Underrated/Overrated attractions?


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Original Poster
Which attractions do you personally think are overrated or underrated?

Underrated - Food Rocks

I rarely hear anyone mention this, and most people probably skip it. It is a cute show though. My ds4 wanted to see it as soon as he heard about it. We watched it twice at Epcot and once already at home on video. I thought it would be lame and just for kids, but they do gear it so adults will be interested too. Most of the songs are takeoffs of popular songs. A few examples are the Peach Boys, singing about "good Nutrition"; Peter Gabriel, "I wanna be your high fiber", the funniest surprise to me was sung to the tune of Funky Cold Medina -not what I expected at Disney, lol- it was "you've gotta read the wrapper".

Underrated - Cinderella's Surprise Celebration

Maybe I just haven't heard much about this but after watching it I would personally consider it a must-see. I thought it was very well done, they fit alot of stuff in, lots of characters in the show, and many stay around for pictures afterwards.

I would say Dumbo is overrated but somehow my kids managed to get us on this ride twice. I guess beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.



New Member
hye just my two cents worth. i love food rocks! ithought it is so cute ive seen it several times. as for the ciderella show. its okay,but when you have seen it as many times as i have when out there setting up for the parade it starts to become boring. its great for the guests who have never seen it though. ive never ridden the dumbo fide but there aways seems to be a line. personally i think buzz is the best!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
underrated--pre-show of The American Adventure with the Liberty Singers. Those people are awesome! And their music is quite difficult.

overrrated--Alien Encounter. I'm still trying to get back the 30 minutes I wasted on that "attraction".


Active Member

I'll start positive...

Most Underrated ->

Journey Into Your Imagination (EPCOT) -> People bicker so much about how superior the first attraction one, that no one never notices how wonderful the current day attraction is. I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me. I think these people honestly never gave the new attraction a chance.

I loved the original like most people. I challenge you to ride the new attraction with a child, one who is experiencing it for the first time (as I did with my little sister this summer). She laughed so hard and enjoyed it so much. Let us be realistic for the average child up to ages 12, EPCOT isn't as exciting as the Magic Kingdom or MGM Studios. This is one of the few EPCOT attractions that are specifically directed to focus in on this target. (Don't tell me all attractions should be focused towards everyone - Space Mountain and Tower of Terror have height limits so they are not geared to small children). JIYI does an excellent job with these children and the activities after the ride do a good little bit in entertaining them too. Lets be honest unless they would have put the exact old attraction back in, some people were never going to critique the new attraction with an open mind.

2) Tomorrowland Transit Authority (Magic Kingdom)
My Dad always loved this and always claimed it to be his favorite, yet due to the lack of notoriety the average visitor never makes it a point to check this out.

Most Overrated ->

Kali Rapids (DAK) - From day one that the plans for DAK were publicly announced, Kali was pushed as a headliner. The only reason this ride is loved by some is that Animal Kingdom gets so darn hot and this ride soaks you. The ride is to short. The environmental awareness idea about loggers is all fun and games until you have to ride the attraction with a man who feeds his family by working as a lumberjack (which has happened twice). Both times these guys got outraged.

The idea behind a water raft ride was not conceived by WDW. Other theme parks have had these for years. To promote it as one of your e-rides and then have it being done better by Busch Gardens 70 miles down the road is crazy.


2) The Land (EPCOT) I am not saying The Land is a bad attraction. I just think it is very unworthy of being a fast pass attraction. When the title of fast pass attraction was given to this ride, it instantly became over-rated.

Just my thoughts,



Well-Known Member
Re: Over/Under

Originally posted by Snoballego
I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me. I think these people honestly never gave the new attraction a chance.

Most Overrated ->

Kali Rapids (DAK) - From day one that the plans for DAK were publicly announced, Kali was pushed as a headliner. The only reason this ride is loved by some is that Animal Kingdom gets so darn hot and this ride soaks you. The ride is to short. The environmental awareness idea about loggers is all fun and games until you have to ride the attraction with a man who feeds his family by working as a lumberjack (which has happened twice). Both times these guys got outraged.

The idea behind a water raft ride was not conceived by WDW. Other theme parks have had these for years. To promote it as one of your e-rides and then have it being done better by Busch Gardens 70 miles down the road is crazy.


2) The Land (EPCOT) I am not saying The Land is a bad attraction. I just think it is very unworthy of being a fast pass attraction. When the title of fast pass attraction was given to this ride, it instantly became over-rated.

Just my thoughts,

Good points. I completely agree with you on the ones you said were overrated. To me, the logger thing takes away from KRR. And I imagine those lumberjacks were outraged.

As for people disagreeing with you, remember everyone, it's an opinion.


Active Member
I have to agree that both Food Rocks are TTA are highly underrated! TTA is one of my favorite attractions, which I usually ride around 10 times each trip I make to disney. It's a nice way to relax and sit in the shade after walking around the parks all day.

Carousel Of Progress too, I believe to be underrated. I sure love that silly song!!

And, personally, I believe the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ride is one of the most overrated in any park

splash mountian

New Member
Peter pan is underrated, i really think this ride is pretty cool.
the scene where you are flying over london all lit up at night is really neat. I know that this attraction is pretty outdated and not scary or have any thrills, but there is just something about it that makes you nostalgic.

big thunder mountain railroad, overrated big time. splash mountain is the king of the mountians in frontierland. big thunder is fun once and then it gets kinda old. splash mountian has the brer rabbit story and there is allways something new to discover. big thunder is a real tame coaster.


New Member
Originally posted by splash mountian
Peter pan is underrated ....

You beat me to it.

Also under rated
Tiki room -- even the new one, although not as good as the old.
Hanging out at Disney World without riding the rides

Over rated
Test track


Well-Known Member
snow white is totally overrated i feel like i should be paying an old carnie to go on it, maelstrom is underrated but i wish it was longer. epcot needs better attractions in the pavilions, its by far my favorite park but they dont need to make all the countries seem so boring mexico especially.


New Member
Underrated -

Food Rocks - Totally agree with the people who said this. I love this ride. It was good when it was Kitchen Kabaret and its still fabulous now.

Carousel of Progress - This is one of my favorite rides, even as a child. Its so sad to see its reduced and sometimes completely eliminated schedule.

Dreamflight - Even though its gone, I really enjoyed this ride. Not very many people were ever on it, but I loved it. Though I LOVE Buzz Lightyear now.

Overrated -

Alien Encounter - I hate this ride! It scares me.. :lookaroun

Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - I hate that "darn" bear.. He took Mr. Toad's place and doesn't even deserve it.

Hall of Presidents - ..... BORING! In my opinion :lol: But at least its air conditioned!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Overrated or just plain pants!!!!

American Adventure, diplomacy rules on this one.
Alien Encounter, neither scary nor entertaining, mind you after the wife nothings scary.
Disney Quest, or should that be the Teens depository.
Tommorowland Speedway, or fumes n fries.
The bloody French!!!!

Bonza top dog no1

Tommorow Land Transit, just a perfect way to chill.
Off Kilter, what can you say about a man in a skirt?
Ice Station , something for free at Disney well there’s a first.
The CMs from AK who handle the animals, its a shame the kids are too ignorant to listen.
RnRC, hands up, heart pumpin, music pounding, lungs bellowing. Big cheesy grin time:D

WDW John

Re: Over/Under

Originally posted by Snoballego
Most Overrated ->

Kali Rapids (DAK) - From day one that the plans for DAK were publicly announced, Kali was pushed as a headliner. The only reason this ride is loved by some is that Animal Kingdom gets so darn hot and this ride soaks you. The ride is to short. The environmental awareness idea about loggers is all fun and games until you have to ride the attraction with a man who feeds his family by working as a lumberjack (which has happened twice). Both times these guys got outraged.

Isn't it supposed to be about deforestization of the rain forest? It's a serious issue and certainly not the same as logging done in the U.S.

I think those lumberjacks are being a little sensitive. I mean, seriously, if rides had to be designed not to offend anyone we wouldn't have many, and the rides we did have would be boring.

I have to agree though, it's way too short.

The idea behind a water raft ride was not conceived by WDW. Other theme parks have had these for years.

WDW also has roller coasters dark rides, live shows, water parks, etc., and none of those things was conceived by them either.


Jungle Cruise - I can't even believe this ride gets a line.


Active Member
Originally posted by happy snapper
Overrated or just plain pants!!!!

Tommorowland Speedway

Before March third I would have agreed with you. I have not ridden TS in my last 25 trips to WDW and did not ride it this trip either.

What I did do this trip was sit for almost an hour and watch the little kids who were driving and having a great time:cool: :D

Some of the kids were 3-5 years old and of course mom or dad had to help a lot but those kids smiles were a mile wide:)

So for older teens or for adults TS is very overrated. But for the little ones it is grossly underrated:wave: ::D


New Member
...i was in line behind these two test dummies over at TT, and they were completley outraged at all the tests being performed in the queve area on all those poor defenseless dummies...

:hammer: sorry couldnt help myself... :lol: :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member

Definately Test Track. It's probably the most pointless attraction (if it can be called that) to ever appear at WDW.


I hear Cranium Command and TTA are great attractions, so I intend on giving them a try. Also, about something I've tried before, I'd say Spaceship Earth. All those thrill-mad teens run right by it on their way to Crap Track, and if they were a little open-minded they'd see what a touching attraction this one is.


New Member
1 - AK - granted it lacks rides, but it really is one of the most beautiful parks around. Wonderful theming, terrific live shows, great animals , etc.

2- New Tiki Birds - i have heard so many negative comments about this show. But the first was a bit dull (come on everyone admit it - older doesn't mean better in every case) and the show has retained alot of its flavor. I for one thoroughly love this show and it makes great use of two new disney characters.

3 - Prior Carousel of Progress (changed circa 1996) - the old CoP and prior music was great and much better than current incarnation, why it was ever changed due to the 25th anniv. i will never understand.

Overrated: Definitely Kali River Rapids - disney made such a big deal about this ride and it is a let down. It is so tame and slow. And the prior post is right - makes no sense that disney did such an inferior version of this ride given that Busch Garden's raft ride is better. But wait a second I forgot ....you don't have to go 70 miles a way to find a better raft ride,just go to IoA and ride Popeye! I enjoy Kali only for the fun of getting wet other than that the ride is a bore.

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