Toppings bars removed from Electric Umbrella


Well-Known Member
Thats seriously gross. Every time I set foot in that place I feel like I'm going to toss my cookies.

What? Why?

Everytime anyone sets foot in there, their feet are firmly planted on the ground (due to it being so sticky). I can understand, if you chug too much Beverly, getting a little sick but thats about it.


Active Member
My suggestion... don't go in there! :rolleyes:
I don't. :hammer:

What? Why?

Everytime anyone sets foot in there, their feet are firmly planted on the ground (due to it being so sticky). I can understand, if you chug too much Beverly, getting a little sick but thats about it.
All of the beverages there are disgusting, the place has a funny smell, and the CM's sit behind the counter text messaging until the manager comes in, then they proceed to swiftly put their cell phones up and act like they were working.
My cynical side is saying it's just one more way to cut overall costs and reduce the overall guest experience.
Absolutely. Those of you who have visited for many years - just think of all the places the toppings bars have disappeared from. Can anyone remember the wonderful toppings bar at the Backlot at MGM?
Saving money for them, no doubt about it. More hygienic? - I don't think so.


New Member
Just wanted to note...

The toppings bars (lettuce, tomato, and other veggies) have been removed from Electric Umbrella. The burgers now come predressed with shredded lettuce and a slice of tomato. The condiments (mayo, mustard, etc) still exist in newly fabricated counters.

That is probably one of the most detailed park update/changes I have ever read on these forums. :) good work!


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to note...

The toppings bars (lettuce, tomato, and other veggies) have been removed from Electric Umbrella. The burgers now come predressed with shredded lettuce and a slice of tomato. The condiments (mayo, mustard, etc) still exist in newly fabricated counters.

The topping bars are currently sitting outside property control.

Apparently you can get a side of pickles along with glasswear for a dollar each....


New Member
Thats way disappointing. The only part I enjoy about getting hamburgers or any food is I can make my burger the way I like it. If I want TWO pieces of tomato, I get it. Then I get my side of pickles, like a heaping load of them. If you've ever went and realized there are no pickles in one bowl, I probably attacked it.

I love Pickles.

I guess I will just get burgers and such at Cosmic Rays or Pecos Bills from now on.
Is it me or was the only way to chock down one of Disneys dry soy burgers was by adding a bunch of toppings. I guess living in the midwest, hamburgers up here are much better then other places.
I believe Disney makes their fast service worse then ever, each year to make you want to eat at the nicer more expensive resturaunts. They are not losing any money by having the condiment bars, they just want to cut cost even if it means making people upset. The number one thing at fast food resturaunts that they have cut is napkins, the number one complate that people have is not enough napkins. Fast food places still only give out 2 napkins and people still go by the 1000s. So what will Disney care, we are just like cattle being hearded like the masses! And the selection is Horrible.
Is it only me and my DW or do other people think that the Food at the Land counter service has gotten so bad that it is not long for a change. We ate there lots before the last make over and now we hate it.:hurl: What are other peoples opinions?


Well-Known Member
I like the Electric Umbrella - the toppings bars were great IMO because you can take exactly what you want, and how much you want of each item. Having the topping bars like that was always another one of those Disney pluses - I for one wish they would have stayed.

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