What goes on in the Comedy Warehouse?

...and dont say "comedy", haha. Ok, when Im in WDW this thursday this will be the first time ill be old enough to enjoy PI and I'm a huge stand-up/improv comedy fan as well as a comedian myself. So i was wondering what exactly goes in this place. are there like nightly comedy shows? is it on going or starts at certain times? ive heard theres improv but is there stand-up? are there any open mics or anything? what are the best nights to go? any and all info would be most appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
Its a comedy troupe, they do some improv and skits, I don't believe there is open mic though, sadly. They are hilarious though, its a must see for a comedy lover.
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New Member
I've been there twice and it was improv both times. I don't think there is stand up there. Sometimes they do ask someone in the audience questions and then do a skit or song based on what they said. It is not ongoing, I think it's usually 4 or 5 times a night. You cannot stay in there and wait for the next show either. Everyone must leave and get back in line.
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Mission: SPACE

New Member
The Comedy Warehouse has a group of four or five cast who do various improv skits. They look for topics to perform the skits from from the audience.

No open mics, but Thursday nights are fun because it's Cast Member night... and almost all the stuff it tied in to the resort (especially working for the mouse).

Although it's not the funniest thing I've ever seen, it it pretty good... I think of it as a less funny version of 'Who's Line' with a Disney twist. I guess I shouldn't say it's less funny... it just depends which CMs are there that night.
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New Member
Mission: SPACE said:
The Comedy Warehouse has a group of four or five cast who do various improv skits. They look for topics to perform the skits from from the audience.

No open mics, but Thursday nights are fun because it's Cast Member night... and almost all the stuff it tied in to the resort (especially working for the mouse).

Although it's not the funniest thing I've ever seen, it it pretty good... I think of it as a less funny version of 'Who's Line' with a Disney twist. I guess I shouldn't say it's less funny... it just depends which CMs are there that night.
As with any live performance, everyone has "on" and "off" nights... But overall I find the Comedy Warehouse outrageously funny, and I always walk away with at least one funny one-liner that my friends and I laugh about all night.

It is pretty much "Whose Line" but a little more adult, while also a little more Disney if that is at all possible lol.
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New Member
CW is my favorite place on Disney property. They put on four shows Sunday-Wednesday (8:15, 9:15, 10:30, 12:00) and five shows Thurday-Saturday (8:15, 9:15, 10:30, 12:00, & 1:00) On busier nights you will need to arrive ATLEAST 15 minutes early to wait in line.

The cast revolves, but always consists of five actors. Every show is different, they put on skits and play games. Though there isn't an "open mike" they do ask for audience participation. ALL the shows are improv- there is no stand up. (Very much like Whose Line Is It Anyway?)

I tend to avoid Wednesdays and Thursdays.. it seems like they are "off" nights to me. Of course, the weekends are the best! If you have any questions you can PM me or hit my site below.
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Well-Known Member
We love the Comedy Warehouse. I can't wait to go back again in December. The last time we went, they took my information about a coworker with an annoying habit and had a field day with it. OMG, I was about to PMP because I was laughing so hard....the worst part is that what they thought they were making up as funny stuff was largely true of my coworker. :lol: If you have the chance to go, then please do, it's a hoot. Maggie
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New Member
TomorrowlandOps said:
If Brian Bradley is in the show that night, you're in for a real treat :)

Same for Philip Nolen, I love him! (little floaty hearts) One of the regular actors from AC will be making an appearance at CW this Thursday.. so that will be a rare treat.

Really they are all great.. but it is tough not to pick out favorites! :D
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New Member
Comedy Warehouse is hysterical!

We went for the first time this past July after many years of Disney vacations. We are now adding it to our list of "must do's" every vacation. All age appropriate. Very funny stuff.
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Original Poster
Woody13 said:
Say something funny.

say something funny? thats tough. if you were an accountant, i wouldnt go up to you and be like "count something" (thats not supposed to be funny, unless you think its funny, then it is funny)

umm.... so im irish, right? im not your typical "kiss-me-im-irish" kinda irish either.... things like lucky charms make me angry. everytime i see that little leprachaun im like "tsk... sellout...... you used to be about the luck, man, now youre just about the charms...." i mean how irish is a bowl of marshmellows floating in milk? if that was really irish, it would be chunks of potatos floating in whiskey!

there, thats a joke. i hope i didnt offend anyone, i just like making people laugh!
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New Member
CommandoDisney said:
say something funny? thats tough. if you were an accountant, i wouldnt go up to you and be like "count something" (thats not supposed to be funny, unless you think its funny, then it is funny)

umm.... so im irish, right? im not your typical "kiss-me-im-irish" kinda irish either.... things like lucky charms make me angry. everytime i see that little leprachaun im like "tsk... sellout...... you used to be about the luck, man, now youre just about the charms...." i mean how irish is a bowl of marshmellows floating in milk? if that was really irish, it would be chunks of potatos floating in whiskey!

there, thats a joke. i hope i didnt offend anyone, i just like making people laugh!
Very good!:sohappy: You are indeed a comedian! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
I see you've passed the test, ComandoDisney

i can't wait till i'm old enough to go there

how old do you need to be, 21?

nope its for all ages, I remember seeing one of the shows when I was about 6.
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New Member
LOL- I have seen strollers going into the 1am show! I do think you are supposed to be there w/ someone over 18.. but as long as you behave I think this rule is bent often.

The shows can get a little naughty later in the evening. I would think the 8:15 show is okay for all ages. Later in the evening the audience starts screaming out some dirty things!
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