Hear ye, hear ye, the Cursed Courtroom will now come to order!
Our panel of villainous Judges sits in the shadows, eagerly awaiting their first vict- er, their first defendants.
Be warned, should your team place last in a challenge, you may well receive a summons to appear before the Cursed Courtroom. If court is assembled, the last place team’s Project Manager will be asked to nominate 2 teammates to join him, her or itself in the Cursed Courtroom.
In addition, your villainous hosts reserve the right to nominate any additional members from any team who aren’t pulling their weight. MWAH HAH HAH! Know this, if you are inactive without an excuse, if you underdeliver on promised work, if you coast on your teammates’ efforts…prepare to enter the Courtroom.
Courtroom Procedures
Defendants will be individually cross-examined by our Judges. Judges shall ask specific questions regarding the defendants’ performance in the last challenge.
Defendants have 24 hours to respond. If they do not, they will be held in contempt of court and automatically eliminated from the competition.
Fear not. Our Judges take no pleasure in eliminating defendants. They would rather players learn from past mistakes, stay in the game and continue to improve.
All projects will be due at 11:59 PM EST. The day following that will be reserved for reviews, with results announced at 8:30 PM EST. Following that, if need be, the doors to the Cursed Courtroom are flung open.
All projects will be due at 11:59 PM EST. The day following that will be reserved for reviews, with results announced at 8:30 PM EST. Following that, if need be, the doors to the Cursed Courtroom are flung open.
While defendants will have 24 hours to make their plea, winning teams shall be rewarded with the next Stanza’s prompt.
The losing team shall not receive its prompt until the Courtroom has passed a verdict. This gives winning teams a 1-day head start, but with 7-9 days per prompt there is time to catch up.