Ignoring the “cell phone” kerflufle for now because it’s a canard, but on the point of immersion and the overall design of the resort...
Taking into account the WDI info we’ve seen leak on the bootstrap immersion experiences that they’ve been playtesting and designing, along with the Research papers on dynamic story adjustment options driven by a “dungeon master” gaming engine, I just can’t buy that this is not an immersive environment in its own right - more equivalent to a boutique park than a hotel.
The resorts as they stand are fancy places to sleep - not designed to spend *inordinate* amounts of time in. Wilderness Lodge - though I’ve never stayed there - is still my favorite resort to soak in. That said, there’s not enough to do there to entice me away from hopping a bus back to MK after grabbing lunch and enjoying the atmosphere for an hour or so. Likewise, I’ve never spent more than a half day at most in my home resort with the parks nearby and a park hopper for the day on my wrist.
But this environment isn’t a hotel - it’s an experience. From every official detail we’ve seen leaked, presented at trade conferences or passed along from insiders, it’s not a hotel in the strictest sense of the word. Sleeping is not the primary function of its construction.
The Star Wars Resort is the mythologized 5th Gate. Comparing its potential amenities to Contemporary is the wrong frame of reference IMHO.