The Haunted Mansion

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Oh, I really want to go on Phantom Manor someday. I've read the description on, and I sounds absolutely awesome. By the way, was that the info you needed?


Well-Known Member
hcwalker16 said:
Just found the info you're looking for on wonderful HM site that is really worth devoting a few hours to exploring if you are the least bit interested in the workings of the Haunted Mansion. Check out this page for info on the album you have and an audio sample.
Good call hcwalker16!! I was about to jump to that site and look for that sound clip. has lots of great info on both HM's DL and WDW. It also has a lot of the myths and stories created and perpetuated by CM's over the years about HM's residence. Its a great site.


New Member
my favorite part is the custom "starring eyes" wall paper. I dont know why i lie it so much it's just always fun to look at.


Well-Known Member
When I look back at my childhood going to WDW throughout the 1970s, it is one of the attractions that stand out most in my memory. Just great memories of riding with my parents and sisters that are very special to me.

Of the ones that are left from my childhood there are two that if they ever took them away it would be devastating to me. As much as it would hurt to see attractions I grew up with like CoP, WEDWay People Mover, Jungle Cruise, Space Mountain, etc. go the way of the Dodo, the two that would truly devastate me would be the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. I just think they are the two most magical attractions to me.


New Member
This is like asking, why do people like the Mona Lisa? It is a truely fantastic ride. Incomparable.

I love the rich detail, the singing heads, the recurring raven, Madame Leota, the Hitch-hiking ghosts, the Blue Lady. Cool, cool cool.

Every year I pay tribute to this classic by adding HM decorations to my house. A duplicate of the HM grave-yard pops up infront. I didn't get it finished this year, but Madame Leota's tombstone will have moving eyes next year.:lookaroun All the rest of the Gracey clan are there. I also have a real "ghost" that appears during trick-or-treat, while the HM soundtrack fills the air.


New Member
i know what your are talking about. I have it on tape. I bought it at the Disney Store about 7 years ago. It tells a story about 2 kids going in the Haunted Mansion but it's not a ride. I think one of the kids is Ron Howard. It's is just a story of a journey they take. I have not herd it in years. Now i will have to go dig it out this weekend. I would see it on sale every Halloween. It has been out of print for sometime now.


New Member
Hidden Donald

stitchrules223 said:
I Also, has anyone else found the "hidden Donald" at the Haunted Mansion? It took me about 5 or 6 years to find after I heard a cast member talk about it.

Never heard about it, where is he?


Well-Known Member
CaseyWilliams said:
Never heard about it, where is he?

On two chairs in the attraction. One outside the long hallway with the floating candelabra (spelling?) and one in the library with the busts. I believe that's it.


New Member
Casey, the hiddden Donald that I know about (I did not know there was more than one-someone has to fill me in on the other one) is on an armchair. As you are on the ride during the endless hallway scene, there is an armchair that is a deep red and has abstract white lines on the back of it. If you look closely at the abstract lines, you will notice that they form Donald Duck's face! The main thing to look for is at the top-you can barely make out his hat, and then look on from there. It is a fun one to look for. Happy hunting!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
DreamFlight911 said:
i need something verified i have an old record of the huanted mansion but it's not version you'll hear at the magic kingdom or at disneyland

it begins like this

Have ever seen a Haunted House you know the kind I mean. THat old dark house that is usually at the end of dimly lit street. The owners haven't been seen in years no knows why. The windows are broken and boarded. The shutters hang lose from there hinges. The trees have grown wild brushing there branches arcoss the weathering house. Making strange noises in the night. There's high vined fence around the house is that there to keep someone out or some thing inside. It's a house that people advoid walking past at night. STrange lights have been scene in the attic's windows and in the graveyard beside's the house. Our story revolves around this mystrious mansion.

Any help on this would be appreciated
I have that record! Haven't heard it in soooooolong. Thanks for the flashback!

I go back to the HM for three reasons:


...everything about it is WDW at it's best. Dark rides have been ignored as of late, but I think they're the best attractions in the World. :)


Well-Known Member
Such an amazing ride, one of the greats. My favorite part is basically the whole thing, everything just ties together so well and such a wonderful experience.


Active Member
I think it's the classic ride I look forward to the most. It's just a true Disney experience. When I was younger, I thought the Count from Sesame Street lived in there.


TheDisneyGirl02 said:
I would LOVE to walk through the graveyard scene! What fun that would be!

Nah...with the lights on it's just...wierd. Like a bunch of AAs in raincoats, actually. Like my avatar.


New Member
When i was 5 we went to WDW for our first time (1989). The only thing i remember from the trip was riding Haunted Mansion and turning to my dad and saying "This place needs the Ghostbusters". Later that night, i was convinced that a ghost was following me home under the pier to the ferry.

after that i never opened my eyes on Haunted again for about 5-6 years rofl. when i did i feel in love witht he ride all over again. it is always my MUST do attraction. and my family opts to let me ride alone, unless they want to get an earfull of quotes and such.


New Member
What keeps me coming back to this ride would have to be the quality, and imagination that was put into it. My favorite part is the ballroom.


Well-Known Member
What brings me back???

I like ghosts for one!!!!! Then there's the oh-so-perfect theme music!!!!!!!!!!! The Ghost Host!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And lest we forget the grave/back yard!!!!!!!!!!! :D


New Member
Haunted Mansion is my favorite ride too...As many of you have expressed you would love to be able to walk through and spend more time inside I have actually had that great pleasure. When I was interning with WDI in 1998 they had a special tour that we got to take and we went to the MK early one morning before opening and first went to that Hall of Presidents and got to go up on stage and see Lincoln run through his speach from about a foot away! Totally cool. BUT....after that we walked over to the HM and walked the ride track from beginning to end with the with the Art Director for all of WDW as our tour guide. It was TOTALLY Awesome! We got to walk down the endless hallway, walk up and touch the busts that turn as you go buy in the library, the funeral scene, the attic and even the grave yard scene. Getting to see all those things close up and find out how many of the effects are done was the best. But I am one of those guys that is always hanging over the edge and out of the car trying to see beyond the edge of the scene to find out how they create the magic. That actually has to be one of my all time favorite memories.....

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