Should Great Movie Ride's Replacement Also Include Replacing Chinese Theater Facade?

Should The Great Movie Ride's replacement include replacing the facade?

  • No, the Chinese Theater facade should remain as the centerpiece of MGM Studios.

    Votes: 59 59.6%
  • Yes, the facade should be changed to something new for the future attraction.

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Undecided. It depends on what the new attraction is. The Chinese Theater facade may or may not wor

    Votes: 33 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I was thinking about all the speculation regarding what The Great Movie Ride's replacement will be and realized that I hadn't heard much about how that might effect the Chinese Theater facade. Every WDW park has its center icon, and at the MGM Studios it still feels like the Chinese Theater should be it, regardless of that darn Sorcerer's Hat. It just "fits" in the theme of the "studios" park.

So, I thought I'd come here for feedback. Do you think that The Great Movie Ride's replacement should also incude the replacement of the Chinese Theater facade? For example, let's just assume that they put an Indiana Jones attraction in there. Should that mean the whole theater be torn down and replaced with a temple-style structure? Or should the imagineers somehow bridge the journey from entering the theater to a themed queue for the new attraction? If you think about it, a lot of attractions involving entering the queue which has one theme, and then going into an area (and ride) of a different theme ...such as from a recording studio into an alleyway and parking garage. So it shouoldn't be that hard to incorporate the existing facade into a new attraction.

So, place your vote and drop a comment.



Well-Known Member
WHAT??? They're replacing the Great Movie Ride? I love that ride, even though it may be, as some say, outdated. I hope they leave it alone. If something like Indy is to be built, it should be in one of the other numerous empty buildings. Or they could replace something else without as much history. The Great Movie Ride is important to a movie park in that it showcases many of the greatest movies ever made. Just my opinion though.


Naturally Grumpy
Not a chance

They may as well replace the Earful Tower as well. The Chinese theater even hidden behind the dunce cap is a beautiful structure. There are few icons that scream Hollywood more than the theater. It won't come down until the whole MGM park is raized for something new. :veryconfu


New Member
I think they should keep the style. And while I think the great movie ride is simply okay (maybe it was just the last time I went on it, but the pacing seemed too slow) I think they should keep it. The entire idea for MGM Studios branched off of the Great Movie Ride being part of an EPCOT pavilion. It is the quintessential studios attraction.


Well-Known Member
I love going on Great Movie Ride so they better not get rid of it. I would hate to see anything else go there, especially the facade. Even though if something eles were to go there, the facade would have to go along with the ride or it wouldn't look good for the park (at least as theming goes). I don't know, leave it as it is, it's perfect. I was actually listening to the whole ride today (about 3 or 4 times believe it or not) and my mom was with me, she asked if I was going to do that again this month when I go and I told her "OF COURSE, there's no way I can miss it." Plus, I'm taking a first-timer to WDW with me too, so he needs to see it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Grizz. Keep the ride, it's a classic. Keep the facade, it's the park's centerpiece! I really don't know what a trip to MGM would be like without the GMR :)


New Member
I am not sure where all this speculation is comming from..but it is all just rumors started up by a few people wanting something new...but it won't happen..I don't see even Eisner ripping out this one...1st the facade fits perfectly with the theme. 2nd...every park has it's signature ride...DAK has KS...Epcot has SE...and well MK has a few..TGR is MGM's..perhaps updating will happen, but if they are looking at new rides..I'm sure Disney will look elsewhere in the park. If it ever happen it would be the single greatest travesty we have seen yet at the world.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know I mentioned this on another thread, but I have an what I think is a good Idea to update GMR a little. You know how alot of prople complain about the Tarzan scene? Replace it. But don't replace it with just anything, but something everyone is bound to love. A scene from Pirates of the Caribbean. The Movie of course. That way, people are happy and the ride gets a little more Disney. Just and Idea.


Well-Known Member
I think something needs to be put in where the Fantasia scene is too. I'm not saying take it out, it's just really dark right there and there was to be more in that spot as well. Just add to it, put more movie scenes or something there, I know Disney can come up with something.


Well-Known Member
The Fantasia Scene was originally supposed to be like the Tornado that took Dorothy to Oz, which explains the wind and thecoldness. I forget the exact reason it was scrapped, I believe MGM didn't want Disney to use it or something, I'm not exactly sure. Can anyone add on? I'd like to remember the reason, but my brain is jello, so, ya. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I'm with Grizz and everyone else...keep the ride AND the facade and get rid of that awful hat!!! I hate that hat. It's nothing but a pin store, what's the point? The Great Movie Ride and the Chinese Theater ARE MGM. For crying out loud, leave something for those of us that like Disney for Disney and not for a thrill park. You already took away Epcot, don't take away MGM too.

OK, I'm done now. :zipit:
I'm surprised that Disney would even consider taking out GMR. This is the centerpiece of this park. If they do want to add the Indy ride, take out the Indy show and replace it with that.


New Member
The GMR and Chinese Theatre should definitely be kept.

As for the hat, I like it but it was put in an aweful place blocking a clear view of the theatre from a distance. The place where the hat is should have been a low stage for improv performances near the front of the theatre. People could gather in the round in the large open area but not block the view of the theatre. The hat should go in a part of the park dedicated to music in the movies or be positioned in some way outside the Fantasmic theatre.

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