Share a Dream or Disney Dreams?


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After reading the MSEP vs. SM thread, I figured I'd start the same discussion over the MK day parades.

For me, it has to be Disney Dreams Come True Parade - much better music than Share a Dream, and the parades look better without the snowglobes, IMO. I still wish they'd replace the castle finale float, though - it looks the same as it did in the '86 15 Years celebration!

I still vaguely recall the Remember the Magic Parade from '96 being very good though, but I was only 8 at the time.


New Member
i absolutely loved share a dream come true. i liked the music and i took pride in saying that i have almost all of the snow globes that are in the parade. at the same time, i dont find anything wrong with disney dreams come true, i just dont like it as much.....


Well-Known Member
I enjoy DDCT more, the music, IMHO is not 100% accurate to the characters and themes of the Magic Kingdom, and the music in SADCT was better for that. However, that being said, I still enjoy the music from DDCT more, it just doesn't "fit" into the puzzle as well for me. To be honest I HATED the snowglobes. It was cool for about the first 4 parades, and then just seemed like the characters were too far "seperated" from the crowd.

Again, all IMHO.


Well-Known Member
I was pleasantly surprised that although the new parade uses the same floats, it's not really the same thing. Some floats have received enhancements, and the music is very different.

The new soundtrack is from Tokyo DL; and since I've never been there, I can only wonder: does their version constantly loop, too? Seriously, the song might last 30 seconds before it starts again. That's much too short. It also has a techno undercurrent; I like it, but I must admit that it doesn't really fit into the parade route atmosphere (FrL, LS, MS).

The new parade's most significant improvement is the choreography! This isn't the SaDCT arm flapping or leg twirling; there's honest-to-goodness dancing in the DDCT parade. At one point, all the characters on the route raise their hands at the same time, unifying the entire experience and making that moment feel like an old MGM musical. For this reason alone, I greatly prefer the newer parade.

But the Too-Old-To-Play-the-Part Peter Pan is still in it! :lol:

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
The new soundtrack is from Tokyo DL; and since I've never been there, I can only wonder: does their version constantly loop, too? Seriously, the song might last 30 seconds before it starts again. That's much too short.
I happened across a video of the Tokyo Parade (Disney Dreams on Parade: Movin' On) and it does not loop nearly as much as DDCT. Each unit in the Tokyo parade has a unique version of the main theme, as opposed to all of the floats (except the last) having the same music.
I liked Share a Dream Come True's music more. I'd rather listen to SaDCT's theme over and over again. I get a bit tired of DDCT's theme after a while, although I have to agree the choreography is better in DDCT.


New Member
Well, I guess I will have to wait to compare the two. I've seen SADCT and loved it, but I won't see DDCT until NEXT Monday....April 16. I can't wait. Someone mentioned Remember the Magic parade. I LOVED that one. The music, the floats, everything. That parade was much longer.....I guess it was because of the many stops that added to the whole experience. I wish they would put those back in. Disney seems to be shortening everything now. Taking the cheap way out.


New Member
Well, I guess I will have to wait to compare the two. I've seen SADCT and loved it, but I won't see DDCT until NEXT Monday....April 16. I can't wait. Someone mentioned Remember the Magic parade. I LOVED that one. The music, the floats, everything. That parade was much longer.....I guess it was because of the many stops that added to the whole experience. I wish they would put those back in. Disney seems to be shortening everything now. Taking the cheap way out.

ah so very true..........sigh i miss the good old days of disney


New Member
I definitely prefer the Disney Dreams Come True parade over the old Share a Dream. I enjoy the music much more, gives the parade a much more upbeat feel to it.

Each unit of the parade actually does have its own music, just the same overture. There is a bit in each loop that is unique to the float, such as Poor Unfortunate Souls playing in the middle. I don't know if you can hear it so much in the parks though since the main chorus music is so loud.


Well-Known Member
I like the Share a Dream Come True parade more. The floats were so original and nice. Now I can't help but think of DDCT as sort of a hand-me-down.


Well-Known Member
I still vaguely recall the Remember the Magic Parade from '96 being very good though, but I was only 8 at the time.

I loved that parade! I still catch myself singing that in my head. It was such a catchy song and was just so well put together. I loved it. They need to bring it back.

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