ToT update


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Original Poster
So I've been asking around and a friend of mine said that the Tower of Terror is getting an update and that they're adding a new floor to the ride. The new floor will supposedly have more ghosts in it. He couldn't give me a time frame or anything on it because he said they're having more problems than expected because the ceiling and walls in the new floor are in really bad shape. Sorry this info is so sketchy and limited but I'll keep and ear to ground and see what else I can learn.


Well-Known Member
uh... the only way a new floor could be put in is if they just did a projection like scene like the one they have now. If that is what it is then the ceiling and floor arent all that important.

And I seriously doubt it will happen because there really is no point. The story is set and adding another flor with more ghost would just make it rather confusing. And Eisner wouldn't give it the budget to actually make a new floor. Think about it. He only gave 8 million to rehab the most complained about ride in Disney history. He wouldn't give the 15 million needed to just enhance what is the biggest draw in WDW.

I think you were lied to..... sorry.


Well-Known Member
first of could they just "add" a new floor...I mean, all the mechanics to run the ride are above the open windows...they would have to move the whole ride system up a floor, and THEN add new hydraulics or whatever they use to guide the cars.


Well-Known Member
Theres 13 floors of black. All they would have to do is paint in black light some images. It's doesn't require any construction.

I think there was a recent trip report by someone mentioning seeing a new "scene".

joezerboy wrote:
I guess I know where the Tower of MORE Terror comes from. Between the first and second drops, if you look to the lower left of the opening in the liftcar, you can barely make out a little scene with the girl from the elevator playing in either a hallway or her room. Neat little touch that.

WDW Imagineer

New Member
I dont know if this means anything but when I went about 2 weeks ago rode TOT 2 times in a row, and the most erie thing about it was, right above the first stop where you see the hallways, the doors stayed open (instead of closing) and the elevator moved up about one floor and stoped for about a minute, it was pitch black and nothing else happened and we continued. At first I thought that it broke down for a second so I did it again, keeping this rumor in my head and believe it or not the same thing happen, same spot and same thing.

I hope something will come of this.:)


Well-Known Member
One of the new effects in the DCA version of the ride has the elevator stopping on a new floor, and doors opening up into a reflection of your elevator with it's passengers inside. All of a sudden, lighting strikes and the passengers dissappear...

This would fit in perfectly with the ride at MGM. One could only hope that is the source of this rumor.



I think if they were to add a new scene (which they won't.....probably) It should open with about 50 ghosts dansing to old music and then the music stops and they all stare at you before they vanish and the insruments hit the floor.


Well-Known Member
Re: Ok

Originally posted by Gracy_hm
I think if they were to add a new scene (which they won't.....probably) It should open with about 50 ghosts dansing to old music and then the music stops and they all stare at you before they vanish and the insruments hit the floor.

Oooh, spooky. I love it!!!:D


New Member
Originally posted by WDW Imagineer
I dont know if this means anything but when I went about 2 weeks ago rode TOT 2 times in a row, and the most erie thing about it was, right above the first stop where you see the hallways, the doors stayed open (instead of closing) and the elevator moved up about one floor and stoped for about a minute, it was pitch black and nothing else happened and we continued. At first I thought that it broke down for a second so I did it again, keeping this rumor in my head and believe it or not the same thing happen, same spot and same thing.

I hope something will come of this.:)

...that happens a could be that the hotel is REALLY haunted or it may be that the attraction computer is spacing the elevator cars so as not to run into each other...I tend to believe the latter.:lookaroun (but I wouldn't bet on it)


Well-Known Member
Hey, on that note...

Wouldn't it suck if the ride tried to load a car into a drop shaft that was still in it's drop cycle? :drevil:


Well-Known Member
the ride cannot do that. It is not programmed to allow for this. Were anything like that to come close to happening, the car would stop. As for a new would greatly lower the capacity of this ride. I'm guessing the Tower of Infinite Terror will consist of new, simpler well as the random drop sequence.


New Member
what i've heard when you get to the top the lighting is supose to hit a wire and catch on fire and smoke is comin out and you can smell a burning and then you here a crack and..... AHAHAHAHA,


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by movie777
what i've heard when you get to the top the lighting is supose to hit a wire and catch on fire and smoke is comin out and you can smell a burning and then you here a crack and..... AHAHAHAHA,

I actually heard that the smoke effect would be on the outside of the Hollywood Tower Hotel.

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