Universal Website now has Disney comparison chart!!


Well-Known Member
Nothing like a Universal vs Disney debate to bring out the rude people :rolleyes: If NemoRocks wants to defend Universal then you don't have to blast him for it, just cause you don't want to go there. There are plenty of people whose Orlando vacation wouldn't be complete without a trip to Universal Orlando Resort (not to mention Sea World and Busch Gardens).

Anyway... Apples and Oranges my friends, Apples and Oranges. Totally different, yet both are good.

figmentfan said:
Dark inside roller coaster: Mummy or Rock n Roller Coaster?

Roller Coaster: Hulk or Space Mountain?

Thrill Ride: Spider-Man or Tower of Terror?

Resort: Hard Rock Hotel or Grand Floridian Resort and Spa?

Character: Shrek or Mickey Mouse?

RnRC (haven't riden Mummy)
Hard Rock Hotel
Mickey Mouse


Well-Known Member
figmentfan said:
You have to choose from a Universal thing from a WDW thing: (choose one)....

Dark inside roller coaster: Mummy or Rock n Roller Coaster?

Roller Coaster: Hulk or Space Mountain?

Thrill Ride: Spider-Man or Tower of Terror?

Resort: Hard Rock Hotel or Grand Floridian Resort and Spa?

Character: Shrek or Mickey Mouse?

Choose Wisely!

Inside Coaster: Probably Mummy as whole because of the dark ride aspect. Though I think Rock N' Roller coaster is more "thrilling".

Roller Coaster: Hulk is the better coaster. Its one of the best anywhere. Though I'd ride Space Mountain any day over Hulk.

Thrill Ride: Its close. I'm not going to choose this one, its a little tough to say. I enjoy both immensely, although I would put Mission:Space above both.

Resort: Having not stayed at Hard Rock, this would be unfair of me to answer. From just walking around the grounds of each though, I think GF is a much nicer resort as a whole. Afterall, GF is one of the world's best 100 hotels in one listing and has been listed as Central Florida's top resort for several years by some survey (whose name I can't think of)

Character: That's easy...Mickey :) How could one compare a 75 year old character that symbolizes an entire company and that still makes kids go crazy to a few year old character of questionable longetivity.


Well-Known Member
figmentfan said:
You have to choose from a Universal thing from a WDW thing: (choose one)....

Dark inside roller coaster: Mummy or Rock n Roller Coaster?

Roller Coaster: Hulk or Space Mountain?

Thrill Ride: Spider-Man or Tower of Terror?

Resort: Hard Rock Hotel or Grand Floridian Resort and Spa?

Character: Shrek or Mickey Mouse?

Choose Wisely!

Dark Inside Roller coaster: Revenge of the Mummy
Roller Coaster: Incredible Hulk for thrills...Space Mountain for experience.
Thrill Ride: Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.
Resort: Grand Floridian Resort and Spa (just merely for location)
Character: Is Shrek the only one that Universal can bring to the table? :lol: Mickey Mouse

(even this isn't a fair comparison).

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
That ad reminds me of something Obi Wan said. “What I told you was true…from a certain point of view” Universal was doing a much better job when they were advertising themselves as the “anti-Disney”


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the person who gave me negative rep for stating the facts!

Didn't know what I posted was something wrong and/or offensive.

Next time leave your name on it!

(And I'm almost positive it was you NemoRocks!)

Am I not entitled to my own opinion. Grow up!



Well-Known Member
Eventually, maybe someone here or myself (when and/or if I get the time) could make an actual, fair, unbiased, factual comparison chart. If its good enough, we could even send a copy to Universal and see if we ever get a response. I don't think Universal needs a comparison chart to "sell" their resort, but they obviously do, and perhaps we could help them out ;)

One column I'd love to add to the comparison chart that has been conspicuously ommitted would be "Family Friendly Attractions". I think we all know who has more there.....


Well-Known Member
Fantasmic!329 said:
Is that link within the link (compare to Disney) not working for anyone else? Please just post the chart's actual link, I wanna see it!

No, the link "compare to Disney" seems to work fine for me. It opens up in a pop-up and I thought perhaps if I used the link under "properties" it would give me a direct link, but that doesn't seem to work. Perhaps its being blocked by a pop-up blocker on your computer?


New Member
To be honest... i dont think its funny... i think its kinda pathetic that they have to stoop so low to make themselves appear to be better than Diseny.

Disney and everyone else in the world is laughing at them right now...


New Member
PeterPan1031 said:
They are Retards at Universal they copy every single thing disney does. Universal can't compare to disney. What idiots.

I agree, people know that Disney is 100% better than Universal. But you know what universal has no more land (to expand) and isnt the most attended theme park... how long do you think they'll last. I bet another 50 years or so at the most... lol j/k just blowin some steam.
Not going to get into the "which is better" discussion - I really think it's a silly discussion.

A more interesting discussion is the "why" one - it seems to me that Universal is using a new strategy - the "we're an all-inclusive resort and an alternative to Disney" instead of the "come here for two-three days of your trip." But I can see why. With MYW, it's now only, what, six dollars more for a seven day Disney ticket than a five-day? Second, with free tranportation to the Disney resorts from the airport, Disney's taking away the incentive to rent a car. Disney fired the first shots - the "we want to take 100% of people's vacation time (and money). I think this is a legitimate (if desparate) response by Universal.

It is interesting - it used to be a "Orlando is competing with Las Vegas and other tourist destinations" type-thing. Now, they're clearly going for each other. We'll see how it plays out... I wouldn't be surprised if the "other attractions" (Universal, Busch Gardens, Seaworld) get even more closely tied (offering an equivalent to the MYW tickets for their parks)...


New Member
AndyMagic said:
Yes, because we all know Disney is NEVER misleading in their marketing! Puhleeze people. :rolleyes:

how is Disney misleading??? at least they dont have to stoop so low as to universal's desperation to get some of disney's attendance.


New Member
I think Universal is smart to do a chart like that. A lot of people believe that just because Universal only has two theme parks and Disney has four that Disney must have more E-ticket attractions and that simply is not the case. I believe that Universal has more and I also believe that they have far more thrilling attractions (although Disney is obviously more geared toward families). Universal ticket prices are also a LOT better deal than Disney's tickets. They also mentioned the great benefit for resort guests - the express pass service with your room key - that Disney does not offer. I think that Universal has some features that are far better than Disney and Disney also has features that are a lot better than Universal. It all comes down to what you personally prefer.


New Member
moink said:
how is Disney misleading??? at least they dont have to stoop so low as to universal's desperation to get some of disney's attendance.

What is so wrong about Universal wanting some of Disney's attendance? What theme park WOULDN'T want some of Disney's attendance! There is room for both Universal and Disney in the theme park world!


New Member
moink said:
To be honest... i dont think its funny... i think its kinda pathetic that they have to stoop so low to make themselves appear to be better than Diseny.
:sohappy: Finally somebody agrees with me!

Brooke said:
What is so wrong about Universal wanting some of Disney's attendance?
Because then they would be admitting that they are jealous of Disney's success, and are trying to imitate Disney to steal their audience. Which, on the whole of human history, has never worked, unless something original comes out of it, which it hasn't.

Brooke said:
What theme park WOULDN'T want some of Disney's attendance!
A park that has confidence enough in itself to warrant a finding of its own audience, instead of trying to blatantly steal someone else's. The creation of this chart tells me that Universal does NOT think that it is better than Disney, so they are trying to convince people that they are. If they truly thought that they were better than Disney, they wouldn't need to compare themselves. Notice how Disney doesn't compare itself to Universal. Why? Because Disney knows its audience, and knows that Universal is not a threat to them.

[Begin Rant=Me]

Ah, Universal fans. How hypocritical you truly are.

"Universal doesn't copy off of Disney! Everything is original!"

And then here comes the "comparison chart," and now it's

"Look, Universal has the same stuff Disney has...but we're better!"

Sigh. Thank you. Your pitiful and meaningless nature gives me confidence that I choose my sides wisely. Universal, as many people have said, truly does deserve people like you.


Well-Known Member
Indy95 said:
Sigh. Thank you. Your pitiful and meaningless nature gives me confidence that I choose my sides wisely. Universal, as many people have said, truly does deserve people like you.

I'm sure the Walt Disney Company will love to know that they have you in their corner. Sigh :rolleyes:


New Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Thanks to the person who gave me negative rep for stating the facts!

Didn't know what I posted was something wrong and/or offensive.

Next time leave your name on it!

(And I'm almost positive it was you NemoRocks!)

Am I not entitled to my own opinion. Grow up!


Lol. sounds familiar.... Look at my first post in this thread, and tell me if it was offensive. I didnt think it was, but if I happened to offend anyone out there I'm truly sorry. It wasnt my intention. I just wanted to point out some missing things, and none of it was made up. Just blatant facts. Besides, I never said Universal sucked. In fact, we always go for a one day visit.


Active Member
One thing that they did kind of compare to their benefit is the whole resort people and the benefits..but still..it was misleading

Universal allows resort guest the opportunity to go to the front of the line!!! (you have to admit that's better than fastpass)
And let's face it...Disney couldn't do that because they have so many resorts...it would be the whole line anyways...

But what they don't compare is how we (Disney resort guests) get the Extra Magic Hours, and the other perks...

Hmm..I'll take Disney any day though!

(the comparison was pretty pathetic for Universal.)

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