Summer Room Only Discount (Extended)


Well-Known Member

We booked our trip (check in May 29th, check out June 6th). We have taken advantage of the 40% off deluxe savings for our dates up to the June 3rd cut off. Can we now "add on" this additional savings code for our remaining dates or is that considered combining discounts?
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Well-Known Member
We booked our trip (check in May 29th, check out June 6th). We have taken advantage of the 40% off deluxe savings for our dates up to the June 3rd cut off. Can we now "add on" this additional savings code for our remaining dates or is that considered combining discounts?

You can, but you will have to split your reservation. Reservation 1 would be May 29-June 3, then Reservation 2 would be June 3-6. As long as you choose the same resort and room category and "link" the 2 reservations (be sure to remind the CM when you check in that you have a continuing reservation) you should be able to stay in the same room. It is a chance I would definitely take in order to save 40%.
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Well-Known Member
This is great. The new offer just saved my parents $320 off the summer trip they booked only two weeks ago. :) I am surprised that Disney doesn't blackout the July 4th holiday.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This is great. The new offer just saved my parents $320 off the summer trip they booked only two weeks ago. :) I am surprised that Disney doesn't blackout the July 4th holiday.
They will but it depends on the booking rates. Obviously they are falling a bit short of where they want to be.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads-up. I have a reservation at Pop that I think this will save a slight amount on. (Still not 100% sure if I'm going on the trip, but I have the hotel reservation just in case...)

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Well-Known Member
This is really exciting! - we just contacted AAA to see if we can switch our reservation to the Yacht Club for our honeymoon. With the 35% off we can switch to the YC from the WL and still save a little money! :sohappy:

If we're able to move the reservation, hopefully we won't have to re-book all of our ADRs, but even if we did it would still be worth it!
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what about annual pass discounts???

We our annual pass:shrug:holders wondering why general public discounts are out for the summer & not for A/P holders???????.....Makes you wonder if purchasing an annual pass is worth buying!!!!!!!!!!!!:shrug:
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Well-Known Member
I noticed this yesterday and was able to 35% of the Polynesian during July 4 weekend! I hadn't booked there yet because the rack rate was just ridiculous. Still pricey but a little more palatable for me now.
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Well-Known Member
absolutely agree with Trotsky. I called on Feb. 10th to get some prices for two trips one spring and one summer. Our spring dates didn't work for any AP discounts and the CM told me no AP rates were available for our summer dates at this time. Really disappointed.
Looks like for the summer we will be at either Yacht or Beach...not sure. Husband wanted to go back to Boardwalk, but the girls are wanting to try out Stormalong Bay. So those of you who have stayed at Y&B is SAB worth it? We really liked sitting on the balcony on 'down' nights watching Illuminations
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