UOR Expansion ideas


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Mostly this is hopeful or fun thinking but I also want it to be a practical thinking thread. Since Universal hasn't really come out with any substantial properties and the proof of it is in how few original Universal rides there left at the parks, this would be a good thread to see what else they can put into the parks that's not-Universal property.

Talk about other expansions like in CityWalk, the hotels, or the rumored Water Park, etc.

I can name a few Universal properties that merit a look at (only if they're successful of course) but here's my list of possible expansions or new attractions:

R.I.P.D - (awaiting reviews and box office performance) I saw the trailer and it's a 100% rehash of MIB but with the undead and police officers. Sooooo if this is a hit will they replace the beloved MIB Alien Attack with an "original" Universal property which is nothing more than a glorified paint job? Or will they use it to replace something else...maybe Twister or Fear Factor Live?

Planet of the Apes (new franchise) - Has potential to be bigger and better.

King Kong? - Shot down in IOA but could he ever see a return back home at USF? Not the PJ version most likely by the time that happens.

Pacific Rim - An already close relationship with Warner Bros through Harry Potter could spur another partnership through another franchise which leads me to the next suggestion:

DC Comics - I know I know! Six Flags has the official licensing to them at their parks across America, but Six Flags nor any of their owners have any of their parks in Florida or at the very least have any of their parks with DC Comic characters in them. As long as there are no plans to bring a six flags to Florida...well at least no DC licensing then DC Comics is up for grabs but I only see this IF and only IF Universal's deal with Disney's Marvel runs up and they dont renew it.

Star Trek - same sort of relationship as with Warner Bros. Paramount may want to boost Universal's competition with Disney's Star Wars.

The Oldies: JAWS, Back to the Future, Hitchcock, etc. - I would love for there to be some kind of Legacy attraction or warehouse that allows us to interact with Universal's Studio's history and legacy with classic props from past rides.

Wicked - rumored already so we'll see.

Horror Land - A land that includes a year round haunted house experience maybe a hybrid walk through and dark ride with the classic Universal Monsters. Remember your heritage Universal. A new and improved Monsters Cafe once the current one becomes Cyber Cafe?

Middle-Earth - So much to talk about if this even happens IF ever but with. Doubt it.

Fast & Furious? - Not the best franchise, in fact one of the worst but cheap thrills are profitable apprently.

Battlestar Galactica and Riddick - two franchises that are off beat but promising for some kind of attraction.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see Mr. Monk. He could walk about the hotels, checking to make sure things were clean, dusting the occasional table, trying not to shake hands, but sometimes doing it and calling out, "Wipe! Wipe!"

Not really an expansion, but it is my dream "little thing." :)

I rarely do meet n greets,,but I'd do that one SO FAST!


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking R.I.P.D. could be a worthy MIB replacement, but I don't know how the movie will do. However, it has Jeff Bridges in it.



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Forgot to mention Video Games as another mass media entertainment venue that has never been tapped into any theme parks yet. Mario, Donkey Kong, Halo, Sonic, Zelda, Bioshock, Mortal Kombat! The potential is limitless!


Active Member
Horror area as mentioned above, or as I had mentioned elsewhere, a "classic" Universal section where you some how re-incorporate jaws, kong, bttf, and heck, why not even ghost busters


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention Video Games as another mass media entertainment venue that has never been tapped into any theme parks yet. Mario, Donkey Kong, Halo, Sonic, Zelda, Bioshock, Mortal Kombat! The potential is limitless!

Video games aren't even close to mass market enough to warrant a theme park. See Sega World and what a massive failure that was.

Also Video Game Franchises typically only stay relevant for about 5-7 years before being quickly forgotten. Exceptions are Nintendo brand characters, but even those are not popular enough for people to care about in a theme park.


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Video games aren't even close to mass market enough to warrant a theme park. See Sega World and what a massive failure that was.

Also Video Game Franchises typically only stay relevant for about 5-7 years before being quickly forgotten. Exceptions are Nintendo brand characters, but even those are not popular enough for people to care about in a theme park.

Mmmm I think Nintnedo is more than popular enough but this isn't an original idea as Ive heard that there have been attempts in the past by many parks to do the same but that may be the issue. I always like to think Nintendo has great popularity and longevity but if it hasn't happened yet...


Active Member
ALTHOUGH, if Disney were to build an area off of Wreck it Ralph, they could easily incorporate some of the more classic game charaters....


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A Back to the Future roller coaster with tunes from the movies (Power of Love & Johnny Be Good) would be awesome. Could be like the Rockin Roller Coaster at DHS. The queue could be Doc Brown's workshop and the gift shop/quick service restaurant could be Cafe '80s.

Ohhhh wishful dreaming...

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