The "Ultimate" Castle Park


Well-Known Member
Figured I would post this here despite being a WIP- yesterday I started trying to map out the park, seeing how logistical everything I planned on is! So far, I've managed to fit in everything for Main Street, Sleepy Hollow, Frontierland, Old Pirate Island, and Bear Country- with a few additions of unmarked buildings which are restrooms or shops (or in the case of OPI, the loading dock), and a cave in Bear Country that would connect to OPI, giving guests four ways to access the island- two by walking, two by taking a ride.

The other land's sizes are still WIP- I started by painting out general shapes and then refining as I go. They're all going to likely be bigger than they are now!

View attachment 815472
ohhh nice, i do think its more better than my plan i was making for u which its not done yet


Well-Known Member
Love the idea of Soul and Up in Main Street! Maybe the Main Street Theater could be inspired by the one from Up? Though given the Theatre is meant to house a revolving door of IPs (mainly ones that might not be strong enough to have a permanent ride) maybe Up would be better as a restaurant. Maybe a balloon flat ride in Adventureland or Discovery Bay? Or something similar to the Wilderness Explorers game at Animal Kingdom?

Definitely going to work Brave into the Forest section of Fantasyland.
Up as a flat ride would be interesting.

Charlie The Chatbox Ghost

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So I’m currently headed home from my honeymoon to Paris (or just landing, depending on if I finish typing this before the plane takes off), and after experiencing Disneyland Paris… man, my ultimate park is going to be taking a lot more inspiration from it! I was blown away by it. So detailed and full for its size, though it might not have many attractions it was beautiful. Definitely a great example of the talent behind the Eisner era Imagineers and what they could do when given near free reign.

So, some updates:

Park Entrance
  • Entry area will now be a large garden similar to Fantasia Gardens. Water fountains synced to lights and music dance around a bronze statue of Sorcerer Mickey.
  • A hotel will be added to the entrance area!
Main Street USA
  • The arcades have been added to allow for some easier guest flow! The gazebo will also be sized up to match DLP’s.
  • Behind Sleeping Beauty Castle will be a small cozy courtyard with the Sword in the Stone, just as in DLP.
  • Two shops will be inside the castle.
  • Casey Jr. and the Storybook Canal boats will be the DLP layout and style- Casey Jr. is a coaster now!
  • Dumbo will be seated on top of a waterfall, like DLP.
  • Small World will have small snack stands outside offering worldwide snacks!
  • The Adventureland Treehouse will now be on a hill which is home to a maze of caverns with secrets to find, like DLP.
Sleepy Hollow
  • The Haunted Mansion will take more inspiration from Phantom Manor, incorporating the Ravenswood plot line into the ride- though I also want the beating heart bride, so I’ll figure something out. Either way, this will be an entirely unique version the mansion instead of a clone.
Old Pirate Island
  • Pirates will be very close the DLP version (sans movie stuff), with a longer cavern section and slightly slower boat speeds.
  • Captain Jack’s will be added as a connected restaurant to the ride.
That’s all I have off the top of my head for now, I’m about to take off so I’ll lose service. Let me know what you think of these changes!
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