wdw in my eyes


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i had tons of ideas to new rides and other cool things that will improve wdw if i was its head (in my dreams..), i hav ideas of some attractions that i thought of and i want you to tell me what do you think, dint be shy to write that it is stupid or immpossible, i just want to open a disscution about my and your ideas.

if anyone has also ideas you can write it here, it will be interesting..

anyway, the attractions i thought of so far:

Toontown dreamers:
Description (short): get into yen-sids father new dreaming machine and get inside the dreams of the favorite toons.
But be ware of the heartless that are trying to create nightmares...

this will be a darek ride that will take place in toontown in the mk park, its like a dark ride where you will ride through the dreams of goofy,donald mickey and all those. in each caracter's dream you will see what he is dreaming about and then go into the dream, when in the last dream (mickey's) the heartless from kingdom heart will appear and then it will be like a fight between them and us as dream guardiuns, this is the main idea.

Cars, trip in radiator valley:
Description (short): get on red speedy or one of his friends and go to a nice drive in radiator valley, but be prepared for the big race in the end.

this will be a ride that will take place in epcot park, this will be a ride for teens and little kids and the cool idea is that you ride on a car that is actually an AA that will talk to you and all during the ride.
in the ride it will begin with a nice calm ride through radiators valley and your car will say stuff and throw jokes matching his personality (i mean that mator will be stupod, speedy will be cocky aect ect), and then it will become fast as the car enter the big race and than it will be a fast ride (but not as a roller coaster), this is the main idea.

Tooneriffic, starring mushu:
Description (short): join our host and the lovely little dragon mushu, as they together explain us how toons are made and what they are used for in this hilarious, out and in the screen experience, if you will get lucky, maybe we will do a toon scene about you.

this will be a show that will take place in disneys holywood(mgm) studios, and it will be about a host and the dragon mushu, they will explain together in a funny way about toons and they'r world.
this attraction will use the technology of cinemagic(disneyland-paris) as mushu will breath fire outside the screen, get his head out and stuff like that.
the idea is a really really funny show with some really cool effects to.

Tarzans jungle jumper:
Description (short): swing and slide along with Tarzan above the beautiful African view, and dive deep into the jungle in this extremely wild attraction.

this will be a roller coaster that will take place in disnyes ak park in africa theme land. the idea is a suspended roller coaster that will have two stages in the ride: the first is really high above the park, in this stage the visitors can see the view of all the park and then suddenly the coastee will dive into the deep jungle and this will be the really scary part off the ride as baboons are trying to catch you and kleiton is trying to shoot you and then you will go up to the sky and down to the jungle and more... this is the main idea.

thos eare ot all the attractions that i have in mind but if i will write more now it will be boring so i first want to hear what do you think about thise attractions and than i will write more ideas that i have.


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one of my big disadvantages is that i stink at art, i mean seriously i cant draw a thing, do you know any online drwaing lessons or somthing?
i promise that when i will be able to draw those concepts i will beacause i also really want to.

tommorow i will post more attractions that i thought of until then, if you know about a way that i can improve my drawing skills... well... you know...

Wannabe Walt

New Member
All of your ideas have potential, they just need work.
- The Toontown Dreamers is pretty cool -- but it would need a good amount of Kingdom Hearts to work, not just the Heartless. Many people have discussed rides, lands, and entire parks based on Kingdom Hearts in previous threads (try searching for them, they may be inspiring).

- The Cars ride also has great potential, just...not for Epcot. Or, if you really want Epcot, I need a good reason why. Sorry, I can't think of one. But, it would work in the Hollywood Studios (Pixar Place). I really like the idea of the cars having their own personality, however, if you're only using movie characters, that limits the number of ride-vehicles you could have due to the fact that there aren't a ton of recognizable characters (Lightning McQueen, Mater, and the Radiator Springs cars...thats basically it...oh, and the other popular race cars but I can't remember their names).

- Toonerific ... cool idea, why Mushu? He's a little humorous, yes, but is he a great achievment in animation in any way? Was he a milestone? I would recommend a more known, more "historically" important character to use for a host...not Mickey though. Goofy maybe?

- Tarzan Jungle Jumper... hmm.. where to start. The idea works...for Universal Studios or Six Flags- but not Animal Kingdom. The Africa land of AK is beautiful, so natural, realistic... if a Suspnded Roller Coaster was to soar high above, it would ruin the atmosphere--guests would hear screaming, chains, the roar of the coaster... it wouldn't work being open like that. Expedition Everest works--its in a natural environment and it follows a specific theme. The Tarzan coaster could be created (probably better for Adventureland at MK though) but it would have to be a low-lying coaster or an indoor coaster. I really do see potential in this idea, but I can't see a roller coaster towering 100 feet over Africa... it doesn't work for me.

Thanks for listening and thanks for letting me share my thoughts!!! :-)


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this all make sense...

in cars though i think that there are plenty of characters: lightining, sally, mater, luigi and his friend, the king, hod(he race car from the past), this green bus, the police car, chick.
i think this is a good veriaty of cars.

and for why choosing mushu?: because i want this show to have certain scenes that mushu is the best to make them happen, exampels: i want mushu to start breathing fire out the screen, and more.
also the personallity of mushu (and maby also timon when i think about it now) feets perfectly the type of host that i want for this attraction.

about tarzan: you are right now when i think about it but i love the idea of a really high coaster that dives down and i dont want to make it an indoor one is there any place better that can include this ride without me needing to change its concept?


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here are some more:

magic kingdom:

there will be added a whole new themed land named: night-mare land. (the name says all), and it will be open wuth one big e-ticket attracgtion and one smaller one, that will be:

the gray cemetary: this will be a big cemetary with a lot of tombstones that each and every one of them has a cool scary or funny suprise that pops out when you go near or touch it, it will be like a play area.
behind the big gray cemetary there will be standing a big mountain with black fog surronding it's top, this is the big and scary:

shadow mountain: this new e-ticket attraction is part a dark ride and part a mild roller coaster that takes you to a life risking race when you are being haunted by all disney villians.
example for a part: you enter slowly a dark place, and there are a lot of crabs trying to catch you, then you see on the ceeling two eels laughing(all is still dark in front), you see holes in the walls and then you hear ursula suddenly the front is lighted and you see big scary ursula laughing and scarying you, and then from the holes big black tentacales try to catch you and then it is getting fast and its start to be a roller coaster until you get into scar's room when it becomes a dark ride again...
that is the main idea, full details about this awsome ride will be given later in this thread.

epcot: two new cool things will be added:

1- in france: cruise de ratatoulle, it is kind pf combining heimlich's chew chew train (from california adventure) and it's a small world.
this ride is a dark cruise in paris and france as we follow the adventures of this brave dreamung rat ratatouille in a multi-sensory experience involving smell

2-stupid science pavillion: in this new cool pavillion there will be 2 things:
a- brainiac: science abuse on stage: this one of a kind t.v. show from england come to epcot in order to teach the public science in an... how to say... extraordinary way, as we join them in stupid but cool experiments.
b-pintless machine fun station: dont we all love those complicated machines that starts with a hammer that bangs a wheel that spins the chain that pulls the bow that shoots the arrow that hit the sizors that cut the rope that do nothing? of course we do!!
this is a place where there will be a lot of giant cool pointless machines and geusts can operate them and even build thier own stupid and pointless machines.

disneys holywood studios:
a new big ride will be added:
disney's special effects ultimate ride: this dark ride will take visitors in a trip through all kind of special effects and they will see how its done in the best most realistic ways with holograms, fire, light games and more.
this will be a really cool ride and in the end visitors enter a room where they can make theyr own special effects.

disneys animal kingdom theme park:

a new litle ride will be added: Pterosaur’s flight , in this ride we will board giant flying dinosaurs to a calm nice flight above dinoland.

also there will be a new themed land of australia with (for now) one attraction:
new guinea cruise, search for the heaven birds: in this marvelous cruise in a new guinea style river we will come face to face with all kinfd of beautiful birds that live there with all kind of other animals in our quest to find the mysterious so called "heaven birds".

what do you say?
i will continue tommorow with my ideas until then write to m your opinions and suggestions.


New Member
about the tarzan roller coaster, i do think that with proper location (and a magnetic, silent lift hill) the idea could work.. but it would be cool to have an indoor part, like an introduction in form of a dark ride
btw, i stink at art, too :p.. but i have posted some drawings in the past.. anyway, if youre looking to improve your drawing skills, practicing and classes (but not online, please) would help.. and believe, imagineers need to draw well!


New Member
shadow mountain sounds awesome.

i like the way you dont just just have an idea like, this indoor dark rollercoaster with disney villans. you go whole hog and state actual things that woud happen "2 eels laughing" .
this is hilarious, how i wish i could get up inside your mind!!

keep the ideas coming!!


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dont worry mickey i will, tommorow i will post new things, for now i will just give you guys the nakeas of the new rides and let you wonder:

-birth of nature: the new night show that will come to ak
-toontown todal makover with the concept: "everything is alive", including one new attraction added
-new area to disneys holywood studios(mgm), with one new big attraction about some worms.
-one new pavillion at epcot, that will be known as the: "energy pavillion"


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well you asked, this is going to be pretty long but try to read it all i invested a lot of time and thought:

shadow mountain:
Total ride description:
Queue: the guests will walk in a dark corridor with statues of Disney’s villains and they will hear screams and scary voices and laughs, the corridor will be shaped like a cave and there will be a lot of AA bats up on the ceiling.
The ride: first the vehicle will ride calmly in the cave and than it will gradually become dark, then the guests will ride slowly to the first room:
Clock room: in this room their will b tons of clocks covering every part of the room and the rabbit from Alice will stand scared in the far corner, in the middle their will be a big clock with evil face that will say: where are you hurrying? Huh huh huh.. You know you can’t escape.
And then we will go up in more speed and we will see in both sides black card-guardians and then we will get to the second room: evil queen room: their will be Alice’s evil queen standing and looking at us, she is surrounded by card guardians and the pink cat is above her looking at you with evil eyes, and then the queen shouts: take their heads off!!
Then the coaster will gain high speed and it will start to be a really fast ride during this fast ride we will be surprised by the fox and the cat from Pinocchio and then soldiers from the hun army will shoot arrows at us, then shun you will almost hit us with his big sword.
After this fast part the vehicle will slow down again and we will get to the third room: Ursula’s room: this room in start will be dark and we will see waves like we are under water, then we will see on the ceiling to eels laughing and then the lights in front off us will turn on and we will see a giant Ursula, she will say: welcome darlings.. Don’t be afraid.. I will not harm you.. I just need a little something from you.. huh huh huh.. and then she will start laughing really loud and tentacles will come out from holes in the walls and will be trying to reach us, then the vehicle will become really fast again.
In this fast part we will first be surprised and attacked by sharks and then we will go up and it will start to be a jungle (still going really fast) then we will encounter the snake from the jungle book and ride beneath him as he is trying to hypnotize us, then the vehicle will slow down again and we will get to the third room: scar’s room: this room will be designed with lava and brown rocks with hyenas standing everywhere and a lot of yellow eyes will look at us from the walls, and scar will stand on a low rock in the corner (like in the song), scar will say to us: ooo.. look what we got here.. little snacks.. huh huh.. kill them!!
And then the hyenas will start to laugh and try to ite us and then we will gain speed again and we will almost be bitten by scar before we blast out of the room.
In this fast part we will first be surprised and attacked by hyenas, and then the tiger from the jungle book will jump on us and then we will see kleiton from Tarzan and his hunters trying to shoot us and then a lot of evil baboons will try to reach us and then we will do a sharp turn aside and he vehicle will slow down again.. This is the next room:
Jaffahr`s room: in this room we will see jaffhar standing in a place designed like an aggrabah palace room, he will say: your mine children.. you are not going to see the light again!!.
Then it will become totally dark and then the lights will come out again and instead of a man we will see a giant cobra snake trying to strangle us, then we will gain speed again and blast out of there.
In this fast part a lot of like spells and lightings will try to hit us, and a big blue hologram of Hades will come to us, then everything will stop at once and we will go really slow to a corridor, we will only see and hear a little suing wheel (from the beauty), and then we will see a little green light that will lead us to the next room:
Maleficent`s room: in this room we will see a lot of maleficent`s soldiers and she will stand in the far middle and laugh at loud, and then she will look at us in a scary way and shout: die!!
She will shoot a green light at us from her wand and then we will gain speed again and blast out of there.
In this part of fast ride we will see a glimpse of light but then the witch from snow white will pop up and offer us an apple, we will do a sharp turn and then we will be surprised by ghosts and demons and then we will see light and pop out to a river with a lot of ghosts an demons in the sides the vehicle will slow down and we will go up slowly in the river when in the top we see smoke and lightings and in the top there is a really giant AA of the devil from the final piece in fantasia 1, we will go up slowly and then a glimpse of a second before we hit the giant devil we will have a big wet fall down to safety and this is also the end of the ride.

pretty long huh? what do yuo think?
well... this ride took a lot of time so i will post the new ideas tommorow, but until then what do yu think about my shadow moountain?


New Member
pretty cool, but i think you should let he end be the most impressive scene (or is it already?.. u know, like in splash mountain, where you build up the tension up until the big drop


New Member
shadow mountain sounds phoenominal!!!:sohappy:

Maybe it could be made into a kind of rollcoaster crossed with spiderman from IO. I think the ideas are very good and i would certainly ride it, but giving it another dimension like Spiderman would make it mindblowing!!

Like when there is water we could get splashed, or when there is he the room could warm up - i think 4th dimension is definatly the key!!

Keep the ideas coming!!:wave:


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good idea... 4-d i will make some changes

moreideas will come later today (or for you tommorow because of the hour differences)


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sorry for not respoding my computer had some problems... but iwm back with all bunch of new attractions:

magic kingdom:

toontown will get a todal makeover with the concept of: "everithing livers" and that means that this theme land will become a living thing, meaning that every street and path will be filled with AA that will make the atmosphere really fun and jolly.
ectually what i am saying is that every ordinary thing will become alive: the lights, some blocks and houses, the fountain, some tiles of the street and more like that.

near the attraction of stitch there will be added a place calls "jumbas laboritory" uin there there will be a lot of AA that are the other experiments that jumba was doing, in addition the visitors will have the chance to create their very own "forbidden experiment"

in adventureland a new e-ticket attraction will be constructed:
kim possible: and the temple of the evil monkey: this will be a ride similar to indiana jones in california but it will be about kim possible trying to stop the monkey man(who it's name i do not remember), from getting the monkey power.
the ride will feature traps and fire effects combined with thrills in a 4-d kind of way.

epcot: the ride of the dinosaurs "universe..." will become a part of the "energy pavvilion" and there will also be a new simulator un the energy pavvilion that will be called "the lightning generator" that take us: the space plummers to fix a star that generate lightnings and gives energy to the solar systems... but what happens if the lightnings get out of control?

disnyey's holywood studios: there will be an all new themed land called:
"battlefield studios" this land will focus on war, battles and scuience fiction and a grand new e-ticket attraction will be open:
"worms 4-d" this 4-d theatre take us into the heat of battle as we join first the training camp and then observe a great old fashiond "worms" battle in 4-d with all the staff that we like such as the concrate donkey that will almost hit us, the guided pinguein missile, the mad cow and more.
this attraction will set new standards for the thing that is called: "4-d".

also in mickeys studios (or whatever this land is called) a new really cool attraction (that i personally find really really cool) will be also open:
"golfball earth": this is a ride that is ectually a parody of the epcot ride: "spaceship earth": in here, our lovely timon and pumba will take us through time and space as we see hear and feel history as the lovely two explains us everything from they'r own point of view
for example: in the egyptian scene the temple will feature a giant statue of pumba and timon will dance like cliopatra and will try on juwels.
this is one of my favourites attraction yet... so what do you think?

animal kingdom: first and at last, the new awsome night show called :birth of nature" will be playing.
the new show will tell the story of the final peace in fantasia 2000 as we see the stiry of the nature maid as she create nature everywhere until the evil firebird destroys her efforts, but the moose come sto her help and then she grows trees and flowers like never before.
all of this will be featured with great fireworks and effect as you are going to see a firebird bigger,hotter, and scaryier than ever.

also a new attraction will be added in rafikis planet watch:
"star theatre": we will enter the dark theatre when we see nothing but stars, and then rafiki will tell us by the stars the story of africa and the wildlife in there.

and thats all for now but as scar said: "be preapared" because soon a new fifth gate will be opened in wdw.
this is not disney sea! this is a whole new park that i thought of(can you guess what it will be?)

until than what do yuo think about the attraction that i wrote here?


New Member
all the rides-shows look pretty cool, but i dont know if the kimpossible ride would pull that much of a crowd in the male-teen audience, but its a good idea.. im excited to hear about your 5th gate (disneys earth??)


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what do you mean by disney earth? anyway... no this is not this... anyway tommorow or maby the next day the fifth gate will be released

Wannabe Walt

New Member
Once again, I'd like to share some constructive criticism :-)

Living Toontown: I love this idea. WDW's Toontown is so boring the way it is -- somewhat cheap looking too. I think the living things would really make the place a more popular land. Pretty much the only reason people go there is to meet the characters, but with the addition of living streets, lights, mailboxes, etc... and possibly a new ride and/or show, I think Toontown could really be a hot spot.

Jumbas Laboratory: Good idea, but from what you posted it sounds like a museum more than anything. The idea of letting guests create a virtual forbidden experiment is an awesome idea, especially if it could be like the Create A Toy in Disney Quest! However, instead of makeing it a whole new addition, why not just refurbish Mickey's Star Traders (I beleve this is what SGE exits into right? Or is it Merchants of Venus?) Either way, revamp it to include a wall of forbidden experiments then a little section where guests can create their own!

Kim Possible: Um... probably not such a good idea. KP really only appeals to young girls. She's animated, thus--guys are not attracted to her. However, Indiana Jones goes over well because guys like the adventure/action and girls think he's hot! haha... KP though...not so much, sorry. It is a good idea, but try to revamp it into Indiana Jones or find another character. KP is also going out of style and Hannah Montana moves in.

Lightning Generator: Another simulator in Epcot? Hmm... in order for this to pass, it has to be as good or better than Mission: Space, which is one heck of a hard thing to beat! Also, explain this ride a little more, I'm not sure we get the whole idea.

Battlefield Studios: Cool idea, but not for Disney. Disney doesn't really do a whole lot of war scenes. Science fiction? Yes... Battle? Not modern battle atleast. However, the science fiction stuff seems to generally fit at Epcot and/or Tomorrowland (if you could give it a Discoverland sort of theme).

Worms 4D: What is a "great old fashioned 'Worms' battle"?

Golfball Earth: No no no... Spaceship Earth is a respected Icon and ride. No one, especially Disney, should make a ride to mock it. I understand that guests, daily, call it the Golfball instead of SE, but still... a ride at the Studios with Timon and Pumbaa mocking SE is not such a great idea, sorry. However, a ride of Timon and Pumbaa telling history through their ideas could work, just be sure it is historical-fiction, not SE-style, and not SE-looking!

Birth of Nature: Animal Kingdom NEEDS a nighttime show, and we all know it can't have Fireworks. However, it could have Pyrotechnics (as long as the animals can't hear or see them!) Fountains could also play a big role. I have never seen Fantasia 2000 to comment on the selection of the theme, but I can say that I have read many good ideas for nightshows based on creation or mother nature in general. Many of them are abstract themed, kind of like the Lion King on Broadway puppetry. I do like the idea of using the Firebird Suite with a "real" blazzing firebird though... That would be pretty cool.

Star Theater: Give it a new name, do more than JUST Africa, and try to use more than just Stars. Possibly use real video projections to throw guests into space, looking back at Earth...oh what a beautiful view. And in IMAX this would be amazing! Fiber optics would also be good to use for the stars...unless they end up looking like the Fiber Optic stars in IASW (barf).

If any of my comments sound rude, I'm sorry :-) I don't mean for them to. You asked for constructive critisism , so I am gladly giving it to you.

Thanks for reading!

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