Stupid cast members at WDW!


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Original Poster
On a recent trip we were buying a t-shirt at Epcot that had the number 71 on it. When my brother asked what does the 71 stand for, I said thats the year the MK opened. A cast member overheard and said no it isn't. It opened in the 80's!!! We decided we weren't going to buy the shirt from that store. We then were getting a drink at the outpost when I asked a castmember when the MK opened and he said the 30's!!! Finally we asked for a manger and asked what year the MK opened, he finally said 1971. Don't CMs go througha brief tutorial about the history of the parks??? Anyways, CMs really need to know their facts about where they're working!


Well-Known Member
Maybe the CM thought you were talking about Epcot, as it did open in '82. And yes, we do go thru a "Brief Tutorial" as you called it, and some of us actually do soak in what they say. Please don't make the assumption that all CM's (as you posted in the title of this thread) are stupid. Most of us do know what's going on and when the parks opened, etc...And I'm curious...if YOU knew that's what the 71 represented...WHY would you continue on (after NOT buying the shirt from this "stupid cast member" ) and ask another CM to verify what you already knew? Was it that big of a deal? Let it go...

General Grizz

New Member
I hope this thread doesn't have a giant attack on it. Because, well, many Cast Members these days could care less they are working for Disney instead of Company X.

It is evident at all of the parks, and does need to be fixed. Especially when some of the original, long-term Cast Members are being replaced with ones who, i.e. don't even know when the Magic Kingdom opened.

Case in point, Lonnie, the head show-quality manager of Country Bear Jamboree. Guests and Cast Members always came up to him and called him "Papa Bear." He had been at the Magic Kingdom for years and always gave the "special touch" in his speils and guest interaction. He had a health condition that did not allow him to work at Tom Sawyer's Island, a shift that was recently demanded upon the CBJ Cast. Beause of this, Lonnie was not allowed to work at Bears anymore. He has, sadly, left the Walt Disney Company.

On my last visit, I saw a bunch of foreign Cast Members who gave a quick speil: "Welcome, no eating drinking or smoking, thanks" who always talked amongst themselves.

It's a sad world. We need more people like Lonnie. Disney really needs to shapen up.

So this is a good thread (i.e. about promoting the original CMs like Lonnie), but there is an evident truth that the current Disney Management is losing its focus and good standards for quality show, courtesy, and safety.


New Member
While there are always some people who just don't care, please don't lump all cm's together in one pot. Some of us really are trying to spread the magic still. Yes, we do have a brief overview of opening dates and things like that but as Jill pointed out, when I first read your post I assumed you were talking about Epcot which did open in '82. Everyone (including cm's) will make mistakes at times.



Wow, that story about Lonnie is saddening. I've never heard that before.

I know, it's absolutely horrible what CMs are becoming today. Most of them are rude and don't care if they're making guests happy or not. It's a rarity to find some nice, helpful CMs these days. I do know there are some out there though. The quality of CMs has dropped drastically. When a new CEO comes in, I hope he will take notice of this and will do something about it. I'm sure Roy doesn't like this issue either.

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
Wow, that story about Lonnie is saddening. I've never heard that before.

Well, no one really does. I've met Lonnie about 9 or 10 times. . . and I was saddened to go on a Thursday and hear the news. :(


New Member
While we're on the subject of CM's, I'll share a story. Once when we were at The Land, we noticed Living With the Land was a walk on. This is the ride with the boats if I'm not mistaken. Well we walked all the way through the queue right to the boat. While we were waiting, a group of CM's was standing by talking. There were 3 or 4 of them who looked college aged. They were just talking amongst themselves not even looking at the slowly filling boats. Then I heard them say "Who's gonna do this one" One finally said she'd do it. It turned out she was an excellent guide and she made it real enjoyable. My problem is, it shouldn't have taken them that long to get the ride moving.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWfan2209
Don't CMs go througha brief tutorial about the history of the parks??? Anyways, CMs really need to know their facts about where they're working!

You'd be surprised. There are lots of CMs that are in the college program and they don't have a clue. Not everyone can be as smart as you and me and know everything aboud Disney. :D Maybe they should hire us!

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by Disneyfan81
While we're on the subject of CM's, I'll share a story. Once when we were at The Land, we noticed Living With the Land was a walk on. This is the ride with the boats if I'm not mistaken. Well we walked all the way through the queue right to the boat. While we were waiting, a group of CM's was standing by talking. There were 3 or 4 of them who looked college aged. They were just talking amongst themselves not even looking at the slowly filling boats. Then I heard them say "Who's gonna do this one" One finally said she'd do it. It turned out she was an excellent guide and she made it real enjoyable. My problem is, it shouldn't have taken them that long to get the ride moving.

That's just SAD. I saw this in 1999 at Universal, and I was SO proud of Disney.



I agree with both of the lines running through this. Not all CM's are stupid as you said. But sadly too many are turning out to be stupid. Many are as someone said like college age kids who this is just a summer job. When we first started going to WDW in the mid 80's it was my mom, myself and my grandparents. My grandpa was in a wheelchair and later those electric carts. The people at WDW were always above and beyond courteous and helpful. We even stopped going to Sea World for years after how horribly we were treated(in those same years mid 80's). But sadly today too often you run into cast members that stand around talking while you sheepishly look at them to try and get some help.

The story of Lonnie is sad. Some time ago in the England pavilion there was an older man who worked in the tea shop. He had always wanted to have an afternoon tea in the garden behind the shop. Management let him try it to see if it caught on. It was wonderful he had it with the tea the scones, double Devon cream and jam, the whole nine yards. Sadly he too was told to pack up. He kept everything on ice and it was only open for a few hours but he was told it was unsanitary. So now the only place other than the GF to have afternoon tea is a paper cup of twinings on the street next to the Rose and Crown. Sadly these stories can go on and on.

Lastly do they still do the Pixie Dust refreshers. When my mom and I were told about this from a cm we had made friend with we thought it was a wonderful idea. Even today if I am someplace WDW or elsewhere and have someone wait on us that is less than friendly or just terrible I walk away saying under my breath "Someone needs to get some Pixie Dust":)

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by GenerationX
I have yet to run across a CM I would describe as discourteous or stupid. On the contrary, they seem more than happy to help.

That's a good point! There is still a GREAT percent who truly embody Disney.

I envy you! :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by GenerationX
I have yet to run across a CM I would describe as discourteous or stupid. On the contrary, they seem more than happy to help.
Bravo! I also have NEVER encountered a bad or rude CM. I don't judge or critique them based on how CM's used to be, I accept them for who they are as I see them. CM bashing here is really getting old, IMO.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Epcot has a TON of foreign CMs many of there for just 8 weeks....

Not all of us are stupid, a great deal, A HUGE deal of us are smart. But the reason there seems to be more that are not perfect is because of threads like this. It's hard to maintain positivity when people start generalizing over one or two people. We go through Traditions and many of us love it and pay attention, but there are 55,000 jobs to fill and not everyone is going to remember everything that was thrown at them during an 8 hour course.
I really think it is wrong of you to think CMs are stupid and unworthy of your time based on a trivia question. It is important to me and to you, but was that CM rude?????? Were they mean???? Ok so they weren't knowledgable, I am sorry, but is no reason to call them stupid. I don't think it's fair that these CMs are viewed in sucha negative light in your mind. For a lot of people this is a job, this is not a hobbie. I wish that everyone know all the simple facts about Disney. But when there 55,000 jobs to fill you can't go around looking for each one of those CMs to be 100% interested in Disney. As long as they are nice and accomadating.


New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
Epcot has a TON of foreign CMs many of there for just 8 weeks....

Since when have foreign CM's been here for only 8 weeks? They used to be on at least a 1 year contract.

General Grizz

New Member
Pixie, I think a lot of us are upset because it's that a LOT of the good Cast Members - like you, I'm sure - haven't been given the right treatment (i.e. Lonnie).

One of my best friends is a Cast Member. But even she is a trainer and reports the lack in "show." I.e. a TSI boat runner (who shall remain nameless), is so bad at his job to the point that she holds her breath every time he docks.

And while it IS necessary to get the jobs, why are there so many layoffs? And why are the LONG-TERM Cast Members being laid off at the expense of quick, cheap labor?

It is a reality. i.e. Walt Disney World Information. It's hard as HECK to understand many of the Cast Members because of their dialect. I just don't get it. Is it cheaper labor? I can never get the direct answer most of the times.

I really do understand your point that this is negative. It is negative. But, just as we praise HUNDREDS of Cast Members, there are a few who do exist who just make some visits unpleasant.

It's a sad thread, but I believe it is real. Now as far as calling the guy "stupid," no. Somewhat ignorant for arguing a false point, but that's not the worst of it.

*sigh* Poor duckie never made it out between the raft and the dock at TSI. :( :lookaroun

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