Splash Mountain Reservoir


Premium Member
Original Poster
Behind Splash Mountain out of view there is a huge reservoir, which holds 1million gallons of water, and is 50ft deep. The water is needed for proper regulation of water throughout the attraction.


Account Suspended
Actually, if you have the "Where the magic Lives" planning DVD, there is a helicopter flyover of Splash, and you can see the tank clearly in the shot.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
So behind THIS is Trash Mountain, no?

Trash Mountain is on your right as you walk in to the backstange area in Frontierland. If you haven't been back there, it stinks!!


New Member

Yes this is backstage, opposite the parade sheds. You see this on the Keys to the Kingdom tour. It does stink, and that is because this water is getting filtered and freshed up ready to pump back into the mountain. You also learn that a lot of the water is fed from a main source, so there is a bit of water sharing going on, like POTC, SM and the lagoon of 20,000. Apparently this is why there is a problem doing something with the lagoon right now, as it woul dmean altering the water flow on other attractions.




Account Suspended
i was 10 when i first saw this. I was right about to get off of the ride when it broke down. Right under those air conditioners so i was freezing. after about half hour of just sitting there, there attendants came and led us threw a door toward the back. when i stepped threw i got to see this thing. it was huge very very big and whats a sight!!!!!!!!!!we got back stage tour for free. good stuff


Well-Known Member
I'm am just amazed at what you don't see in WDW. Looking at some ariel shots of the rides they hide things really well.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I'd like to go back just to see, the Entertainment building. But I would hate to smell "Trash Mountain". I hate the ride, just because of that awful smell.


New Member

Talking about how close backstage is to the main attractions, they showed us that we were standing a stones throw from the men with the jungle masks in JC. We went on the ride at night and looking through the trees behind these guys you can see lights from some of the storage buildings.


The pictures from above are really cool. It is amazing how well the guts of the parks are hidden. I had a chance to take a tour of different areas of the kingdom a few years ago and I was amazed at some of the support areas that most people never see. I remember the giant sheds where the waste products from the sewage were dried were unbelievable... Piles of human sewage 20-30 feet high with giant fans blowing from underneath to dry it out. I was told the dried waste was used for fertilizer and the waste water was used for irrigation. Anyone know if this is true?


New Member
I went on the Keys to the Kingdom tour last week and saw this tank. If I remember correctly, during the day, it is only a few feet deep and then when the park closes, the ride is drained and water levels reach only 18-19 ft. I could be wrong, but seem to remember that.

Also, Trash Mountain is there, and we were told by our guide that often there is a fan blowing a potpourri smell out to disguise the smell of the trash. I'm pretty sure it wasn't that day because it does smell.

Yes, I have also noticed a bad smell on Splash, and I make a point to never touch the handgrips on the ride because your hands will still smell like them even after you wash them! Just a tip!


Beta Return
Trash Mountain

Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
I'd like to go back just to see, the Entertainment building. But I would hate to smell "Trash Mountain". I hate the ride, just because of that awful smell.

The smell is actually a combination of the stagnant water from Splash Mountain and the odors pouring out of the central trash building. MK has 20" diameter tubes running under the park that go to collection points hidden all around. Cast Members dump trash bags into these tubes, and every 15 minutes or so, a large vaccuum sucks them all to this building behind Splash Mountain.

Pretty stinky - I've been back there a few times.


Active Member
I am so glad someone said something about the handgrips on Splash Mountain having a terrible smell. I thought I was my imagination. I always try not to hold on so I do not have to touch them and almost fall out on the drop. :lol:


Active Member
I am so glad someone said something about the handgrips on Splash Mountain having a terrible smell. I thought it was my imagination. I always try not to hold on so I do not have to touch them and almost fall out on the drop. :lol:
Originally posted by bucklmd
Also, Trash Mountain is there, and we were told by our guide that often there is a fan blowing a potpourri smell out to disguise the smell of the trash. I'm pretty sure it wasn't that day because it does smell. !

I dont think that they should blow a potpuri smell. they should bolw out a turkey leg smell. yummmy:slurp:

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