September crowds & Restaurant Ressies

Did Knee

Active Member
I wanted to get some feedback on late September crowds and the nessecity of getting dinner ressies. We went last year during the same time period (free dining plan last year too!) without "priority seating". We were able to be seated at Le Cellier for lunch in less than 30 minutes. I got equally fast or faster seating for Concourse Steakhouse, Whispering Canyon and 50's Prime Time. Is there really reason to be more worried about the crowds for these restaurants this year? Unofficial guides website puts crowds for most days in that period as a 4 on their 1 to 10 scale, but it seems like they are advertising the free meal plan much more heavily this year, so I thought I'd ask what ya'all think. Thanks!



You should make sure to eat at El Rio, and the Japaneese Restraunt in Epcot, there by far my to favorite. Also the smoothies in New TomorrowLand and The Polyenissian are incredible :p
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Did Knee

Active Member
Original Poster
Frosty689 said:
You should make sure to eat at El Rio, and the Japaneese Restraunt in Epcot, there by far my to favorite. Also the smoothies in New TomorrowLand and The Polyenissian are incredible :p

I have been to San Angel Inn if that is where you meant Frosty. I love it too and I would love to try Japan. I didnt mean to say that the restaurants I named are the only places I intend to go this time, I just meant them as examples of the short wait times I experienced in the hope to get some feedback as to whether reservations would be more advisable than last year.
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New Member
I went last year during the free time and some days it was busy, some not. I went again in May and every restaurant was booked up. The ride waits were never longer than 10-15 minutes, yet people without ARs could not be seated.

I would make them all with the popularity of the plan. If not all, at least some.
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Well-Known Member
Due to the popularity of the dining plan in general, free or not, there has been a heightened need for ADR over the past few months.

Rumor has it, that some times are already hard to get for the fall.

I have mine all booked for the last week of September.
95 days to go!
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I'm going in late September this year and went during the same time period last year as well. When I called a month ago for ressies, I found it more difficult to get the restaurants I wanted at the times I wanted for ADR'S then I did last year. I think the dining plan has given guests a heightened sense of how important the ADR's are to get the time/place you want. I would also suggest making at least a few of them so you don't get that bit of panic when dinner time comes around. Hope that helps!
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New Member
I would definitely make the ADR's. At least for some of the ones that are really popular like Le Cellier and Liberty Tree Tavern(MNNSHP). You can always cancel them when your there if you change your mind but at least you'll have something to fall back on regardless. I know when I've revamped our itenerary, that when I would call WDW-DINE, Le Cellier and LTT was booked for most of the times I was going for. And that was being VERY flexible with the times.

I think more people are going for the free dining this year too.

Good luck! Have a great time!
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