Well-Known Member
I've been reading all this and thought I'd add my 2 cents:
I agree that the first thing we should think about is the well-being of victims of molestation. However, I think 15 years is a bit steep for this particular case. Those gloves are thick and huge and he most likely didn't feel anything and there is a good chance that it was unintentional. As a comparison, a man who got drunk and got on a highway going the wrong direction in 1988 (I think) hit a school bus full of kids killing most of them with the few survivors being severely burned. This man got out of jail a couple of years ago. He served less than 15 years for killing all those people and ruining the lives of more. I think that is a worse crime than "Tiggers" especially considering that it most likely was an accident that "Tigger" most likely didn't feel through his gloves. They were willing to give him no jail time with just community service if he'd taken the plea bargain. Considering the victim was willing to let him get off with no jail time, says something to me. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but that is just my opinion.
I agree that the first thing we should think about is the well-being of victims of molestation. However, I think 15 years is a bit steep for this particular case. Those gloves are thick and huge and he most likely didn't feel anything and there is a good chance that it was unintentional. As a comparison, a man who got drunk and got on a highway going the wrong direction in 1988 (I think) hit a school bus full of kids killing most of them with the few survivors being severely burned. This man got out of jail a couple of years ago. He served less than 15 years for killing all those people and ruining the lives of more. I think that is a worse crime than "Tiggers" especially considering that it most likely was an accident that "Tigger" most likely didn't feel through his gloves. They were willing to give him no jail time with just community service if he'd taken the plea bargain. Considering the victim was willing to let him get off with no jail time, says something to me. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but that is just my opinion.