Awful analogy. For one thing, they DID recreate the number one most popular location of the Star Wars films: The Millennium freakin Falcon.
Secondly, if Return to Oz had become the top grossing film of all time, then Wheelers and Gumps would not be the punchlines you made them out to be. Plenty of kids think it’s cool getting threatened by Kylo Ren.
Thirdly, even though GE is currently set in a specific time period, it’s an OLD location. One that can easily adapt to new stories and new characters that you never know, might be GASP! as popular as OT characters <<coughGrogu&Mandocough>> You don’t want to commit to Wampas and Ewoks for the rest of eternity.
The fact that Ep 8 & 9 fumbled the ball (and were still profitable unlike Return to Oz) doesn’t mean WDI made the wrong choices with Galaxy’s Edge.
Are there weaknesses that need fixing? Sure, we need more Williams music, more atmospheric characters walking about / fighting, more MF missions. Pretty easily done because the land was so well built in the first place.
It’s not like DCA 1.0 we’re talking about here.