Video Taken from Today


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*free as in iMovie, comes bundled on the computer. Not available for PC's. Sorry.

Digital 8...hi 8? or just 8? I guess this thread is drifting, "looking forward to your video coverage!!".


Well-Known Member
No, digital 8. Sony makes them, Digital 8mm. Ill get it done eventually. maybe work on it today. Either that or hit DAK with a teh video camera....


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Oh gosh, that might look nasty...all those trees.

Didn't they close it also though to keep the animals calm? I mean, humans go crazy enough loot after a hurricane, I wonder what animals would do?


New Member
Good job and a quick turn around.
I am a digital editor by trade (mostly DVD and broadcast stuff - DRTV) and I would love to spend some time doing stuff like that. At work I have 3 full Matrox Digi-Suite systems (PC) with Speed Razor and 2 DVD authoring systems (one also has Premier on it) and over a terabyte of storage space but never seem to find time for my own projects. I have 6 mini-DV tapes with footage from Disneyland Paris that I want to make a fully interactive DVD with, but I have yet to find the time do so and I went in 2001. The only project I seem to have time for is adding lightsaber effects (in After Effects) to my son’s birthday party footage form 2000.
Anyway I just wanted to say nice job.

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Good ol' lightsaber effects. That's fun. I really like that you've got all this good gear. It must have taken a lot of time to learn all that stuff! I'm slow when it comes to instructions.

I made a DVD (free iDVD software with my powerbook) once for an anniversary trip in January. It turned out o.k. because my splash screen was ripped from promotional material from Disney. Ha! A lot of the work was done on the flight back.

Mac's make it easy I think to pull stuff together, but when it comes to fine details and refinement, I haven't found them to be so hot. Oh well, pros and cons for everything.

I think I put that DVD together in about 6 hours. That included writing the music in GarageBand, making a recap movie like the one seen here, putting in several photo slides and a small collection of videos and burning it.


New Member
6 hours?!?!?!

It takes us, with two people working on it, about two weeks to create a DVD.
We spend most of our time creating motion menus and transitional clips, then runing trials to be sure everything lines up just right and all the clips flow seamlessly.
My producer sometimes gets on me for this but I will spend a whole day just mapping out the clips and links on a big dry erase board so that we know what we are getting into before we start, naturally when we get into production we find that the budget never fits all that I have tried to throw into the DVD and we end up scrapping ideas and re-mapping the DVD.

We are 100% PC but to do a DVD in 6 hours we should consider going Mac. Heck we spend a half hour just doing the math so that we know what data rate to encode the clips at, or at least what to limit the variable-bit-rate to.


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Yah, that's the issue with PC's...its great for technically oriented work but I think when it comes to creative work, MAC's make it easier to be creative, and let's face it, its the creative things that sell (can anyone say Disney?)

Granted, I was using their free software, so its very limited in terms of what you can present (i.e. 'themes'). But it sure gets the job done if you want it quick. Maybe buy an imac (wait till September, new ones coming out) and fiddle with it (iLife application suite). I didn't have to worry about any sort of data rate issues. All my pictures imported automatically into iPhoto from my camera, my music I created in Garageband was imported into iTunes, my video I just imported (one click) into iMovie (that was the most work) then in about an hour with iDVD, just cut and paste and burned it. When you have iDVD open, you have access to all your music and photos, so photo albums are easy, choosing videos is easy... Very simple, takes the details out. But note: Apple products are uncooperative. You have to sort of stick with them to make it work, and that can be frustrating.

If there is a local Apple store near you...(there's one in Boca) they have presentations that preview their applications (your site says you guys are 561 area code right?).

Their professional line is of interest to me, although I don't know what I'm doing when I look at it. A little too technical, you'll probably pick it up in a second because you know editing. Maybe down the road, for more serious hobby stuff I'll commit to learning their pro applications.

Its great with DV now and computers that editing systems are really coming down in price. Can't wait till real HD cameras come down in price (JVC's HD DV stuff is a start). I might have serious fun then! "Expedition Everest Opening; the motion picture event" lol


New Member

Nice little movie. Disney walked away with just a few miner scrapes, could have been much worse.


I am just getting into Video editing and Digital photography. It will only be a hobby for me because I love doing stuff like that and don't like to worry about deadlines or it being perfect and such. I am currently using:

Athlon 64 3200+
1gig ram
120gig hard drive
ATI All-in-wonder 9600 video card
Canon I960 Photo Printer
Optorite 12x dual layer multiformat DVD writer

My camcorder I got a few years ago before DV came down in price. It's a Canon ES8400V which I use the ATI All-in-wonder card to feed the video into the computer.

I plan on getting a Canon Powershot A75 soon.

Currently I use Pinnacle Studio 8 which came with my ATI card. It's decent and have no problems basic editing and adding effects but it seems too limited especially when dealing with sound and stuff. I got a copy of Ulead Videostudio 8 but I am having trouble spliceing the video. I also have a copy of Premier but that seems way to advanced for my needs at the present time. Looking for something thats easy to use and is a liitle more powerfull then a basic editor. Videostudio seems good if I can get the video to splice. Those of you professional on the board what do you think. you can IM me useing AOL IM my ID is shermatron.

On another note, From what I have been reading Apple is no longer the Best for video. Alot of companies are going for multiple AMD Opteron processors with Linux 64bit and hopefully windows 64bit 2003 server. for all those intrested check out this article:


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Looks like Boswell is a little out of the Cupertino loop. This spring U of V with over a thousand Macs created the world's 4th fastest supercomputer at a fraction of the cost. Presently, they are off the charts because they are redoing their supercomputer with Apple's new servers (1u). Right now the U.S. Military is even getting in on things and is using Mac Servers which have been out for over a year. Its a really ignorant article when it comes to Macs.

Folks might look to PC chipmakers like Athelon for 64 bit tech, but when it comes to cost and ease of use Macs, beat them out of the gate.

That article is so weird...I mean Xserve has been out for well over a year now (or is it two?). And the benchmark section is comparing a desktop computer to a server! The guy just didn't use macs, that's o.k. but the reporter could have done his job and called into question Boswell's awareness of Apple's server and storage technology.

Furthermore, Lucasfilm or any LucasArts affiliate is the last person you should look on an objective report about computing technology. Years ago Steve Jobs bought Pixar from LucasFilm, and under Job's leadership...look where the company went. Steve also happens to make computers...called Macs...go you think there is an unmentioned reason why MR. Boswell isn't using apple?


New Member
paulcmartens said:
Years ago Steve Jobs bought Pixar from LucasFilm, and under Job's leadership...look where the company went. Steve also happens to make computers...called Macs...go you think there is an unmentioned reason why MR. Boswell isn't using apple?
Pixar doesn't use Mac's!:kiss:


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
Pixar doesn't use Mac's!:kiss:

if this is a fact i never knew it, and i love it. Macs are so overrate for media applications. They were top dog back in the day but its a different world


Active Member
Actually Pixar has been using Macs since the iMacs came in Colors, Uncle Steve make sure that on the new building (the one featured in Monsters) the workflow was with Macs, The Animation in Silicon Graphics and the Render in Sun Sparks.

For Digital layout, Photoshop and Sound everithing like that is in the most enhanced macs available. Now their are switching for everithing on Mac basis. Don't get me wrong i have used PC, but using UNIX and never crashing is a Plus for me. (just imagine hours of editing and suddlenly a blue screen) and yes Xp has blue screens (that u can change in color)
Mission: SPACE said:
Definately love the accompaning music.

For all you Chappelle fans,

ok that's enough... this is a Disney website.

Sorry for the thread drift

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I love that show! It's hysterical!

Great job, btw! :sohappy:
Horizons1 said:
Nicely done :lol: . Oh no, not monorail red! lol

What DID happen to monrail red that it was such a "bad monorail"?? I missed something I saw pictures of the tow - "mono" but I dont know WHY..? Can you fill me in?


Active Member
BigAL said:
Has anyone ever used Roxio to make videos/DVDs?

I haved Used Roxio Toast (this one is the Mac Version of Easy CD) and have done Video CD's and DVD's without problems, and even extracted the video portion to QuickTime Dv without a problem.


New Member
Ugh the blind follows MAC.
Yes MAC is good for stability, but linux works on all types of processors, and If I can find the comparisions again the Opterons have been faster then both Intel and the G5's and scale alot better also. Where macs still have to render a scene optorons do it in real time. The perfect combination would definitly be OSX on an AMD Opteron or Athlon 64 chip. OSx for stability and Athlon 64 and/or opteron for speed.

here is one off the top of my head,aid,112749,pg,8,00.asp


Active Member
How we drifted?

Sherm00 said:
Ugh the blind follows MAC.
Yes MAC is good for stability, but linux works on all types of processors, and If I can find the comparisions again the Opterons have been faster then both Intel and the G5's and scale alot better also. Where macs still have to render a scene optorons do it in real time. The perfect combination would definitly be OSX on an AMD Opteron or Athlon 64 chip. OSx for stability and Athlon 64 and/or opteron for speed

Both AMD chips are based on Motorolas PowerPC chips (The G4) but is not the speed that makes a computer great is the excelence in workmanship, is like building a Roll Royce (that is a hand made car) every piece of hardware and software is so thighly integrated.

Linux isa great OS also (is anothe flavor of UNIX) and Macs run Linux, and every other box can run "Darwin" the core of Mac OS X (that would be everithing OS X is without the graphic interface). And it is also an Open Source OS.

In my humble opinion we should let this Mac vs PC here because there is so much to be tell from each part that no one will be satisfy at the end.

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