Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
That's strongly rumored by Micechat to be an indoor mega-coaster themed to another Marvel character, likely Captain America set in the 1940's.

Remember, the Disneyland Resort can do anything it wants with whatever Marvel character it wants in any park it wants. The legal restrictions on Marvel appearing in the park at WDW don't exist at Disneyland and DCA.
I hope they do it with Guardians of the Galaxy. You cant go wrong with the space battles and stuff..


Well-Known Member
The Millennium Falcon attraction building seems quite small in relationship to the other E-ticket building. Additionally, the Millennium Falcon attraction building seems to have a very similar overall size and shape to the Mission: Space building... previous descriptions of the Millennium Falcon attraction describe being able to sit in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon and seemed to imply being able to control your flight... not completely unlike Mission:Space... I said it before and it got shot down, but I'll propose it again...

Any chance the Millennium Falcon attraction is some sort of Mission:Space 2.0 ride system?

The actual ride won't need much space... as space doesn't take much space. The queue to RV experience should be sweet.


Well-Known Member
The Millennium Falcon attraction building seems quite small in relationship to the other E-ticket building. Additionally, the Millennium Falcon attraction building seems to have a very similar overall size and shape to the Mission: Space building... previous descriptions of the Millennium Falcon attraction describe being able to sit in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon and seemed to imply being able to control your flight... not completely unlike Mission:Space... I said it before and it got shot down, but I'll propose it again...

Any chance the Millennium Falcon attraction is some sort of Mission:Space 2.0 ride system?

There's a lot of space in the millennium Falcon cockpit, at least in comparison to the space you have in mission space.


Well-Known Member
The Millennium Falcon attraction building seems quite small in relationship to the other E-ticket building. Additionally, the Millennium Falcon attraction building seems to have a very similar overall size and shape to the Mission: Space building... previous descriptions of the Millennium Falcon attraction describe being able to sit in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon and seemed to imply being able to control your flight... not completely unlike Mission:Space... I said it before and it got shot down, but I'll propose it again...

Any chance the Millennium Falcon attraction is some sort of Mission:Space 2.0 ride system?

I would think it could be more like Star Tours 2.0. Bigger, more immersive wrap around screen,
motion platform . . . like Harry Potter, on a Kuka Arm, in front of spherical projections that aren't attached
to the ride vehicle?


Park History nut
Premium Member
I always though of Energy and The Living Seas as having some really cool queues and pre-shows, the type Disney just doesn't do anymore.

The other Epcot attractions had basic queues because the attractions were such high capacity people-eating ride systems that there was rarely more than a 5 minute wait.

Compared to what Disney has done in the last 15 years, 1980's Epcot still sets a high bar.
I was thinking more about queue areas than preshows. SSE and Motion? C'mon! SSE became a bit of an in joke how the parks icon had metal switchbacks in the sun. They even dulled down the original plans for load to make it less interesting. Very much a less is more approach. Seas did reset the balance somewhat before preshow one.


Well-Known Member
3. I assume Star Tours is staying put over there? If so, how awkward is that? A whole Star Wars Land but one ride is on another side of the park in a different land?

So I have to wonder, with all this money being spent to make the biggest, baddest, most expensive, extensive, and comprehensive land in the park, all of it dedicated to Star Wars . . . are they just gonna leave Star Tours hanging out in Tomorrowland?

I don't mind multiple attractions for things, and I'm not certain I want to see Star Tours going the way of the dodo, but how is it gonna make any sense to have one Star Wars attraction floating by itself on the other side of the park when the entire North West corner is dedicated to that property? Do they plan to address that?

Let me posit this - why does it make more sense to move the Star Wars attraction that starts in outter space and goes to a menagerie of planets (none of which are the newly designed one for Star Wars Land) instead of keeping it at a more loosely themed space port that Tomorrowland is becoming?

People want them to go together because they are the same property, but from a thematic/logistical stand point it actually makes more sense for them to be physically separated - much like Diagon and Hogsmead.

The conventional wisdom is that once Star Wars Land opens Disneyland's Star Tours closes to be remade into an Anaheim version of the Marvel Iron Man simulator that opens in Hong Kong this year, using the Star Tours ride system.


I need to snip this in the bud again. This is sheer fan speculation, but is not in any way, shape or form being discussed by WDI.

Why people are advocating to isolate a Marvel attraction from the incoming Marvel land in DCA, but not Star Wars baffles me. Thematically the entire attraction is designed and takes place in Hong Kong (flying directly from tomorrow land on Lantau island over the bay to the city and back again into HKDL). It makes as much sense as Soarin' Over California in Florida... Oh wait.

Never mind the fact the goal is to always keep it a Hong Kong exclusive.

Sorry for the minor rant, but this rumour won't seem to die down!

Edit: I also see @WDW1974 has reconfirmed in his thread Star Tours isn't going anywhere fast, so believe him if not me!

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Let me posit this - why does it make more sense to move the Star Wars attraction that starts in outter space and goes to a menagerie of planets (none of which are the newly designed one for Star Wars Land) instead of keeping it at a more loosely themed space port that Tomorrowland is becoming?

People want them to go together because they are the same property, but from a thematic/logistical stand point it actually makes more sense for them to be physically separated - much like Diagon and Hogsmead.

I need to snip this in the bud again. This is sheer fan speculation, but is not in any way, shape or form being discussed by WDI.

Why people are advocating to isolate a Marvel attraction from the incoming Marvel land in DCA, but not Star Wars baffles me. Thematically the entire attraction is designed and takes place in Hong Kong (flying directly from tomorrow land on Lantau island over the bay to the city and back again into HKDL). It makes as much sense as Soarin' Over California in Florida... Oh wait.

Never mind the fact the goal is to always keep it a Hong Kong exclusive.

Sorry for the minor rant, but this rumour won't seem to die down!

Edit: I also see @WDW1974 has reconfirmed in his thread Star Tours isn't going anywhere fast, so believe him if not me!
Star Tours is very easy for Disney to change. They could always make new alternate beginnings that start on the SWL planet. At least for DHS this would be easy since SWL is being built around Star Tours.

I agree on Iron Man though.


Well-Known Member
Let me posit this - why does it make more sense to move the Star Wars attraction that starts in outter space and goes to a menagerie of planets (none of which are the newly designed one for Star Wars Land) instead of keeping it at a more loosely themed space port that Tomorrowland is becoming?

People want them to go together because they are the same property, but from a thematic/logistical stand point it actually makes more sense for them to be physically separated - much like Diagon and Hogsmead.

I've never believed Iron Man was coming in to replace Disneyland's Star Tours, much for the reasons you've described and others.

With regards to your justification for keeping Star Tours in place, I see what you're suggesting . . . but I'm not sure I agree that it works. The Diagon/Hogsmeade parallel you're drawing would require positing Star Wars as a major recurring theme of the park -- which they do seem on one hand to be doing by building an entire land dedicated to it in Disneyland, but having it all squared away in one corner of the park works differently in terms of syntax than having one attraction that exists separately from the whole designated corral of Star Wars experiences.

Besides, in terms of thematics, I'm not actually sure it is advantageous to have Hogsmeade and Diagon in separate parks. I'm thrilled they did, because in that case the syntax of journeying from one to the other through the Hogwarts Express is worth infinitely more than the thematic integrity it displaces, but it does do that -- in what way are the themes of those parks stronger for the separation of those lands? They're not - Diagon is not a natural fit for the theme of Universal Studios.

They hit the theme right on the head when they put Potter in Islands of Adventure, and from a thematic point all the elements of that franchise should have existed in that park. But again, at the end of the day I won't complain, because traversing the distance between the land has become such a rich and significant part of the experience, despite the overall themes of the parks not being improved by the separation. Universal has not in its history made the same efforts at Disney to preserve theme, which is part of why it felt less transgressive when they placed Diagon Alley in the Studios park. They have done some amazing work, especially lately, and I don't say any of this to be dismissive of their work, but they made a (great, totally worth it) tradeoff in placing Diagon Alley where they did, and that was in favor of experience over thematic integrity. It was a slightly flawed concept executed with near flawlessness - and worth every iota of theme that was eroded in the park greater.

All of this is to say, I worry the presence of Star Tours all the way away from Star Wars Land is or was not so nearly considered and justified when developing the concept of this new land. I'd love to be wrong - maybe there's something the new land will do to make sense of the distance. But Star Wars as a theme already has very little business being expanded into its own land here given Disneyland's themes (which have scarcely changed in 60 years, and really do not need to be changing now and certainly not in this way), so having it spread across the park seems more likely to be sloppy than great theming. I can't think of a single other IP present in Disneyland that would benefit from expanded presence into a new land of the park (Walkaround characters notwithstanding - Mickey can appear on Main Street, in Toontown, and basically anywhere and reasonably get away with it, for example). I'm not sure Star Wars will magically be the first to be better for it, unless they do some serious work to make sense of it. If Star Tours is likely to be gone within a decade, then I'd guess they're electing not to do that work.

It also probably doesn't help that my opinion of what Tomorrowland has evolved into isn't especially high - Star Wars almost doesn't belong there either, though I understand why it was placed there when it was. I'd love to see Tomorrowland find a different identity from the one it's pursuing, especially now that Star Wars, which was one of the first dominoes to push the new theme into motion, is getting its own dedicated space. Tomorrowland can and should be more than just space travel and alien creatures. And talking fish. And space-themed toys. Apparently.


Well-Known Member

Okay, so this map of the DL version lines up EXACTLY with what I shared months ago. Not sure how they got their info, but this DL version lines up exactly as I explained it at WDW.

The Milleneum Falcon Attraction is where Star Tours is at WDW. As I originally questioned, this will either be a replacement for Star Tours or it will actually be to the left of Star Tours (where Jedi Training is now) and the attraction building will go back in to the parking lot (where the parade storage building is now). I believe it will be a new attraction and Star Tours will remain, but I have no info on that.

The "Preshow and Queue" on their map is the Sounds Dangerous building at WDW and I was told that building and the Frozen theater (where the "Village Dining" is on their map) will be used for Jedi Training at WDW.

The Falcon is approximately where the bathrooms in front of Star Tours are now and the current queue to Star Tours.

The "Battle Escape" attraction is where Indy is now. The "Battle Escape Queue & 2 X-wings" is in front of what is Indy now and the Indy shop to the left of it. As I said from the beginning, 50s Prime Time and Hollywood & Vine will get Star Wars makeovers and would be in the area to the left of the Battle Escape queue.

I imagine the difference here (besides Star Tours) is that SWland at DL may not include Jedi Training, so the area being used as shops at DL will be Jedi Training at WDW and the shops and restaurants will be on the left side at WDW (where 50s Prime/Hollywood & Vine are now).

The water in front of the SW area at DL (is that Rivers of America?) is basically Echo Lake at DHS.

When they announced the closing of SoA, I was beginning to question the info I was given and wonder if the SW land was actually going back where LMA and SoA are now. This new map, though, confirms the exact same locations I was told months ago and seems to be confirmation that it is, in fact, the Echo Lake area.

It's amazing to me how they've designed the area at DL to mirror the existing layout at WDW. So much of this project can be exactly the same at both parks, even though they're using existing structures at WDW.

**Now that I look at the pics again, I believe the area I marked as "Indy (Future attraction)" on the last pic a few months ago is actually the 50s Prime/H&V building and Indy/Battle attraction is actually behind that. It's the same area, my labeling just wasn't very clear that it isn't actually visible in the last pic because it's blocked by the other buildings).
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Well-Known Member
After finally reading the article, I have to laugh about the "3rd attraction" being talked about. Not sure where this came from, but I can only imagine this may have been the "boat" thing that was inferred to last week.

The article states that this was slashed due to budget cuts, but that thing was never even mentioned to me months ago when I learned of the likely layout to the land. I think it's much more likely that it was just a blue sky concept that was being floated around, rather than a serious concept that was "slashed."

Looking at the area in both parks, I don't even see where it would have fit, even if they wanted to do it. Some speculated it could be the little bit of water on the right of the concept art but that area on the right would basically be ABC Commissary all the way to Pizza Planet, and that area won't be part of the plans (yet). (I believe the Muppets area is completely safe for now, but could be the SW expansion spot in the future)

All I can say is, thank goodness. Last thing we need is another boat ride. Especially in a Star Wars land.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
All I can say is, thank goodness. Last thing we need is another boat ride. Especially in a Star Wars land.
I can agree that Star Wars isn't conducive to a Boat Ride, however, DHS doesn't really have any slow moving attractions (beyond GMR) or any planned ones that we know about. DHS is actually in need of a boat ride the most imo, not because of the lack of slow moving rides for the whole family, but because of the lack of WATER in the park. It's such a damn dry park. I'm not advocating for a water ride either, but a boat ride I can always get behind with the right concept.
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Well-Known Member
I can agree that Star Wars isn't conducive to a Boat Ride, however, doesn't really have any slow moving attractions (beyond GMR) or any planned ones that we know about. DHS is actually in need of a boat ride the most imo, not because of the lack of slow moving rides for the whole family, but because of the lack of WATER in the park. It's such a damn dry park. I'm not advocating for a water ride either, but a boat ride I can always get behind with the right concept.
Well.. They could do Gungan city, JarJar's homeland, that would actually be a cool water ride. We need more JarJar, a MnG would be awesome here too. Just imagine meeting everyone's favorite star wars character. You know Disney had big plans for JarJar.


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
Well.. They could do Gungan city, JarJar's homeland, that would actually be a cool water ride. We need more JarJar, a MnG would be awesome here too. Just imagine meeting everyone's favorite star wars character. You know Disney had big plans for JarJar.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member

Okay, so this map of the DL version lines up EXACTLY with what I shared months ago. Not sure how they got their info, but this DL version lines up exactly as I explained it at WDW.

The Milleneum Falcon Attraction is where Star Tours is at WDW. As I originally questioned, this will either be a replacement for Star Tours or it will actually be to the left of Star Tours (where Jedi Training is now) and the attraction building will go back in to the parking lot (where the parade storage building is now). I believe it will be a new attraction and Star Tours will remain, but I have no info on that.

The "Preshow and Queue" on their map is the Sounds Dangerous building at WDW and I was told that building and the Frozen theater (where the "Village Dining" is on their map) will be used for Jedi Training at WDW.

The Falcon is approximately where the bathrooms in front of Star Tours are now and the current queue to Star Tours.

The "Battle Escape" attraction is where Indy is now. The "Battle Escape Queue & 2 X-wings" is in front of what is Indy now and the Indy shop to the left of it. As I said from the beginning, 50s Prime Time and Hollywood & Vine will get Star Wars makeovers and would be in the area to the left of the Battle Escape queue.

I imagine the difference here (besides Star Tours) is that SWland at DL may not include Jedi Training, so the area being used as shops at DL will be Jedi Training at WDW and the shops and restaurants will be on the left side at WDW (where 50s Prime/Hollywood & Vine are now).

The water in front of the SW area at DL (is that Rivers of America?) is basically Echo Lake at DHS.

When they announced the closing of SoA, I was beginning to question the info I was given and wonder if the SW land was actually going back where LMA and SoA are now. This new map, though, confirms the exact same locations I was told months ago and seems to be confirmation that it is, in fact, the Echo Lake area.

It's amazing to me how they've designed the area at DL to mirror the existing layout at WDW. So much of this project can be exactly the same at both parks, even though they're using existing structures at WDW.

**Now that I look at the pics again, I believe the area I marked as "Indy (Future attraction)" on the last pic a few months ago is actually the 50s Prime/H&V building and Indy/Battle attraction is actually behind that. It's the same area, my labeling just wasn't very clear that it isn't actually visible in the last pic because it's blocked by the other buildings).
if this is true.. the jump from hollywood to Star Wars will be pretty abrupt.
I mean, just turn left and BLAMO! you're on Star Wars Land.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
After finally reading the article, I have to laugh about the "3rd attraction" being talked about. Not sure where this came from, but I can only imagine this may have been the "boat" thing that was inferred to last week.

The article states that this was slashed due to budget cuts, but that thing was never even mentioned to me months ago when I learned of the likely layout to the land. I think it's much more likely that it was just a blue sky concept that was being floated around, rather than a serious concept that was "slashed."

Looking at the area in both parks, I don't even see where it would have fit, even if they wanted to do it. Some speculated it could be the little bit of water on the right of the concept art but that area on the right would basically be ABC Commissary all the way to Pizza Planet, and that area won't be part of the plans (yet). (I believe the Muppets area is completely safe for now, but could be the SW expansion spot in the future)

All I can say is, thank goodness. Last thing we need is another boat ride. Especially in a Star Wars land.
so.. the streets of america area will remain empty for now? and the road to Mama Melrose's and Muppets will be.. kinda small once construction starts.


Well-Known Member
do these plans pretty much put to rest that the article from the other day about the boat ride is really for avatar and not star wars

Definitely think so. I think @Ignohippo said it best. Hard to be up in arms about something being 'slashed' that we didn't know existed in the first place. It sounds way more like a proposal that they firmly said no to as opposed to something that's always been that has been cut late in the game.

Then again @marni1971 is talking about phase 2.5 so perhaps all these boat ride, third ride, next phase rumors are closely related.

@Ignohippo - DL is going to have a major berm with both the train trestles, a rather long winding hike from critter country, rock tunnels on the big thunder trail etc. With how much they are hiding the land in DL and really focusing on that Cars Land like reveal from Pacific Pier - what have you heard about DHS? Or could another big difference be in the land just being 'there'?

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