Some wild (and some not-so-wild) rumors on WDW Radio Show Podcast - January 6th


Well-Known Member
I think a Mediterranean themed resort would be great (being of Sicilian heritage, I would like it). However, I think the seven seas lagoon is a bit crowded (or will be with another resort).

Not that anyone is asking, but how about putting it on the north side of Bay Lake. I don't know how the ground is over there, but I think it would be a good area. The ferries could still take people to the MK, a road is plausible for bus transport or a brisk walk from there to the Contemporary would be good to get to the monorail.
Early property maps for WDW showed a Persian Hotel on the NW corner of Bay Lake, actually. What was odd is that a monorail spur line was shown running from the hotel to the TTC (running much the same route as the actual monorail line from the TTC to the north service area). This would imply some kind of monorail shuttle between those two points, which seems highly impractical.


Well-Known Member
The other thing I just thought of in regards to this is that it would make the EPCOT monorail completely obsolete. That doesn't seem to make any kind of sense whatsoever. The TTC is necessary in order to get park hoppers to whereever of the two original parks they want to go.

Not if it was made available only to resort guests, AP holders and those with park hopper tickets. 1 day only guests could use the boats. The Epcot transfer would still be available, it would just be inside the new resort. Single day ticket holders have no need to get on a monorail.


Active Member
Not if it was made available only to resort guests, AP holders and those with park hopper tickets. 1 day only guests could use the boats. The Epcot transfer would still be available, it would just be inside the new resort.

Valid point, just seems impractical to me. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Valid point, just seems impractical to me. :wave:

Keep thinking about it. The current TTC is an eyesore and a perfect area for a new resort. Believe it or not, there was once a plan to put the early concept for EPCOT center right there, so there is PLENTY of space to build on. The TTC would just have to be removed/relocated/reconfigured.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!

I didn't listen to the podcast in question, but over a dtuneslive, the admin, Android said that they talked about the Japanese pavillion ride. It wasn't supposed to be Mt. Fugi, but a similar e-ticket ride of some sort. Apparently the rafting ride in Canada is still on the table for consideration too? Both sound interesting. I think that each pavillion should have some kind of attraction, even if it's just the circle vision shows like Canada and China have now. It would be a great step for the World Showcase to recieve it's first E-ticket though! Talk about lifting the strain in Future World!!!!

I can't wait for a new movie in Soarin'. I hope they invest in some DLP projectors though! Soarin' is Epcot's Newest E-Ticket and I can't stand it because of the quality of the video and the video content! How about like suggested, a trip around the World Showcase countries, or how about Soarin over each of the Disney Resorts around the world? hmmmmm....

Now about TTC and the monorails....I completely agree that the WHOLE complex, both TTC and the monorails need to be reworked. Guest attendance is simply too high in MK for the Monorails and Ferries to accomidate all of the guests. This past Saturday, we waited for 4 Resort monorails at the MK station before getting on one finally. But the stations are too short for Disney to extend the length of the monorails, too narrow to make them wider, and the openings and clearances at the Contemporary and the hotel stations around the Lagoon are to small for a crazy two level monorail if anyone had ever thought of it. I have no idea how Disney can fix this problem without possibly adding a second set of rails to double the about of trains it has on each route. And I don't want any of you saying that they need more bus routes, because if anything, I think Disney should be trying to find ways to eliminate the dependancy of so many Buses considering the rising costs of fuel. *If I were in management* I would hire some great idealists and financial consultants who could come up with a great way to increase the passenger load and the areas serviced by the monorail and elimiate bus routes!

But even if they tore down the TTC, there wouldn't be enough room for another resort....if would crowd the Poly and ruin the atmosphere.....kind of like how Bonnet Creek/Woldarf Historia has done to CBR with it's new towers that are visible over when looking at Old Port Royale from across the lake.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!

But even if they tore down the TTC, there wouldn't be enough room for another resort....if would crowd the Poly and ruin the atmosphere.....kind of like how Bonnet Creek/Woldarf Historia has done to CBR with it's new towers that are visible over when looking at Old Port Royale from across the lake.

Sorry but I think there is plenty of room if it is configred properly. GF and CR do not ruin the Poly atmosphere (even though you can see them) and as far as I know you can't even see the TTC from the Poly. Not arguing but the rumor makes sense to me about a new resort on the loop. As for "not enough room", as previously stated, the original Epcot was going to be put there so there is A LOT of room. Especially if the use a portion of the parking lot. Plenty of room.


Active Member
I can't wait for a new movie in Soarin'. I hope they invest in some DLP projectors though! Soarin' is Epcot's Newest E-Ticket and I can't stand it because of the quality of the video and the video content! How about like suggested, a trip around the World Showcase countries, or how about Soarin over each of the Disney Resorts around the world? hmmmmm....

lets see by June, IMAX has new Digital projectors...


Active Member
While I would like to see a third theater for Soarin', I doubt it. I always heard that Disney knew how popular the original Soarin' Over Califonia was in DCA, so if they knew the ride would have long lines and didn't build a third theater anyway, it'll probably never happen.


Well-Known Member
While I would like to see a third theater for Soarin', I doubt it. I always heard that Disney knew how popular the original Soarin' Over Califonia was in DCA, so if they knew the ride would have long lines and didn't build a third theater anyway, it'll probably never happen.

My hope is they will add a Soarin' over Europe to one of the countries in WS. They could split the cost of the new film with DRP who could also use a Soarin' attraction. If Epcot can have two Circlevision theaters, why not two Soarins? (actually, I guess it would be 4 Soarin's) :D

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Huh...Soarin' Over The World sounds VERY cool.WS-theme-ish in FW.I like.

$300 for a few hours...Not even Disney can get away with that:dazzle:


I'm not sure what to believe! I know nothing about the podcast in question...but here's what I think.

As far as the ABC theater speculation and the HM script...we've already heard about these. Someone making up wild rumors could add these accepted bits of info in without a whole lot of effort. The scope of the

Contemporary mystery/DVC building is anyone's guess. It will need a restaurant, but why bother spending the money to switch the locations of all the food locations in the existing building if you're just going to tear it apart when the DVC opens anyway. Seems like a waste of money to me, and not a wise business decision.

I thought we had heard many times in the past that a third theater for Soarin' was not coming. Of course, plans can change. But bundled in with all these other wild rumors, I'm not likely to believe it. A third theater requires an addition to the building; they'd still have to connect a seperate building to the existing queue. I'm no construction expert, but I'd say that the ride would need to be closed while the building is being messed with. Safety first.

I'm disappointed in the list of things not coming. somehow I find it hard to believe that nothing will be coming to DHS, especially with the recent influx in Pixar attractions. Pixar Place is the perfect spot for these attractions, and there's a whole soundstage (and a Backlot Tour?) ready for expansion.

Id like to see the Legendary Years get built, but I think Disney's US 192 Adventure over on Western Way was the nail in that hotel's coffin. Why would Disney go in halfsies with Four Seasons if they were going to build their own high end monorail deluxe resort? Don';t get me wrong, I'd love to see a new Disney-owned hotel with wonderful themeing, but I don't see it happening.

And the fifth "gate"? I wouldn't go.


Premium Member
Another load of BlatherScyte from the worlds largest produced, the internet.

LOL :lol:

Yep, sounds like a mish-mash of internet rumors from the last 5 years combined into once show. Seems every man and his dog have a podcast these days, and it's all just recycled stuff found elsewhere on the internet.

Mecha Figment

New Member
Rumors from "reputable sources" as the host states:
-No new news about ABC Theater - same stuff we've already heard
-Scripting Haunted Mansion pre-show - again - same stuff we've heard
-Contemporary DVC Building - will be same height as Contemporary Tower minus the California Grill - also, Concourse Steakhouse is expected to move to the new tower and its' space in the original building will made into an expansion of Chef Mickey's
-Third theater for Soarin' likely - film change also likely akin to "Soarin' Over the World"
-What isn't coming in the near future:
-Nothing new in the 20K spot - therefore, for the very near future; Pooh's Play Spot is "permanent" (shudders).
-Nothing planned for the Tomorrowland Theater.
-Nothing planned other for DHS other than what's already under construction.
-No new pavilions planned for WS.
-Nothing planned for the WoL pavilion.

Now the wild stuff:
-Not only will the Legendary Years of Pop Century not re-open, they will be torn down.
-A new resort could be coming - old plans to build a Mediterranean resort on the Seven Seas Lagoon are apparently a possibility again. The resort was first speculated to be built between the Contemporary and the TTC. Now it is rumored to be built in between the TTC and the Polynesian resort.

And now the wildest rumor:
-Plans for a quasi-5th gate just past AK (not Beastly Kingdom) are possibly in the works. The park would be on the very high-end and would be a "night" park with hours like 4 PM-midnight. The park would be filled with thrill rides and other attractions. Here's the kicker: the park would be all-inclusive, meaning that food would be included with the approximately $300 entrance fee admission.

Could this be the widely-tossed Project H?


There are talks about something small going in around animal kingdom. But something more along the lines of what sea world has done. I don't like the idea personaly.


I thought we had heard many times in the past that a third theater for Soarin' was not coming. Of course, plans can change. But bundled in with all these other wild rumors, I'm not likely to believe it. A third theater requires an addition to the building; they'd still have to connect a seperate building to the existing queue. I'm no construction expert, but I'd say that the ride would need to be closed while the building is being messed with. Safety first.

nothing would have to close, it just a different building and it would have it own fire wall. there did that at my school with the student center and the rec. nothing close.


New Member
i know the fifth gate sounds unlikely, but disney has been trying to build their own version of "discovery cove" (sea world's deluxe-reservation required-exclusive theme park) for some time now (this park is highly profitable and the guests come out happy=they return again!). i think they had plans for a harry potter mini park, but Ms Rowling was so problematic they let universal deal with her. Now that you're saying this park could be near animal kingdom, im thinking they're going to do the same as in discovery cove (swim with dolphins etc), but with their own animals


New Member
I am not sure what to think about the TTC rumors. But I do know that the TTC is extremely dated looking and needs considerable cosmetic work to make it look a little more welcoming.

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