Star Tours 2 - an idea (with new revisions)
Now this may be a little difficult to pull off, but bare with me.
The ride sets up exactly like it is now, with you taking a trip to Endor. The ride starts...
REX: 'Welcome Aboard....'
After the cockpit sheild opens, and as REX is about to start up the launch, another spaceship (off to the side of the screen) errupts with laser fire and some Storm Troopers run out of the ship...
Trooper 1: "The prisoner escaped!"
Trooper 2: "He's heading towards that Star Tours transport."
Seconds after he yells that, a REAL human jumps aboard into the cockpit area...
REX - "Please don't hurt me! I just got used to my programing!"
Prisoner - "I'm not going to hurt you, I need to make it to the nearest Rebel base. I have information that is vital to the gun it!!"
The rest of the ride then involves escaping Imperial forces...
The tour shuttle evades TIE fighters with one thing in mind - destroy the rebel. You fly all through a dock yard: going up and around other ships, fly way to close to a Star Destroyer, and through ships that are being repaired/built...
After a daring escape into hyperspace you come out and everything looks safe. All of the sudden a proton torpedo screams past the transport, barely missing. The cabin screens (the ones on the side) flicker to life and you see...
Prisoner: "...BOBA FETT!"
Boba Fett: "That was a warning shot Star Tours, release the Rebel prisoner to me"
REX calls for a mayday...
The ride then takes you through an asteroid field, evading Boba Fett (and other bounty hunters if need be) until the screens flicker on again...
Pilot: "This is Rouge Leader, Star Tours...."
Prisoner: "...Skywalker! Boy am I glad to see you!" (hey, shouldn't be THAT hard to get Mark Hamill, stick a helmet and visor on him and go with it..just need the voice really)
Pilot: "Rouge five and six..protect that shuttle. Everyone else follow my lead"
The X-Wings swoop in and help you escape Boba Fett and you land safely (braakess, braaaakess!!) at the Rebel carrier.
Now this may be a little difficult to pull off, but bare with me.
The ride sets up exactly like it is now, with you taking a trip to Endor. The ride starts...
REX: 'Welcome Aboard....'
After the cockpit sheild opens, and as REX is about to start up the launch, another spaceship (off to the side of the screen) errupts with laser fire and some Storm Troopers run out of the ship...
Trooper 1: "The prisoner escaped!"
Trooper 2: "He's heading towards that Star Tours transport."
Seconds after he yells that, a REAL human jumps aboard into the cockpit area...
REX - "Please don't hurt me! I just got used to my programing!"
Prisoner - "I'm not going to hurt you, I need to make it to the nearest Rebel base. I have information that is vital to the gun it!!"
The rest of the ride then involves escaping Imperial forces...
The tour shuttle evades TIE fighters with one thing in mind - destroy the rebel. You fly all through a dock yard: going up and around other ships, fly way to close to a Star Destroyer, and through ships that are being repaired/built...
After a daring escape into hyperspace you come out and everything looks safe. All of the sudden a proton torpedo screams past the transport, barely missing. The cabin screens (the ones on the side) flicker to life and you see...
Prisoner: "...BOBA FETT!"
Boba Fett: "That was a warning shot Star Tours, release the Rebel prisoner to me"
REX calls for a mayday...
The ride then takes you through an asteroid field, evading Boba Fett (and other bounty hunters if need be) until the screens flicker on again...
Pilot: "This is Rouge Leader, Star Tours...."
Prisoner: "...Skywalker! Boy am I glad to see you!" (hey, shouldn't be THAT hard to get Mark Hamill, stick a helmet and visor on him and go with it..just need the voice really)
Pilot: "Rouge five and six..protect that shuttle. Everyone else follow my lead"
The X-Wings swoop in and help you escape Boba Fett and you land safely (braakess, braaaakess!!) at the Rebel carrier.