TTA or Monorail?


Original Poster
Let's just say, for the sake of daydreaming, that you come into an enormous amount of money and build the largest house in the country, so large that you would either add a TTA or even a monorail to get you from place to place within your own home compound. Which would you choose, the monorail or the TTA? I think I'd probably go for the TTA, personally, with a few stop-off points every now and then. It would be easier to do that with a TTA than with a monorail, that's for sure.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWJunkie
It would be easier to do that with a TTA than with a monorail, that's for sure.

Yes, I must agree with your logic there. As a matter of fact it kinda makes the thread null and void. The practicallity of a monorail in any size home is just beyond reason. It appears you agree.


Active Member
Haha yeah I could imagine a TTA vehicle going through the house, I actually used to think about one going through my old school when I got real bored.


Well-Known Member
I think the vote's unanimous... TTA here. My own personal monorail would be AWESOME, but you'd need a driver and it'd have to be outside. With TTA, you could have it inside and you'd have more of a ride b/c the monorail would be like having a car to go from one half to the other b/c of it's speed. Am I making any sense?? :lol: :veryconfu

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