WDW Orlando- A fifth park?


Well-Known Member
A cordless handset would mean that a caller could make you get up and do something. A corded phone gives you the excuse that you cant get up. IMHO it was smart thinking from guys at Lazy Boy.:lol:

And you can talk on your butt for HOURS without having to work about those pesky batteries running out...:)


O my no more 5th park talk! I know its geting old i hope one day but right now all the parks need updates MK Epcot DHS AK all need more things and over in Epcot DHS and AK thay need atractions!!! And also Epcot needs to rehab some of its rides!!!


Active Member
I HEARD a true rumor that Disney...and this is official, no lies about it, that Disney was going to make a 5th park based on, remember, no lies what-so-ever cause I heard this from a friend that heard it from their girlfriends ex-husbands cousin, that the 5th park will be based on natural environment. Just take a turn off the road next to the speedway where the little dirt road is. When you see nothing but trees you have arrived at the fifth park. It has such rides as, Pooh's Honey Bee Escape and Cliff Diving with Mufasa. Yes, the fifth park is already there, just don't get caught by security.

All of this is, of course, completely false and should not be taken seriously at all in no way what so ever. If you veer off the road at Disney I am not responsible and you never heard this from me! Have a magical day.


Well-Known Member
I HEARD a true rumor that Disney...and this is official, no lies about it, that Disney was going to make a 5th park based on, remember, no lies what-so-ever cause I heard this from a friend that heard it from their girlfriends ex-husbands cousin, that the 5th park will be based on natural environment. Just take a turn off the road next to the speedway where the little dirt road is. When you see nothing but trees you have arrived at the fifth park. It has such rides as, Pooh's Honey Bee Escape and Cliff Diving with Mufasa. Yes, the fifth park is already there, just don't get caught by security.

All of this is, of course, completely false and should not be taken seriously at all in no way what so ever. If you veer off the road at Disney I am not responsible and you never heard this from me! Have a magical day.

If you go that way you spelled Pooh wrong it shouls be Poo if you call the sewage plant a theme park. I must say it has a crappy theme. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What about a park with STRICTLY just roller coasters? It would attract an older crowd and probably lessen the lines a lot for majority of the rides at other parks.:shrug:


New Member
Will they finally run them through the swan and dolphin and the water parks?
Please no, unless sheraton (im pretty sure they are the owners) pays for it, until then, only disney opperated and OWNED hotels deserve a monerail. WL anyone, that will stop people from complaining about the transportation.
What about a park with STRICTLY just roller coasters? It would attract an older crowd and probably lessen the lines a lot for majority of the rides at other parks.:shrug:
2x, ive thought about this for a LONG time but your off on what you think would happen. It would attract the TEEN demograhic (and older coaster enthusists), demos that disney doesnt do a good job at catering too right now, and what 95% of universals audience is. The thing is, I want them to wait and NOT do it until I'm a seasoned imagineer and then I get the joe rohde dutys of building it, that way it's done right! (sorry folks no learning :()

Mainly I have to agree with the masses, they have a LOT of work they need to do on there existing parks before they can sit back, relax, and have 5th park talk float around. It takes a LOT of cheese to build a park, even in this day of age where everyone thinks cheep labor is right around the cornor, the bottomline is many people are un employed because unemployment from there old job pays more then the jobs that are offered. The ones flocking to jobs are for jobs that dont include that kind of manuel labor, ive never heard of the farmers having a over abundance of people working in the fields. I dont think steal is any cheeper, or artisans who dont have as many jobs as they once had. If anything a bad economy pushed prices up, unless out sourced (and then everyone is in a bidding war driving prices down), but disney likes to take care of there own bussiness (i do believe just from watching DAK stuff).


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Hello there, Mickey is King! Welcome to the forums! There's someone I'd like you to meet. His name is Mr. Search. http://forums.wdwmagic.com/search.php
Now you can find one of a dozen other 5th gate threads, so you won't need to start a new one!
Well, everyone, now that that's over with, howzabout we just let this thread die...


New Member
Sheesh, I'm new here and even I think this is like deja-vu all over again.

I'd like to take this opportunity to quote my favorite Robin Williams line from one of his stand-up routines...can't remember which one.

"Did you know that in the dictionary under redundant it says 'See redundant?'"

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