Snow White's Scary Adventures - Pressure Mats in Action


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So, I posted a few weeks ago that the most obvious result of the recent rehab of Snow White's Scary Adventures was the addition of pressure mats throughout the ride path. This afternoon I saw them in action. (It was bound to happen eventually, as much time as I spend on that ride...)

We were almost at the end of the ride, just passing the scene with Prince Charming kissing Snow White, when an idiot in the mine cart ahead of us decided to hop out so he could take a picture of Dopey over the doorway. The mine cart started moving forward, and he would have been pinned between the door jamb and the moving mine cart if he hadn't stepped on one of the new pressure mats and brought the entire ride to a screeching halt.

The ride went into full emergency stop, the lights came up, and a poor cast member had to actually walk the entire ride path and verify each mine cart, asking the passengers in each one if they had seen anyone get out of the vehicle. Meanwhile, at the unload area I could see two other cast members giving the idiot who caused the stop a stern talking to. All in all it took about five minutes to clear and reset the ride. (My son was very happy with that - the kissing scene is his favorite part of the ride, so he was perfectly content to sit there.)

I have to say, that guest was extremely lucky those pressure mats had been added. The way the tail of the mine cart kind of fishtails as it goes through that doorway, he definitely could have been seriously injured. What on earth would compel a person to think, "hey, I'll just jump out of this ride vehicle and snap a picture, nobody will notice...."?:brick:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
That's crazy! I'm with you totally, what would make you think it's okay to jump out JUST for a picture? Do you know roughly how old the guy was?

He's so glad that he wasn't hurt! I'm just blown away by this. He could have been injured, and all for a Dopey picture!


Well-Known Member
That's crazy! I'm with you totally, what would make you think it's okay to jump out JUST for a picture? Do you know roughly how old the guy was?

He's so glad that he wasn't hurt! I'm just blown away by this. He could have been injured, and all for a Dopey picture!

Sparkey, you know that pepole will even jump from the stream train for a picture. Why these people arent thrown out of the parks is more what we should be asking.....


Well-Known Member
I'd say he was in his fifties. Certainly old enough to know better.

Yeah...also unfortunatly old enough to have bred a younger generation or two of clueless people too...

Strap him into a boat and make him ride Small World for a few hours (or maybe days?) constantly!


Well-Known Member
I miss the good old days! You know; when cavemen who were fool-hearty enough to taunt the saber tooth tiger would just get eaten and we could thin our herd of such block-heads. Instead of thinning the herd these days, we have to each absorb the cost of "preventing them from being eaten" by paying higher theme park fees so the parks can install pressure mats, additional preventative measures for people doing what they are not supposed to do, and higher insurance premiums. :hammer:

I'm all for increasing safety in general, but to have to deal with people like this....where's a saber tooth when you need one? :lookaroun

I give Disney points for how they handled it. IMHO, people should have to leave the park for the remainder of the day as a slap on the wrist. If it costs Disney (and indirectly us), it should cost the rule breaking bozo.


Well-Known Member
I have to say, that guest was extremely lucky those pressure mats had been added. The way the tail of the mine cart kind of fishtails as it goes through that doorway, he definitely could have been seriously injured. What on earth would compel a person to think, "hey, I'll just jump out of this ride vehicle and snap a picture, nobody will notice...."?:brick:

Too bad he didn't get squished...

Sparkey, you know that pepole will even jump from the stream train for a picture. Why these people arent thrown out of the parks is more what we should be asking.....

They usually are. Most GSMs have very little tolerance for guests endangering the safety of cast members and other guests (not to mention the stuff that has to be taken care of when an injury results).


It never ceases to amaze me the stupid things guests do on a daily basis. I was waching the day parade at MK last week, and seen a guest (older woman) run under the ropes and cut infront of the villian float. This lady could have been hit by the float, the float driver could have swerved and hit a performer or a guest, etc..etc..etc.. Since when does running in front of a moving vehicle make sense? :hammer::hammer::brick:

I think if someone willingly exits a moving vehicle, jumps a barricade, runs infront of a parade float during a parade, or defeats the normal safety systems designed to keep them and others safe... they deserve to be removed from the park... and not compensated for injuries they bring on themselves.


Well-Known Member
What aggravates me about people like this is that it's not just the lack of consideration they show for their own safety, it's the fact that other children are watching this. What kind of example does it set or message does it send for a grown-up man to hop out of a moving ride car? Yeah, if a kid knows better they will just point and question in disbelief. I can just hear one of my two boys announcing loudly that THAT guy ((pointing a finger)) is really STUPID. But there are younger children, those that are more impressionable.

I agree with an earlier poster...where's the saber tooth tigers when you need 'em??? I think the most appropriate response from CMs/Area Managers would be ejection. Plain and simple.


You can't justify what goes through the minds of idiots! The only problem is that if the pressure mats were not down to cause the ride to stop, Disney would have had the bad publicity and people like that would of sued them. Way to set a example for your kids!


Active Member
Yeah the sad part about this is that if Disney hadn't of put those mats down, the guy would of been seriously hurt, and of course sued Disney. And you know more than likely a jury, if it even made it to trial, would of decided in his favor and most likely said something along the lines that Disney should of had more safety features installed in this ride to further protect their guests.:brick:
Question though do we know if the other dark rides have this feature or are in the process of recieving this feature? I mean from a safety standpoint and legal one as well, especially in a day and age of complete and total foolish people, it does make sense to have such a feature.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a test should be required for park go-ers... Get rid of the bag check areas and put in computers.. "the idiots guide to park safety" ... if you cant pass the test... take the next bus back to your resort and thank you for playing!!! :ROFLOL:

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