She wants Vegas, I want Disney...


Well-Known Member
Ahh another Disney problem....

The mother wants Vegas, do you blame her?? Gambling, Nightlife, shows and much more.
The daughter (me) wants Disney, do you blame me? Characters, great hotels, and attractions.

We've never gone to Vegas...and there was always an annual Disney trip..sometimes twice a year...

I need something more to get my mom to Disney, something that attracts her...

On every trip, we've done the basic thing, moderate resort, basic park extras....sometimes a show here an there

A lot of you have seemed to do the tours....and the nice Dinners and were they??

Also it seems like you guys stay at the Deluxe resorts....good...bad?

Money is kinda tight...but I'm open...if it's a good deal or worth it...


I need help...I need all the kool places for adults...beside say a pleasure Island....which is obvious...
and where is the best place to stay for both an adult and TEEN! and when we could go where it would be the cheapest...


DD :kiss:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
You should take the Epcot tours! That is totally interesting. Ask grizzlyhall about the tours b/c I do believe he's been on a number of them with extensive criticisms.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I'm taking my Mom for her 70th birthday and I'm letting her have her pick of the resort and where she wants to eat. I have a couple of surprises thrown in there also, like a carriage ride. I would suggest letting Mom make the plans. Let her review the hotels and she can pick where she wants to stay. You can do DisneyQuest with her if she likes to play the games in Vegs, she may like it.

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Well-Known Member
have you ever been down to CT for Foxwoods?

I suggest you take her there for a weekend, or one overnight stay. they have some great shows and TONS of wonderful restaurants AND its close enough to drive soooo you can do both!!
a world class casino AND a world class disney vacation!

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Well-Known Member
Er--- Foxwoods... I don't know if you can quite compare that place to Vegas... I'll tell you the BEST solution...

Take an extended vacation... You know... not 7 days but like 8 days, 9 days, 10 days, perhaps if you can squeeze in a two week vacation that would be best but, 8 days is fine...

Anyway, fly out of Logan (or T.F. Green (here near me in RI) or any other airport you prefer) and go to Vegas. Stay like 2-3 nights/days. Stay whereever you like. For the ultimate in opulence, stay at the Bellagio... But that's a bit pricey. Anywhere will do. Just so your Mom can get that Vegas feeling you know. Take in some nice buffets, some nice :lookaroun: shows, let here do some nice gambling. Maybe she'll win money. Maybe not. Anyway, after your brief stay there, fly out of Vegas to LAX Airport in Los Angeles or the airport in Orange County near Anaheim... Why? Because you are headed to DISNEYLAND, IN CALIFORNIA!!! Trust me, Disneyland has the Disney magic, no need to fret. Plus, the Disneyland Park, in my opinion, is much nicer, quainter, than the Magic Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, FL. If you have never been to DL, trust me, you'll feel right at home. If you ignore the number of *ahem* locals, you'll feel as if though you are in WDW, guaranteed. Plus, it's a different experience. You love Disney, but try something new. This, of course, only applies if you have never been to California before. But if I were in your position, I would definetely lobby for the best of both worlds... a short stay in Vegas, followed by a grand time at Disneyland, only about an hour away (i think) from Vegas...
Whatever you decide, just be sure to do one thing...

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Well-Known Member
all i was suggesting was a cheap way to get in a nice casino and not have to fly accross the whole country
i wasnt trying to say it was comparable or even the same thing
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
all i was suggesting was a cheap way to get in a nice casino and not have to fly accross the whole country
i wasnt trying to say it was comparable or even the same thing
:D You're very right!! Don't say sorry!:mad: :) My point in what I said was to suggest going to LV and LA, CA... Foxwoods is a great idea! But, well, you know what I mean.:) Don't take it personally.:)
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Forget Foxwoods, forget Vegas.....

Hit TUNICA!!! the gaming capital of the south.... and hey it's only about 30 min from Graceland so you can visit Elvis too!!!

in case you're wondering I work in Tunica so I have to promote it :)
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New Member

Vegas is the Disney for "adults". :D

Sorry, I would choose Vegas... You mentionned that you have been going to Disney every year. Why not trying a different place this time? Just the hotels in Vegas are AWESOME! San Francisco is close and it´s beautiful and why not do Disneyland and California Adventure too? :animwink:

Skip Orlando this year, it´s not like there is a special event or celebration at the parks that you can´t miss this year, and M:S doesn´t even have an openning date yet!

My two cents... hehe :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yea Vegas would work....The hotels are unbelievable....and the expeirence would be great...we were just wondering if it was worth a full week..or more of a long weekend type thing?....

Foxwoods-....we live in there are annual trips to Foxwoods and Mohiegan Sun (spelling).....

a compromise might work...3 days in Disney...3 days in Vegas...that would be kool....

thanx for all your imput...
no matter where we go...I'm sure we'll have a good time...


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New Member
Doing Vegas and DL/DCA would probally make the most sense.. but if you are down here don't just do Disney also do Hollywood, the beaches I mean it's Los Angeles ;).

(and what do you you have against the locals sir? LOL... :p)
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New Member
Originally posted by disneydudette
Yea Vegas would work....The hotels are unbelievable....and the expeirence would be great...we were just wondering if it was worth a full week..or more of a long weekend type thing?....

IMHO, maybe a full week in Vegas would be too much, but you can do 3 days there and also go to Disneyland or visit San Francisco. There are so many things to see and do on the West Coast! I´m sure you won´t regret it! Try seeing at least one show in Vegas (Cirque du Soleil´s Ô, Siegfried and Roy, maybe catch David Copperfield or Celine Dion, etc) to add to the experience! :animwink:

If you are going to already cross the US from East to West, make it for the whole week!
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Well-Known Member
I'd go to Las Vegas and try to squeeze in a trip to DL. Three days in Vegas is good and I absolutely love it! My husband and I were in awe. Celion Dion would be a must for me. Then a few days in DL would be great too!
The only thing I'm wondering is will there be extra for airfare because of flight deviation?
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New Member
I think you can just get a seperate ticket if you fly to LV then fly from LV to LA then back to LV then home.. it would most likely be cheaper that way. That's sorta what I did when I flew to FL to do my internship :).
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Well-Known Member
my bad!

Originally posted by SirNimajneb
:D You're very right!! Don't say sorry!:mad: :) My point in what I said was to suggest going to LV and LA, CA... Foxwoods is a great idea! But, well, you know what I mean.:) Don't take it personally.:)

i didnt really read my response before i hit send
i had a pretty bad morning so i would have taken anything personally!!

im better now lol
i didnt mean for my reply to come out that way
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Well-Known Member
Re: my bad!

Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
i didnt really read my response before i hit send
i had a pretty bad morning so i would have taken anything personally!!

im better now lol
i didnt mean for my reply to come out that way
All my mornings are very bad too... Because they all (during the workweek m-f) entail me waking at a very early hour just to go to school... Awful. And so, the whole day follows suit many times. I understand your reply, and agree with it, and now, let us see what conclusion the disneydudette comes up with, if any!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :sohappy:

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New Member

As a themepark and Disney fan I do also like Las Vegas. Not only for the gambling, but also for all the other things there. A nice thing of Las Vegas is that you can stay at a very nice big deluxe resort hotels for less then you can stay at a moderate Resort or even a value resort at Disney World.
The only fact is that Vegas can become a little bit boring if you are under 21 years. But when you go for three nights it doesn't matter. Besides gamgling there is so much to do there. In Vegas there are also thrill rides and there is a very very good Star Trek ride. They can put that ride without much changes in a Disney park. It has for sure Disney quality. They have also an indoor themepark there in Vegas at Circus Circus. Its far from Disney quality, but you can walk in for free and pay for rides separately.

Combining Vegas with Disneyland is a good idea. I'v done this twice and was very good. For me just three days in Las Vegas will be way to short, but if you are under 21 years I can immagine that you don't need to be there any longer.

Hope whatever you decide that you have a wonderfull trip.

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SirNimajneb
Er--- Foxwoods... I don't know if you can quite compare that place to Vegas... I'll tell you the BEST solution...

Take an extended vacation... You know... not 7 days but like 8 days, 9 days, 10 days, perhaps if you can squeeze in a two week vacation that would be best but, 8 days is fine...

Anyway, fly out of Logan (or T.F. Green (here near me in RI) or any other airport you prefer) and go to Vegas. Stay like 2-3 nights/days. Stay whereever you like. For the ultimate in opulence, stay at the Bellagio... But that's a bit pricey. Anywhere will do. Just so your Mom can get that Vegas feeling you know. Take in some nice buffets, some nice :lookaroun: shows, let here do some nice gambling. Maybe she'll win money. Maybe not. Anyway, after your brief stay there, fly out of Vegas to LAX Airport in Los Angeles or the airport in Orange County near Anaheim... Why? Because you are headed to DISNEYLAND, IN CALIFORNIA!!! Trust me, Disneyland has the Disney magic, no need to fret. Plus, the Disneyland Park, in my opinion, is much nicer, quainter, than the Magic Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, FL. If you have never been to DL, trust me, you'll feel right at home. If you ignore the number of *ahem* locals, you'll feel as if though you are in WDW, guaranteed. Plus, it's a different experience. You love Disney, but try something new. This, of course, only applies if you have never been to California before. But if I were in your position, I would definetely lobby for the best of both worlds... a short stay in Vegas, followed by a grand time at Disneyland, only about an hour away (i think) from Vegas...
Whatever you decide, just be sure to do one thing...


Ummmmmm.......DITTO WHAT HE SAID! :lol:

SirNimajneb beat me to it. I have done this before and it works out GREAT!
It takes a bit more planning, but it's only an hour flight to Disney from Vegas!

We did 3 days Vegas, 2 days Disney, and finished with 2 more in Vegas. (The hotel in Vegas was ours for the week for less than the 2 days at Disney so we just kept the room and it was waiting for us when we got back!)

The only "problem" is......I can never go to vegas again without the "side-trip" to DL!!!!!!!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Active Member
Originally posted by FantasiaBish
Forget Foxwoods, forget Vegas.....

Hit TUNICA!!! the gaming capital of the south.... and hey it's only about 30 min from Graceland so you can visit Elvis too!!!

in case you're wondering I work in Tunica so I have to promote it :)

We'll be there in about 10 days!!! :sohappy:

Where do you work? I'm always up for meeting another Disney fan!
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