Three Words.....


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Dole Whip Float!!

Does anyone have a good pic they can upload of the most fantastic food item available in the MK??




Goofy Sour lollypops.

I love em, everytime we go i have to hunt one down, then i eat it as we walk around the parks, it usually last me a whole day.

Oh and Red Candy Apples from DTD, I LOVE THEM. Im amazed i have any teath left after my trips to Disney (I have an addiction to Wild Cherry Pepsi, we cant get it in the uk so i stock up while im there).


madame_leota_19 said:
what are those? I've never head of them before.

The Dole Whip is soft serve pineapple flavored ice cream and the float is the ice cream in pineapple juice (so like a root beer float). They are served in Adventureland at both WDW and DL and are amazing. I had always heard people mention them, but didn't try until this past summer in DL.


Well-Known Member
OK, so it's not at WDW, but they're just as good at DL.


P.S. Why wont the image display?


New Member
The day after Christmas we were at MK. We waited in line and each got a Dole Whip. My daughter took one lick of hers and it fell out of the cup and onto the ground. I laughed, got back in line and bought her another. Once again, she took one lick and the whole thing fell to the ground about 2 inches from the spot of the last one. We got back in line, still laughing, and got a third. I held this one until it went down a little in size. Went through a lot of napkins cleaning our mess, but it was tooooo funny.


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Active Member
Everytime I see one of those I'm like a crackhead aching for one.:brick:
"Lemme get a sip off that dole whip man." :slurp:
"Come on man, come on, just one?" :animwink:


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Nothing brings people together like a good, old-fashioned Dole Whip Float.

It IS the best snack food in Disney bar none!!


Active Member
The Dole Whip is par excellence. I equally like the Citrus Swirl at the Sunshine Tree Terrace just outside the Tiki Room exit. It is frozen orange juice swirled with vanilla soft-serve! My mouth waters even now. :p


The best ice cream at Disney has to be the Strawberry Shortcake Sundae from Mrs Pots Teacupboard! I always get one just before wishes starts- perfect:slurp:


Well-Known Member
1disneydood said:
Everytime I see one of those I'm like a crackhead aching for one.:brick:
"Lemme get a sip off that dole whip man." :slurp:
"Come on man, come on, just one?" :animwink:

I'd rather someone asked me for Dole Whip money. It'd be a little less creepy, and I'd understand all the same! :lol:


New Member
1disneydood said:
Everytime I see one of those I'm like a crackhead aching for one.:brick:
"Lemme get a sip off that dole whip man."
"Come on man, come on, just one?"

I haven't had one yet but cant' wait to try one on our first trip in april. I hear someone on the boards mention them everyday.<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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