I mean they have money. Money for lots of things. Thousands of things. Why single one thing out as a waste? To me this is almost an R&D investment more than a hotel. And if it ends up making money, then it's money well spent isn't it? If it doesn't, well, lots of things don't- probably some things you yourself enjoy.
Also, aside from this board and some youtubers, I've yet to know a person in real life who found the land underwhelming let alone VERY underwhelming. My Disney hating, Star Wars Meh-ing brother loved it and kept talking about the quality of the "sets" (his word for theming.) They even liked both milks. Everyone I've talked to has enjoyed it, even those who went before RotR opened. My own biggest gripe about the land is that I've yet to experience it myself. Most just want it to be more which isn't really a complaint, and something that fits most every land or park built to date- none more than the park the land sits in now.