Thanks to you all for helping with my vacation plans


New Member
Thanks to all of you who have answered my various questions about my Dec 26 to Jan 3 trip to WDW. You have all helped to make my trip better then it would have been without your help and for that I thank you.

With that being said, I just wanted you all to know, that I have decided not to move my reservation to the Disney All-Star Sports Resort, but to stay with my first choice which was to stay at CBR and upgrade to he silver dream maker package and also include a mimi-fridge with my reservation. I figure that this package gives me a nicer hotel, and some more flexibility to my vacation.

Now if you all can come up with a way for me to stay at AKL during this time for a reasonable price, then I could really really thank you.

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
Hey Jason, I would tell you to keep an eye out on another webiste called it is run by a lady named Mary who has some amazing information on there. Thiss does include discount codes. I would tell you to book a room only so that way if a better option becomes available you can utilize it. Check with Disney about your cancellation and rebooking policy. CBR is apretty lovely resort though and you can always head over to AKL for breakfast at Boma's which was yummy. Belle
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We stayed at CBr and loved it for the price. We also got a fridge but we never ended up using it. I'd say that our actual time in the hotel room itself for a 4 night stay was 45 hours including sleeping time so you might want to rethink that extra. A good cooler works just as well and the ice is free.
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