Unmagicial Moments


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What are your unmagicial moments in Walt Disney World? For me, none, LOL. I just wanna see you guys's


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Booking our trip a year in advance, we reserved a w/c accessible room w/ tub bench, and made a request for a building we had been in before. Everything is set. DW calls to reconfirm the arrangements a couple of days before we leave, we are told its in the system, dont worry. We arrive and are told... oops...sorry we have no accessible rooms available until 2 days from now..After going through 2 supervisors we finally get placed in a suite but have to move again 2 days later when the original room opens up. Unmagical, turned magical, turned semi magical.


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The week between Christmas & New Year's back in 1993. That was our first & ONLY experience with that infamous week when every educational facility on the planet is closed for the holidays. To this day, we still have some missing family members because of that week. Last I heard, Uncle Pat is still somewhere between Canada & the UK at World Showcase curled up in the fetal position.
Funny that my unmagical moment occurred that same week in the same year. We were on the bridge between Liberty Square And the Crystal Palace Hub area when traffic gridlocked because people just stopped to watch the parade. I am only four foot ten. All I could see were people's backs in a mass of bodies. Meanwhile people behind me are shoving their electric scooters into my legs. I still have nightmares about that scene and I can't stand to be stuck in the middle of grid-locked crowds ever since.


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I went to Epcot with my mom and brother last year to a night of the Food and Wine fest. I dont remember exactly what day it was. But me and my brother wandered into World Showcase and it was the most crowded place I've ever seen in Disney. We couldn't even walk through the countries it was so bad. What set me off though was getting to England and realizing I'd have to wait maybe 45 minutes to get a beer. So needless to say we left and went to Downtown Disney.


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My only real disappointment was in the early 90's. Both things happened at the same time and practically the same place. The first was the overwhelming smell of rotting garbage on Main Street and the second was when we stopped for a hot dog at Casey's and the Ketchup I used for the fries was completely rancid. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying any attention until I took my first bite. It was awful. Also, that same trip, I took the kids to Tom Sawyer Island and one of the small displays happened to be a pen with about a half dozen animatronic chickens were being displayed. At least three of them were acting like they were being given shock treatment, twisting their head in very unnatural positions with extreme jerking motions. All of them were filthy. Their feathers were grey with dust and dirt. Not impressed at all.

My other disappointment was at DL during the 50th anniversary celebration in 2005. First a large chunk of the steps leading up to the railroad station was broken out and in pieces just laying there. Later I went to Small World and there was a large hole in the wall in the queue. It was obviously broken out (no clean cuts) and it had been that way for a while. Later that same day, I was in a queue that had metal railings in the queue itself they were all rusty and nasty looking. Also not real impressive.


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Having to queue 4 hours to get into Darths Mall on the first day of SWW just to find out that they didn't have what I queued for in the first place (a hoodie). So I settled for a star tours pin with my name in Aurabesh instead. Unfortunately they misspelt it so I had to return it the next day. No queue that time which was great but still 'grrrr' as I spent all that time roasting in the Florida sun the previous day.


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My unmagical moments center around rude CMs who are not helpful and have amnesia when it comes to customer service. On our last trip, we encountered quite a few on our first day. So I decided to kill them with kindness and I saw a dramatic difference.


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Going to Disney World in 2005 during Thanksgiving vacation, the last trip was in1977. Only to return in 2009 and realize that everyone discovered that Thanksgiving is the best time to go. It was so crowded we couldn't move.


Active Member
I forget what year it was, but it was right after the new Nemo ride opened in EPCOT. It was christmas day and the line was about 3 hours. My family decided to wait in it because there was nothing else we could do with all the crowds and we were excited to go on a ride that we haven't gone on before. Nemo was a big disappointment and I still refuse to go on it.


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Having a woman want to start a fist fight with my wife and I because we did not allow her to sit in front of us at a parade and then scoot back into us when the CM told her to move. I dug a foot into her lower back and refused to budge. The CM asked us to scoot back and I refused. I told the CM that we had been there for an hour and this "woman" walked up less than 5 minutes ago. I wasn't moving. The woman tried pushing back harder to which she received my full heel in her lower back. She got up and challenged us to a fight. I stood up towering over her by at least a foot or more and asked her how fast she'd like to go to the hospital, code 1 or code 3? She yelled obscenities at us and stormed off with her brood. Everyone around us started laughing at her and we sat there and enjoyed the parade.


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Worst meal we have had at WDW. It was 2005 and my daughter was 4 and son was 6. We went to the breakfast at the Polynesian. It was our splurge because we all know how much character meals cost but my parents always took me to a character meal so I did the same for my kids. Upon arrival there was a huge line to check in. It was no surprise that after 20 minutes in their line I was late checking in and the CM made sure I knew. Of course I explained that if I did not have to wait in their line I would not have been late. Then she proceeded to tell me they were running late. 5 minutes later our buzzer went off only to find out it was a mistake. The waiter was horrible. We waited forever on everything including syrup four our waffles. Not fun when your husband only eats hot food. The funny part though is when they set the food in front of us, my four year old daughter sat up on her knees and exclaimed "maccioni and cheese" (wish you could actually hear how she said it). She grabbed the spoon and took a full scoop for her plate. Needless to say it was undercooked scrambled eggs which gross me out to the point of gagging. She took a bite and wrinkled her nose and said "this isn't maccioni and cheese". We laughed so hard and will remember it forever.


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Around 12 years ago, my family stayed at the All Star Sports resort. My mother left her purse in the room. Housekeeping stole $500. But we had no proof of this. So Disney did nothing for us. Total failure. Learned to never leave valuables in a hotel room.

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