was very embarased when I came down and had to get on the boat.The Cast Members were very professional about it and did not even crack a single smirk.

Oh My God that was you!
Well your speedo's did not land at the bottom of the lagoon.
I was on a boat with my fiancee and I was leaning down in the proposal position when I was about asked her to marry me,all of a sudden these huge speedo's hit me in the head.
Needless to say I was so ashamed and upset that I could not ask her and I never did marry her.
Thank's for nothing Bob you ruined my life.:cry:

Speedo Bob

New Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: What is the most embarising thing that has ever happended to you at WDW?

Originally posted by Don L Duck
Oh My God that was you!
Well your speedo's did not land at the bottom of the lagoon.
I was on a boat with my fiancee and I was leaning down in the proposal position when I was about asked her to marry me,all of a sudden these huge speedo's hit me in the head.
Needless to say I was so ashamed and upset that I could not ask her and I never did marry her.
Thank's for nothing Bob you ruined my life.:cry:

Don it can happen to the best of us. I am so sorry, but having you Speedo fly off in the air while your parasailing is not an uncommon thing.Anyways I was wondering if you still have that Speedo? it was one of my favorites,it is very hard to get a pink Speedo now a days especially in my size.

Don L Duck

New Member
Re: Re: Re: What is the most embarising thing that has ever happended to you at WDW?

Originally posted by Speedo Bob
Don it can happen to the best of us. I am so sorry, but having you Speedo fly off in the air while your parasailing is not an uncommon thing.Anyways I was wondering if you still have that Speedo? it was one of my favorites,it is very hard to get a pink Speedo now a days especially in my size.
As a matter of fact I do, I could never let go of the thing that ruined my life.
I keep it as a reminder of days gone by.
By the way it's not pink all over if you know what I mean.

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