The Disney Ph'D's do WDW AGAIN (and Vero Beach too!)

The Disney Ph'D's do WDW AGAIN (and Vero Beach too!) now with pic's!

Hi all, we just got back from a very lovely trip to WDW at PORS and then a few days at Vero Beach DVC resort in a ocean view Inn Room. Since we have annual passes this year this was our bonus trip and it was just the 4 of us. Little PhD is 4 years old, her sister Baby PhD turned 9 months on the trip and then DH and myself (34 and 33 years old) We were just at WDW in Late Feb/ early March with some friends, their kids and my niece so we had a group of time that time. Here is a link to that trip report if you are interested.

What I was looking forward to this trip was just being together and relaxing in our favorite place (and being away from our house that has been under construction for 10 months now.) We got a great pin code deal at PORS for 88 a night and a deal on the airfare so the trip just kind of came together nicely. Too good to pass up, even if it was just 8 short weeks from our last trip. Our luck stayed very good for most of the trip, even small things like every day seemed to be a good hair day, even with hats on. (I get home and my hair won’t cooperate since, then again the 4 year old is being rather uncooperative today too.

I am including lots of little details that I have found from the last trip report people with kids the same age, or staying in the same places appreciate. Just skip them if you don’t! (Sorry!) :animwink:

Thanks for reading in advance.

Day 1 April 29th.

The airfare was cheaper to take the 11:00 flight out instead of our usual 7:00 am. This means we get to wake up at a normal hour to go to the airport (instead of 4:00 am.) but puts us at WDW after 2:00 pm. Turns out it was easier to take the later flight. The airport was much less crazy and everything went well. I thought we were doing so well I even stopped for Starbucks. That made going through security a bit harder, since they flagged hubby for a search and I had to get both girls and the stroller though myself. The double stroller (Peg Pergo Aria Twin a side by side.) doesn’t fit in the x-ray machine but they hand checked it with no problem. I used the baby Bjorn to get the baby on the airplane, good thing because it is tight going down those isles. We flew Spirit (another great deal, also we had vouchers that made it better when our airfare from March went down. We were even able to use them and book on line.) Both kids ended up sleeping on the flight and it was sunny when we got to WDW. We brought our soft cooler with our own drinks and snacks on the plane that was helpful.

At WDW we used one of those carts for $3 to get all the luggage to the rental car counter (I was concerned about this) it worked well. At National the guy took one look at all we had (6 bags, 2 adults, 2 kids and a bunch of carry ons) and said “You guys look like you have a lot, would you like a SUV instead.” I asked how much more it would cost. “Well normally it is $30 a day, but we have a special for $15.” That is $120 extra for the 8 days, we only are paying 130 for the full size rental car now (including tax.) No thank you, we will make it fit, we got to the airport ok after all. He tried to not let us use the second code for priceless vacations but hubby got determined and he waved it. (found on

We got everything to fit in the Chevy Impala (just barely) and headed out for some lunch. I have this thing about Chick-fil-a on vacations (they don’t have them up north in Detroit) so we found one near DTD and had lunch. They have this great Diet Lemonade there, can’t even tell it is diet. We stopped at the Publix for some food. They had all kinds of different baby food for marketed for Latinos (in Spanish with the word Lantio on it), some looked really good (different fruits and such) but I didn’t want to start new stuff with the upset stomach she had a few days before we left. They also had this brand of yogurt and juice, Sabino Latino (I think was the name sorry if I am wrong and I unknowing offend anyone) it was so good. (and cheap.) I wish I could get that up North. :slurp:

We wanted to do the Disney outlet, but since it was after 3:30 we wanted to get to PORS more. We got there and checked in with no problems. Our room that we called and requested a 1st floor in building 14 was ready. Room 1417. It was a great location, I only wish it had a ramp instead of a few steps up. After unpacking it was clear Little PhD had to run for a while so we loaded up and headed to Epcot for the evening. MK was closing at 7:00 for grad nights so we expected Epcot to be rather busy. We didn’t get there until 6:00. We headed over to the new (but as we found out not really improved) Land for some dinner. The baby had fallen asleep in the stroller, but they would not let us in with the stroller under any circumstances (fire hazard, but they allow wheel chairs.) So we had to take the poor baby out, she wasn’t too happy but delt with it fine. The new Sunshine food court had good food, but it was really high priced for what you get. I got some kind of steak salad and it was $10, and I wasn’t even full when I was done. We didn’t try to get in Garden Grill, but it was open and I wanted to at some point during the trip.

At 7:00 we headed over to World Showcase and stopped at this great area for the flower and garden festival. Mickey’s Maze. It had a playground and a sand dig area, Little PhD had a blast. We saw the show in Canada that both baby and Little PhD liked (we were able to talk about it a bit since 3 out of 4 of hubby’s grand parents were born in Canada. I needed fish and chips after that since dinner was so small so I stood in a very long line and chatted with a nice women while hubby and the kids waited in Canada to see Illuminations. As we learned for most of the trip, the busses at PORS are good, but VERY FULL. I had my normal luck with holding the baby that someone popped up and gave me their seat right away. (Thank you.) We found the only way we could manage both kids and the double stroller was the use the baby Bjorn every time. When Little PhD fell asleep too that made it even harder.

The question is can a couple of DVCers with kids who has upgraded to deluxes still be happy with a mod like PORS? As we found out this trip the answer is YES. :sohappy: :sohappy:
It was a great resort. The rooms were redone, the beds and towels were soft. They had this new hard title in the bathroom with a ring of broken pieces grouted in. That sure hurt on already tried feet, bring slippers, I almost did but then unpacked them. The refrigerator while a small one was big enough for our needs. There was more room to unpack then in a studio. The resort was lovely and the rooms were nice and quiet. We got great nights sleep every night. The baby slept better on vacation then at home. We put the pack and play next to the sink with the curtain up. I had packed extra blanket to put in it to pad it, (the baby likes her bed soft) but they brought some with it. If your baby is standing and grabbing thing this area might not work since the iron is near it.

We all had a good nights sleep (Baby slept from 10:00 to 4:00 am that was longest she has slept in her whole short life!) and we were well rested and ready to play the day away at MK the next day.

More as I write it. :)


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Saturday April 30th 2005.

Up and moving we were at MK around 9:30 or so. Breakfast in the room. We decided that this trip was really a continuation of the last trip just 8 short weeks ago and instead of doing Dumbo 1st we had to go on Small World since it wasn’t open last time. It was great, nice and clean, no major changes. Baby loved it. (so did the rest of us.) Hubby noticed a few animatronics were not working (hatching eggs). Our moods were great, we were in MK after all, the sun was out and it was just perfect weather. We got a fast pass for Peter Pan and then did Dumbo and Carousel. The lines and crowds weren’t bad and the park felt alive (but not cramped.) We were hungry so we had a mid morning break for what else? Mickey bars? :slurp:

After we saw Philharmagic. Baby didn’t like it as much this time since she was tried. Did Peter Pan after that. Baby napped in the stroller as we walked over to the new Noodle station. Little PhD fell asleep too. We could see Cinderellabration perfectly from the terrace at the noodle station. I agree with the reviews we read so far here, it is great food and good prices (unlike the Sunshine food at Epcot.) I got the BBQ bun, good but not as much food as the chicken noodle bowl hubby got. We also got the ginger crème brulee and pot stickers. Yummy. :slurp: Little PhD woke up and watched the rest of Cindrellabration but didn’t want anything at the noodle station. I looked around and saw that Casey’s was very close by so hubby and her walked to get a hot dog. We had gotten fast passes for Stitch thinking both girls would be asleep, but they both were awake and it was sunny and getting busy so we walked through the now insane FL and over to the raft to Tom Sawyer Island. Every trip we always say we are going to spend some time here, and we always go back to the resort instead. It was sunny out and hubby put baby in the Bjorn. I was happy to find that she couldn’t lift her hands over her head and take off her cute little Winnie the Pooh baseball cap I got for her at Wal-Mart. I took a cute picture of her in it, not knowing that would be the last time we would ever see it. We walked around and headed right for the playground, after a few min we were ready to go and I looked for her hat. It was nowhere to be seen, we retraced our short walk and it was gone. :brick: Knowing we JUST had it, it had to be around here somewhere. I fail to believe some one would steal a baby’s hat so it had to be around. Nope nowhere, checked all over. Well I was rather grumpy about this (I had just bought it and we just had it.) :mad: After a short walk around we were all in a rather foul mood so we decided it was time to head back to the resort for a swim and nap. I left the bad mood on the island with the hat, but it appears TSI has a ghost that stills little kids hats so be careful. (We even checked Lost and Found later in the trip no hat!)

Once again a full bus to PORS, even in the middle of the day. :hammer: There was towel animals waiting for us back in the room (something we aren’t used to since we are DVC.) Great time swimming, the pool was warm and it was nice and sunny. I even did the water slide (since I am not pregnant this trip!) :animwink:

Back to the room for a rest and baths. My DD found out that channel 96 on resort T.V. has all the old Mickey cartoons that run in the lobby of the resorts. It runs in a loop so there is always something on. :)

MK closes a 7:00 tonight for grad night, but we took the car to Poly for dinner at Ohana’s. As I heard before there was a bit of a wait to check in, and about 25 min after that until we were seated. This was our 1st time at Ohana’s and with all the new places we tried this trip, this is the only place we are going back to. It was good, great service, good food, fun for Little PhD. We had cousin Mike for our severer. Our table was right next to the window with a wonderful view of the lagoon. Too bad no fireworks tonight. Our server said they do them at midnight for the grad night. We did get to see some at 8:00 when they light some off from the wedding chapel. (We meet a family on the buss that was going to wedding there tonight.) I loved the food, it was great. Hubby liked the appetizers even better then the meat. Little PhD even got up to do the hoola hoop contest (her 1st time, she is a natural!) and the coconut races. Of course like in every event with other children and parents there is some parent that thinks everything is just for their kid and they are more important then any other child, but what are you going to do? We walked the beach and relaxed before driving back home (the only time we took the car while staying at PORS.)

Another great nights sleep, I head the fireworks at midnight, and I was surprised how loud they were. I love the 1st few days of vacation, thinking you have the whole trip ahead of you. :p


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Sunday May 1st.

Off to MK today, we see Cindrellabration as we walk in. We head over to the tea cups and then into FL. DD rides Goofy’s barn Stormer for the 1st time ever with hubby. She loves it. She rides it twice, but won’t ride it with me. (while baby sleeps in the stroller.) We saw a TON of Peg pergos side by sides like ours this trip, much more then last trip. In fact most people had a side by side instead of front back double strollers.

We through Minnie’s house and then into the judges tent for pictures with some princesses. After we stop to get the girls Minnie ears hats with their names on it. The CM Theresa did a great job with them. I am so impressed with her sewing skills. The girls took so cute they stop traffic everywhere we go. I also got DD a great new princess shirt. There are so many cute ones I have to restrain myself and only get one. (at $22 a pop for a child’s shirt, that would add up fast.) We stopped for a ciniman pretzel a must do eveyr trip. A eagar duck wanted to share baby's cherrios. :animwink: After our fast passes at Winnie the pooh it was time to get out of MK and head to Epcot for lunch at Norway with the princesses. We took the monorail over there and even had good luck getting in a handicap cabin so we didn’t have to fold down the double stroller. (believe me if someone while a whell-chair needed it we would of!)

We got to Epcot early so we stooped at the leave a legacy and had a CM give us a map to where our friends tile was. We found it and took pictures, that was fun. They were just here with us back in March and we never took the time to find it (it was made in Jan 2004.) We walked past the new butterfly exhibit and over to the baby car center to feed baby and warm up her food (non the restaurants will warm up baby food, just bring out hot water.) There was a massive back up at Epcot for our 2:20 PS. :brick: Once again they do the seat everyone at once and it leads to bottle necks. They didn’t have beepers, just called names. Well after 25 min of not hearing any names I started to worry. We finally got in and were seated in great seats near where the princesses come out. All the other kids around us got their appetizers really fast, but not ours that came a lot later. Not sure about the food, so I ordered the chicken salad, I figured how bad could it be? We saw all the princess before our food even came (that was nice.) There was Aurora, Bell (in he blue dress) Cinderella, Jasmine and Ariel (who looked great!) Hubby had lamb that he said was good, but the amounts were very small. My chicken salad was not a salad at all but a small chicken breast sitting on a smaller amount of coleslaw. I took a picture of it I could believe how tiny it was. I didn’t even finish it since it was rather dry. There was no mention to all you could eat and while the dessert plate was nice we actually left a little hungry. It cost the same for lunch as our dinner at Ohana’s last night and it wasn’t nearly as good (even close). We had DDE, but still it was $65 for the 3 of us. The best deal was DD pasta she got with out the sauce, both her and baby ate it. I don’t regret doing it, but if we need to eat with Princess again I will make the effort for CRT and never Norway again. It was a major waste of money (but DD did enjoy herself and behaved very well, so we did have a nice time.)

After we played on the boat and headed back to Mexico for the ride there. We headed back to the butterfly exhibit for her to play with DH while the baby napped in the stroller. It had a great climber there too. I love all the exhibits for the flower and garden festival. If you have never been for it before it is a great time. Go! The place was beautiful. :)

Over to Ice Cool station for some Smart Watermelon and then stopped near Imagination to feed the baby. Hubby was amused by the 2 teenage girls who were jumping right into the path of the jumping water. Hubby ran into the land to check the time on Soaring. 90 min wait, I guess we aren’t doing that today. After riding JII ride we played for a while. I found the 2 teenage girls dripping wet in the bathroom, they were very disappointed they didn’t have hand dryers in there. Then off to the living seas for interactions with the fishies. (you can bring the stroller in there by the way.) We sat up front with the kids for Turtle talked with Crush and he signaled my hubby out right away to talk to him (Parental unit up front with the white shell.) We closed the place at 7:00 and found that we had lost the baby’s blanket. Man, we were not having good luck with keeping track of things. I thought back and figured the last place I had it was feeding the baby so we walked back there and it was sitting right on the bench I was nursing her on. We decided we watched Illuminations already and it looked like it might rain so we headed back. It started to rain a few drops as we got on the bus, and stopped after we got off. Both girls were asleep (once again someone kindly gave me their seat.) and hubby and I stopped at the food court and got 2 meals to take back to the room. We were amazed how much food we got for under $20, more then at Norway for over $60. We had a nice meal with the girls sleeping in the room. I was excited I even got to watch Desperate housewife’s and Grey’s antinomy that night in peace. All in all a very lovely Sunday. :sohappy:


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Hi all, :wave: I got more done.... any questions?

Monday May 2nd.

Our last full day at PORS before heading to Vero Beach. We decided that we are going to MK all day since it will be easier to take the car to Epcot tmw before we head out. We want to see parades today since we haven’t yet. It is sunny and nice and we head out to MK. DD wants to do Buzz and Stitch has a 5 min wait so we spilt up. Me in line for Stitch and hubby with the kids on Buzz. 20 min later when he gets out he calls me on the walkie talky and we still haven’t moved once, so I bal, I don’t want to see it that bad. The line starts to move right after that. We do Astro orbiter and then TTA (there was a line for it, but it moved fast.) and then DD starts picking at the thread on her Minnie hat. We take the nice walk way form tmwland to Toon Town and hubby takes DD on Goffys’ while I go in the judges tent to see if anything can be done about her Minnie ears. Theresa is there, I am thinking maybe she can just stitch it back up, but she makes a whole new hat for her. (Thank you!) As we walk through FL the place is insane, you can’t even get near Small World. We decided it is time for lunch and go over to Liberty Tree Tavern for a lovely sit down lunch (with out P.S.) They even let us take the stroller in since the baby is asleep. After we do Tiki room, country bear, pirates and fast pass for Jungle Cruise. DD plays in the squiring fountains while I get a dole wipe. Good thing I brought a change of clothes for her. As we are leaving the parade is starting so we watch it on main street. DD is finally awake for it and really likes it (from dad’s shoulders.) After another full bus ride to PORS for swimming and rest again. Dinner form the food court. Off to MK for the parade, since it is open until 10:00 and we all had a nice rest.

It is 8:00 by the time we get there and the place is starting to fill up. We head over to Adventure land where it isn’t as busy and we find a nice place along the rope. DD plays with another little girl and her light spinners. I head over to the splash mountain store to check things out and spend more time then I should in line for popcorn. Even though we had saved spots by the time I get back people have crowded in all around us and we watch the parade with other peoples kids almost on my lap. DD likes it and we head over to Tomorrow land terrace for see the fire works. This plan doesn’t work as well since it is very crowded and the overhang prevents you from seeing wishes since it is so low in the sky. I did get another crème burlee though (YUM.) :slurp: Insanity taking the bus home. We wait in line for 4 busses to come and go and finally get on one (and the lines for other resorts were even longer.) Once again someone kindly gives up their seat for me and this time both a sleeping baby and 4 year old. :snore:


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Tuesday May 3rd.

We have to pack as we are heading over to Vero Beach today. My worst fear happened. While we were packing the baby reached for the yellow bottle of sun screen on the night stand and rolled off the bed. :cry: Talk about bad mom award! Luckily she was ok, but I felt so bad. I was so paranoid about this happening the whole trip, and it did. I was also worried about Little PhD rolling off the bed a night as I always find her on the floor at home in the middle of the night. She did very well, but I did pull out the trundle bed next to her bed just in case.

After we got stuff packed up I took the girls to the playground while DH loaded up the car. One good thing about our stroller is any bigger of a double, and it wouldn't of fit in the car. They playground at PORS is on “old man Island” and is a great playground, the best I have seen at any resort on WDW property. It is a number of wooden units and with sand. Lots of fun. Little PhD hurt her toe going down the pole and so we had to go soak it in the pool. Of course we didn’t have her swim suit with us and I didn’t want to change outfits so soon in the day (she had her new princess shirt on) so I had her take her skirt off and wade in the pool. This of course resulted in her princess panties getting wet. It was a great time for the pool, too bad we were leaving that day. I got a dirty look form a mom for letting my 4 year old play in the empty wadding pool in her underwear and shirt, but oh well. (after all I already got the bad mom award for the day!)

We drove to a WDW park for the 1st time ever. It wasn’t hard at Epcot and we got a close spot. We headed over to the Land and the baby was asleep in the stroller, knowing they wouldn’t even let us take her in the building I had DH go over there and get a child swap and FP for Soaring while I took the kids over to Farmer Mickey’s Maze to play. I wanted to get DD a new “figment ball” It is this soft purple ball that turns inside out and has soft spikes on it. She got one last year and really loved it, but it is so dirty and gross I waned to new one. Well the lady at the pavilion didn’t even want to let me bring the stroller (with the sleeping baby :snore: ) up to the water play area so I could buy the ball. There wasn’t anyone around and the show wasn’t due to be out for 15 min, so she very reluctantly let me. Future land is not very stroller friendly (especially when you don’t want to take the sleeping baby out of the stroller.) I remembered that we checked out, but didn’t bring our cc with us, just the room card. We were able to use that all day with no problem.

One word about the Disney rewards card. We had 169 for this trip (keep in mind this is since Feb or so,) and we used it all over with no problems at all. It was great, so much fun to buy something and think “that was free!” Funny that Home Depot sponsored the Flower and Garden Festival, since it really sponsored our trip too (seeing as we put all the trips to it for home improvements on the Disney Visa!) :sohappy:

Hubby got PS for Garden Grill in the land at 1:20 so he road soaring and then meet us over at the maze. (Contact with walkie talkies a MUST!) We all headed over to WS and were wondering in the real hedge maze in England when I noticed a rustling in the bushes. There was Alice (from Wonderland) wondering though the wooded area mumbling something about a white rabbit. Since we were the only people around she took DD though the maze again and played with her for a while. I thought I had it all on tape, but I think I was pressing pause when I thought I was recording. Oh well. It was a good memory. We left Alice to play with the crowd of kids that had gathered and when in the store where Winnie the Pooh was. Little PhD ran up and hugged him and had him sign the autograph. Baby all of a sudden decided she didn’t like charters and I think I have scared her for life by placing her on Pooh’s lap! Oh you should see the pictures of the screaming baby! From there we wondered to France where Little PhD put her feet in the fountain. Epcot was so in bloom and beautiful. We saw the movie, Little PhD commented that “this was HER soaring” I thought that was so cute. As we were wondering around France we found Belle, who was just going back in, but paused for a chat and a picture. Lunch time was coming up so back to the Land to try out the New Garden Grill. GG was one of our favorite places to eat. I loved the catfish and the menu. I must say the new one is fine, but a disappointment compared to the old menu. I got the steak, it was fine, hubby had the seafood pasta, ok. We also got the chicken, it was chicken nothing to rave about. The breadsticks weren’t warm and if you ask me, if you are going to do the breadsticks from Canada, at least do the best one, the pretzel! The dessert was ok, but once again very small. At least the sever did mention it was all you can eat and offered more (not of the dessert though, but it was time for us to leave.) Over all it was ok, if you never did the old you most likely will like the new. However it is not improved and I hope they go back to the old. I want my catfish! Also it was much faster before since the food was all ready for you.

I road soaring while they did Living with the Land. I really enjoyed it. Too bad Little PhD was just a little too short, she would of liked it. Not scary at all, in fact I think the 40 inch limit is too high. It took me less time then them. While waiting for them a man with a folded up stroller asked a CM where to park it. The cast member looked at him like he was crazy and asked him how he got it in here in the 1st place. The man then asked where to park the electric wheel chair, I am guessing that is how they got the stroller in with out being stopped. I later saw them both parked in the wheel chair parking.

After that we decided we haven’t done enough WS this trip so there was a boat right there so we hopped on and it put us right where we left us, the other side of France where there was a back yard exhibit from home depot and some playground and benches. All hits with us. After we wondered WS and to Morocco where we saw Jasmine and Aladdin. As we were seeing them I spot a baby with the same Winnie the Pooh hat we lost on TSI. I looked at hubby and said “Nice hat!” to them. I was tempted to ask where they got it, but held my tongue, after all I am sure they sell it all over. I doubt anyone who would steal or find a hat would then wear it around the parks. (but you never know.) It was too funny though. We rambled over to China where we saw the acrobats and then headed out to the car. It was looking like rain and we had a 2 hour drive ahead of us. The baby was asleep in the car so I ran into the character outlet. For just around $100 I got:

2 tank tops for hubby ($5 each)
1 tee shirt for hubby, (6 each)
one polo for me (the priciest of the bunch half off but still $25)
A hat just like DD for her cousin ($8)
A princess sweat shirt for Little PhD ($10)
A T shirt for baby (5)
Along with a bunch of toys, (markers, a princess watch, a doll outfit, bead set, magnets etc…..)

All in all good finds, in less then 30 min too!

After it was back to Chick Fil A for dinner and then back on the road to Vero Beach at 8:00. Since we were running late I called on the cell phone to let them know we are in fact still coming. We saw a lot of lighting, but didn’t encounter rain until an hour out of Orlando. The kids slept and it was a nice drive. We got to Vero at 10:00 and I ran in to check in and let the kids sleep in the car. The women at check in was very friendly, (lots of Welcome Home) giving me 3 Disney adventure magazines for my DD, along with stickers, coloring books etc…. We park under the building and get a cart to unload ourselves (not need to tip!) We got a great room, very close to our room last year but better. Room 2329 (last year was 2327) Great view of the Ocean (closer this year then last thanks, or no thanks to 2 hurricanes.) Our room was very long and there was lots of room, pack and play in the closest. There was a copy of the Disney Magazine in the room (there wasn’t at PORS.) Also there were more cable channels then at WDW resorts and a VCR in the room. (free rentals for DVC members.) Our room had big balcony, with a view from 2 sides. I felt it was the nicest Inn room during our stay (since the other side of the resort was under construction. It was very nice. We unpacked and got the kids in bed and then feel asleep ourselves. The Inn was very quiet and peaceful, we could hear the ocean waves and rain on the roof. Once again the baby slept better on vacation then at home (not to say I didn’t get up, but I only did 2 times, much better then normal. The beds were soft (queen size) and towels were soft too. I hate going to a hotel with stiff towels!


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Wednesday May 4th,

When we woke up the rain was gone, and the sun was out, but the weather was forecasted for rain all day. We didn’t have any food in the room so we headed to shutters for breakfast. Even though it was warm out it was VERY cold in the restaurant so hubby ran back to the room for jackets. We were eating a very good meal or omelets, eggs benedict and Mickey waffles when my husband wondered if the other couple with 2 young kids sitting across the restaurant was a DVC member from the disboards? (we had chatted before and exchanged family pictures.) I thought could be, some age kids. The more I looked the more I was sure it was them, and they were looking our way too so after we finished eating I took the baby and headed over to say hi! We had a nice chat. What luck finding them our very 1st time out of the room! (I know it is small place, but still.)

We then explored the resort, played putt putt and I signed up for a message in an hour. My hubby took the kids to the room to change and then for a swim. After my message we got a good hour in before we went back to the room. (it looked like rain and was a little cool.) DD went back at 2:00 for the un-birthday party. Being 4 this year and fully potty trained she was ready for the “big kids” party where you drop them off and come back in 45 min. She said “I will be fine, I am big now, I can take care of myself.” But of course I still worried. However we had a nice rest back in the room while the baby slept too, so I got over it. When I went back out to get her it was raining so I picked up a Mickey Umbrella at the gift shop. She was sitting there waiting for me looking so lonely with a decorated cup cake on her lap. She got up to run to me and dumped it on me. The CM appeared with another cupcake (she already ate one anyway during the party.) We ran in the rain back to the Inn. There was construction on the south end of the building, mostly roof work from the hurricane. Right as we walked in the building the fire alarm went off. I had been told at check in they were checking them and we did not have to leave the building. Well we walked right back out (it was really loud) and I though, well the baby isn’t sleeping any more. We waited on the porch with some other people, (I ate the cup cake, yummy!) I called out to DH thinking he was out on the balcony, but didn’t see him (he later said he heard me.) They tested it for longer then 10 minutes (believe that seems long with that nose.) Hubby said later the baby never woke up.

The rest of the rainy afternoon was spent napping and bathing and resting. I read a book on the balcony. I loved the view. That balcony made the rain not so bad, because you could still enjoy the ocean from the comfort of your room. We had a good dinner at Shutters (didn’t need to go out.) It was rather disappointing that the weather was so poor, but we had been going strong for 5 days and needed a rest anyway, and really we got a lot done today too. We borrowed Lion King 1 ½ and had Mickey bars back in the room for dessert, can’t get enough of them. We thought about going down to the pouch for the sign along, (since there was no campfire in the rain.) However the kids were sleeping by then, but I could hear them faintly.


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Thursday May 5

Once again woke to sunshine, but forecast of rain (at least it was more promising then rain all day.) We hit the beach early while there still was sun. The new beach access is to the south of the pool, I joked it was off the property, but it was. :hammer: This was because they are working on the board walk (since all the land that was near it and the campfire is now gone.) It was not as convenient for young children as the old way, but not bad. We were on the beach by 9:20 (the time on the camcorder.) We had a nice time, the baby didn’t like it was much as Little PhD and I took her back to the pool and for a walk around the resort in the stroller so she could fall asleep a little after 10:30. It was sunny enough for me to buy new sunglasses (couldn’t find mine and I always like having sunglasses that say Walt Disney World on them.) When I got back to the pool hubby and DD were there getting ready to play. We swam some, I went down the slide and then we had some lunch by the pool. After we played a round of putt putt (Thursday is the new member day.) The pool water was cold today, too bad since the air wasn’t to warm. Hubby said even the ocean was warmer. We warmed up some I the hot tub (that was only luke warm so I let the girls in it too. DD made a joke about pooh in her bum and that really scared the other people in there :eek: (it was a joke, but not a funny one.) :lol: Hubby blew up her water ring (like the kind I saw all over the place at PORS) and came back to tell me they wouldn’t allow it . I was very surprised by that, but he got her a soft swim vest from the community hall and she soon discovered the joys of swimming by herself. This was her 1st time ever. She wouldn’t play on the pritate ship because of all the splashing water. It just wasn’t warm enough for that for her to do that, (and she didn’t have enough time to get used to it.)

We were warn out and back in the room by 2:30 (remember we started at 9:00 or so) and had another rest and baths in the room. We headed out to Captain Harims for dinner. The drive over there was eye opening. You could see effects of the hurricanes all over, some looked like they just happened, not 8 months ago. More then just roofs. As we drove down Indian River Drive there was docks out everywhere, even a major boat just washed ashore (next to a fire hydrant, you think it would of at least gotten a ticket.) Captain Harims looked beautiful, you could tell the part near the water was all new. If you go to Vero Beach this off prop restaurant is a must. Great food, amazing view and good prices. We had a lovely view of the water and it was very beautiful out. We had a good meal. I was taken off guard by the no changing tables in the bathroom, I was so used to Disney. As we were having dessert (Key Lime Pie) it started to rain. Hubby went out and got the car and pulled it up and it started to DUMP rain. I had a better idea of what it was like in the hurricanes! (but no where close to it.) Well I was not taking the baby out in that, so we just waited. After about 10 min of constant dumping a bus boy with a golf umbrella shows up and offers to take us to the car. We get in, just jumping in and drive over to the parking lot to buckle the girls in their car seats.

Back to the room, and hang out and relax some. Little PhD and I cuddle out on the really big balcony and talk about our favorite times of the trip. She was really fun and well behaved all trip. Gone was the moody girl of last trip who pouted when she didn’t get to run the show. She was cooperative, funny and just great to be around. (However since being home the moody girl has reappeared.) We didn’t get as much time on the beach as I would of liked, but that balcony was like being there any time you wanted to, it was really great. Tomorrow we leave, but hubby and I didn’t have the energy to pack. It would have to wait for the morning. ;)


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May 6th Friday,
It is hard to believe we will sleep in our own beds tonight, but we had a long way to go before then. We pack up, Little PhD is restless. She plays in things and unpacks things we pack up. We finally get all out by 10:00 am and head out. I am hungry and have my heart set on McDonalds for breakfast. Don’t ask me why but I love Sausage Mc Muffins, call it a weakness of mine. We are close to the highway (and Mickey D’s ) 30 min later when DD remember she put her Figment ball and new personal fan from WDW in one of the drawers and left it there (as we told her not to.) Well I am not willing to spend 1 hour of our last day at WDW going back form them so I get out the cell and call the resort. They were very helpful and promised to send it to us. (We haven’t got it yet, but we just got home.)

DD has asked to go to MGM for our last day to see playhouse Disney and DH agreed rather quickly, I think he is hoping to see the new car stunt show. I figure it will be better then MK on the last day because parking should be easier. It was. We did however take a tram, another 1st for us. We get there by 12:15. Another 1st, we used the baby care station there, it is to left in the same building as guest relations. Baby is feed and comfortable and we are off to see the 1:00 showing of B&B. The baby really liked it, but part of that was she was well feed and rested. We have to hit a number of shows just right to fit it all in before we have to head out to the airport. After we head over to Play House Disney and since we have 15 min I get some more Mickey bars. However once I get them the line starts to move. Somehow we eat them both and finish just as we walk into the show (and didn’t even make ourselves sick or get chocolate every where, I was impressed.) Well I am glad we did because Little PhD enjoyed herself more then I ever have seen her there (she often gets “shy”) and they have a new segment with JoJo now. It was really cute.

We had 30 min before we had to get to see the Auto stunt show so we stopped at the new back lot. Once again fancy food, I got a gyro and Little PhD had a melt down while we tried to get her to eat some ham from her sandwich. This was the worst behavior of the whole trip, my hubby had enough. I some how got her clamed down and she felt better after eating some. We headed off on our very long walk to the very back of the theater for the stunt show. Thank God I had put the baby in the Bjorn, I never would of made it otherwise. The show was good, but I was glad I was so far back, the noise would of scared the girls otherwise. Baby was restless. I hand fed her cheerios.

We said goodbye and headed back to the car. We had an hour before we had to head to the airport and I wanted Beaches and Cream for dinner and I wanted to check out the new resort store. It was very nice, much better then the tempary one when we were there. . We got there and were seated right away (about 4:45) and Darlene was our waitress (we love her, we have had her for a waitress many times since 1997 or so.) She did a great job getting our food to us and we got to use the DDE one more time this trip. :slurp:

We were pushing it getting to the airport. We decided to all go to the car return so hubby could pack up the car seats in the bag to be checked (I couldn’t make them fit right.) We did get packed all up (it was a miracle) since both girls were asleep of course. The Stewart enlisted the men behind us to help us carry stuff on the plane! Little PhD stayed asleep until somewhere over Ohio I think, Baby stayed awake until them. In fact baby’s ears must have been bothering her because she screamed most of the flight (I am sooooo sorry if you were near us.) :brick: She was fine once she got off the plane.

We were home by midnight, what a long day!

Pictures to follow when I get them shrunk down to the right size!!!

Thanks for reading. Like I said I got into details not everyone wants, but can be helpful if you have kids the same age or staying at the same resorts.

Vero Beach wasn’t as great for us this time as it was last year (we were there for 5 nights instead.) Don’t let that turn you off, it is a great place to go. We love it. We really needed more time at both places. (at least one day.) Oh well, I will take what I can get!

Thanks for reading. :kiss: Sorry it was so long, :snore: You can wake up now! any questions?


Well-Known Member
DisneyPhD said:
2 tank tops for hubby ($5 each)
1 tee shirt for hubby, (6 each)
one polo for me (the priciest of the bunch half off but still $25)
A hat just like DD for her cousin ($8)
A princess sweat shirt for Little PhD ($10)
A T shirt for baby (5)
Along with a bunch of toys, (markers, a princess watch, a doll outfit, bead set, magnets etc…..)

Where was this exactly?? Great deals!


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My husband knows the excat roads. I will have to ask him and get back to you. However it is on the exit where DTD is. If you turn right you to go DTD (and the waffle house) left towards the Chick fil a. You turn back towards Mary queen of the universive and there is an outlet mall there (Prime Outlets I belive) It is in the middle of it.

I think there is another Disney World outlet too, a little farther away. I have heard good things about it, but we knew where this one was and time was short. IMO this is the best thing about renting a car. :sohappy: They were all WDW merchandise, just last years stuff. (like the hat for my niece, the same as the one I bought 2 of for DD last year and the year before that.) Some of the stuff wasn't on sale, like Mickey ears ($7) like normal. SO you have to be careful with that.

I will post the exhact roads when hubby comes home, he knows. (or someone else might too!) :lookaroun


New Member
Your family is similar to mine,we have a 2 yo and a 3.5 yo. Which is the best place, in your opinion, to stay for the kids and the best attractions to take them to?


Well-Known Member
I love reading your trip reports. They are always full of details
(and honesty esp. regarding grumpy kids :lol: )


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sheryl2007 said:
Your family is similar to mine,we have a 2 yo and a 3.5 yo. Which is the best place, in your opinion, to stay for the kids and the best attractions to take them to?

The good thing about WDW prop resorts is every one is great for kids. My personal favorites are Y&B club (for deluxe or DVC) and PORS for mod. Y&B has the most amazing sand bottom pool. so great for young kids (and everyone really) You can take a boat to MGM and a short walk to Epcot and it is close by almost everywere (unlike the MK resorts that are really only close to MK.) I love the themeing and there is a lot of food right near by. Also they just redid the strore at BC to have more snacks and sandwiches in it (and you can refil mugs there.) Also everything is inside so you can walk in the rain much easier. However this seems to make the noise inside the resort louder then the mods (sepreate building.)

PORS is beatiful and romanctic, but fun for kids. I was really impressed with the playground and the pool and kiddy pool are nice too. The food court is great. The rooms are good sized and they have the trundel bed so 2 kids can sleep with out sharing a bed, (or you can fit 5 in a room.) You can even rent bikes and have a carrage ride. The sit down restaurnt is good and while the busses always seem to be full, they run really fast. We hardly ever waited more then 5 or 10 min. (We had to wait a big at closing time at the parks, but not bad really. It was cramped riding home though.)

I hear values are good, but have never stayed there. All mods and Deluxes have refridgeater in the room free of charge now, it is still $10 in values.

Pretty much all the must do's for us with kids were listed in this trip report. We were really impressed with all the kids stuff at Epcot for the F&G festivel. We didn't do AK, since we did it 2 days last trip, but all that was listed in my the March trip report.

The water parks can be really fun for kids that age too, BB is our favorite but you can't go wrong with TL either.

There is some fun stuff at DTD, but since we have AP we don't see to make it there as much.

If you have any other questions just let me know. I love helping people plan their trips.

One of the best things this time was just relaxing and not worrying too much about getting stuff done.


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Gucci65 said:
I love reading your trip reports. They are always full of details
(and honesty esp. regarding grumpy kids :lol: )

Thank you, LOL :lol:, she did much better this trip. (expect for the melt down at MGM). I think part of the reason she did better is as much fun as it is to go to WDW with your best friend and older cousin there was a lot of crazyness and other people needs to meet. This trip she got her mom and dad's full attention and we were able to get away from the demands of home to spend some great family time together. That really helped. We joked that we left grumpy mommy, daddy and Little PhD at home, but they seemed to be waiting for us when we got here! (Grumppy baby comes and goes, but for the most part she is really happy baby if her needs are meet.) Als much fun as it is going with other peole we have been so many times we find ourselves doing things for them (since they useally haven't) and don't focus on our family as much. It was so great just to have it be the 4 of us this trip. Just being together and ther put us in a good mood.

WDW is easier the more you do and even cheaper too. (with the AP and DDE we saved alot this trip, it the whole thing cost us under 1,000 with airfare and rental car, and tons of sovinors.) Things like these message boards really help (finding codes and such.)

We know the parks so well we never crack a map. It was funny because we did need to see times and almost forogt to get them.

Litlte PhD has become such at WDW expert it almost scares me. Hubby made a comment about lighting looking like "Illumnations" and from the back seat we hear Little PhD chime in "reflections of earth!" :lol: It was too funny. Today she said she was playing with the pirates of the caribien , opps she ment peter pan toys.

She really seemed to enjoy herself more. Gone was the grumpy face girl, this trip we had silly face. We got some crazy pictures :sohappy: .

We don't head back until Jan 2006, one last trip on this AP. That really is only if baby PhD who will be 18 months old isn't too much of a handful. Something tells me we will do it anyway, just adjust.


New Member
Thanks for the advice, I want to share more with you; this year we went over Easter, with my 2 little ones my daughter who is 16, her best friend and we met my sister,her husband and 14 and 12 yo. We only spent one day at MK and one day at BB we spent a day at the resort and one day at Universal Islands. We have been to WDW about 9 times but always before with my older daughter or sans kids. This was the first trip with little ones. We had a great trip , but I am dissapionted that they didn't get to do as much as the older kids, we pretty much did what they wanted, the little guys rode the jungle cruise, Alladins magic carpets,pirates of the Carribean, the train,which they loved of course, Buzz lightyear, thats pretty much it, by the time we got to FL they were fast asleep. BB was great also. We did Island at Universal because the last time we went was 2000 and were so dissapionted that my husband complained and got free passes, which we used this trip, once again big time dissapiontment with universal , totally not for little kids, except the Suess stuff. I think I put every park against Disney and of course nothing else measures up. I am pretty sure the next time we go won't be over Easter ,it was so crowed when we were there, I have read on this site of people saying they weren't busy, but I thought they were, We usually go in late April, early May and just LOVE it, but my daughter is in high school now and can't miss school. We are planning a return trip and I will be prepared this time!! I want the best of both with the big and little kids getting a fair turn.
By the way, we stayed at Coronado Springs , I liked the pools and the rooms, it was a long walk to the Pepper Market though. We have stayed at the All Stars in the past, nice but smaller rooms and crowded food courts. We also stayed at the YC one night and loved it.
My biggest goal is to be DVC members, that is a long term goal at this point. We are about to embark on a home improvement,addition in 2 weeks, and will also be grumpy. Thanks again, if you have any more advice , I would love to hear it.


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It sounds like your last trip was a lot like our tirp before this (in March with the group of 10.) Fun and there is a lot of everyone, but it easier for the little ones when they get to be the focus.

I wouldn't go at easter if there was any way to avoid it. I think early May is a great time (even this year with the 50th celebration happening the crowds weren't bad at all.)

MK has the most for little kids, but AK is good to (and a much more relaxed pace) and we love Epcot, in fact my 4 year old had a great time this year there. She is getting to the age that she can understand and appreicate other cultures so we had a blast in WS. Also there were tons of charaters there.

We haven't done US since 2000 so we didn't have kids then (DD was born March 2001) For some reason we took tons of video of the Curious Gorge play eara and water area. We got the viedo out and DD saw it and now she wants to go. I am not really wanting to since normally we don't get a car and have an AP so any time we aren't at WDW costs us more money. Maybe in a few years. I wasn't impressed by US either and we didn't do IOA then. Like you we compare it to WDW and it just doesn't add up.

We like CS too, but the walk can be long (it can at PORS too that is why we requested a room in building 14.) As a DVC member I was impressed with it though, not disapointed. However we LOVE being DVC members so glad we joined back in 2001. We need an add on in points, but we got an add on to our house instead, we started it almost a year ago now and it still isn't done. Hopefully it should be in the next month. Good thing because we are running out of room and this baby has no space of her own at all (I keep her cothes in a couple of lundry baskets.)


New Member
:) Thanks again for the info, I loved reading your reports, I did follow the link and read your March trip report, which was similar to our trip! I do have a question for you, you mentioned to DDE a couple of times , what is it? I take it as a discount meal plan, how do you get it ?? I really want our next trip to be better, including less money on food, any tips are appreciated. Thanks again:sohappy:


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Wow, that is a lot to read! :lol: Thanks for reading!

DDE is Disney Dining Experince. It cost 75$ for FLA residents and you get 20% of almost every sit down restaurant at WDW prop and some places where there is no sit down (AK, the Value resorts.)

Since the new MYW meal plans (for 35 a person, 10 for kids, good deal.) isn't avilable for for DVC and people with AP disney did something new this year. DVC get a disount on AP (a good one too, 100 off each AP up to 8 people who live in the same household.)

So now they offer the DDE for AP members at a discount (50) It is good for a year from being issued. You have to call before you go (I belive you can get it after, but it is more difficult.)

In 2 trips we have saved at least $250 (one trip had 10 people). But as hubby was just saying we ate at more sit down then we would of with out it.

(Beaches and cream is inculded, we love that place!)

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