

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey I know this is "WDW" news and rumors, but I was curious. I heard UCF got pretty messed up as a result of Charley. Supposedly the gym's roof got torn off and a tornado touched down on the campus. Can anyone confirm this?


Well-Known Member
Yikes! Looks pretty bad. And to think, the thought did cross my mind 2 years ago when I was a cp to transfer to UCF and stay in Fl instead of coming home and transfering to UofL.

Mission: SPACE

New Member
I was supposed to be in my dorm tonight at UCF, but thanks to Charley I'm still in Sarasota. I did LINK's Leap In program and we were supposed to get to move in today, but Lake Clare doesn't have power until Thursday. I've got Traditions at Disney on Tuesday, and now I have no place to live for two nights. So it appears that I'll be calling Pop Century home for the first time, and it'll be the first place I get to be without the parents.

Thank God for Florida Resident discounts!

As far as the tornado, I heard it touched down around the frat houses, which explains why that side of the school isn't connected to the power grid. The gym's roof was damaged, and it's possible that it won't open for a couple months. For those of you who are moving into on campus living, everything is set for you to move in on 8/18 as scheduled. Those in Leap In can move into their dorms any day this week. Check www.housing.ucf.edu for updates and information.

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