This Weekends Weather!


New Member
The forecast says Thunderstorms, the weather has just been awful down here!! Rain everyday for hours on end. I'm nervous it might take it's toll on Disney this weekend which is making my Dad second guess our trip.

I tried to explain to him most rides are inside, and umbrellas/ponchos always come in handy. We've done theme parks in the rain before so I don't see why he's making a fuss. I guess since I'm the only one who doesn't have to pay to get in he does not want his money to go to waste.

I personally don't ever think Disney is a waste of money!


New Member
The main rain this weekend will be to the south of Orlando. WDW will deal with nothing more than pop up afternoon thunderstorms from the sea breeze. It won't be sustained, all-day thunderstorms and shouldn't impact the 4th of July activities.
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New Member
Yes it does storm here almost everyday but more than likely it does not stay for long and ruin forth of july fireworks. They will try their hardest to put them off since they have been planning it for a year.
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