Scammers in the parks

Princess Kaylee

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Today in MK we noticed a few types of scammers. The Anna and Elsa line was double the wait time of Rapunzel and Cinderella. She got to the front of the Rapunzel line and claimed she made a mistake and wanted to meet Anna and Elsa. It seemed odd to me. Another lady was claiming she had a 5.30 reservation at Crystal Palace when she really had a 7.30 reservation, they got her in early but as if that wasn't enough she tried to claim she pre paid for her meal. It did not end well and Secruity had to make an appearance...


Well-Known Member
Today in MK we noticed a few types of scammers. The Anna and Elsa line was double the wait time of Rapunzel and Cinderella. She got to the front of the Rapunzel line and claimed she made a mistake and wanted to meet Anna and Elsa. It seemed odd to me. Another lady was claiming she had a 5.30 reservation at Crystal Palace when she really had a 7.30 reservation, they got her in early but as if that wasn't enough she tried to claim she pre paid for her meal. It did not end well and Secruity had to make an appearance...
It's not as bad as people who switch from single rider to the normal line.


Well-Known Member
I can assure you this happens everywhere and not just at WDW. I work in retail and people try stuff like this on all the time like taking expensive stuff off the shelf and taking it to customer service for a refund and claim they lost the receipt and stuff like that. Sad times we live in unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
I know Disney wants to keep everyone HAPPY... but I wish they would give CM's more latitude in regards to kicking guests out of a ride when they line cut. Maybe it will come down to guests being assigned individual numbers as you enter queues.


Well-Known Member
A couple of trips ago we were sitting on a curb right at the tape, waiting for the parade and a family of five ducked under the string and plopped down right in front of us, on the street. I told the lady she could not sit there as it was too close and she rudely snapped that it was none of my effing business where she sits.
Just a few minutes later, CMs came and made them move. As they were getting up, I waved and said, "Still none of my business where you sit." She just gave me a one finger wave goodbye. I love entitled people.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago the missus and I were in line for JIYI (why, I don't know) but two people said their group was up ahead. Well, they did that all the way up to the front and just jumped in the ride car. Based on my astute powers of observation, I can assure you, there was no group waiting for them at the front. They had very smug looks on their faces as the ride started. I truly hope that 8 minutes of time you saved was worth it.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
A few years ago the missus and I were in line for JIYI (why, I don't know) but two people said their group was up ahead. Well, they did that all the way up to the front and just jumped in the ride car. Based on my astute powers of observation, I can assure you, there was no group waiting for them at the front. They had very smug looks on their faces as the ride started. I truly hope that 8 minutes of time you saved was worth it.
You'd think they would be ashamed, eh? Their heads buried in the car as they take off, hoping nobody's on to them. But instead, they can barely conceal their smugness, completely proud of themselves.

I sadly have, well had - she's dead, a family member like that. She would always brag about how she beat the system at Disney, with GAC cards, which she got for a front of line card, and with every other trick in the book. In her mind, it it simply meant she was smarter, thus superior, thus entitled to it over the dumb masses. Quite sad and infuriating.


Well-Known Member
I heard a woman trying to scam her way in to the MK a few years ago. I was in line behind her trying to get my Annual Pass activated and she was arguing like crazy with the CM at the window of Guest Relations. She was trying to do something that was against the rules evidently and the CM was telling her she couldn't do it and she kept insisting how she had "been coming there for years and they ALWAYS had let her do it before" and the CM was just polite and kept insisting that they didn't. Finally the woman just gave up and left. I just got this awful vibe from her and it was obvious that she was trying to pull a fast one and the CM didn't fall for it. The people who peeve me the most at Disneyworld though are the people that get to the bus stop as soon as the bus is getting there and see the huge crowd that has been waiting all along and they just march right on to the bus and sit down before letting the people who had actually waited get on first. I ALWAYS look for the people who get to the bus stop before me and make sure that I don't board before them because in my mind that is skipping just as much as skipping in line for a ride.


Well-Known Member
You'd think they would be ashamed, eh? Their heads buried in the car as they take off, hoping nobody's on to them. But instead, they can barely conceal their smugness, completely proud of themselves.

I sadly have, well had - she's dead, a family member like that. She would always brag about how she beat the system at Disney, with GAC cards, which she got for a front of line card, and with every other trick in the book. In her mind, it it simply meant she was smarter, thus superior, thus entitled to it over the dumb masses. Quite sad and infuriating.
I've got a co-worker who "borrows" his in-laws handicapped parking hang tag. Sees nothing wrong with it. Offered to lend it to me for a concert, but I declined. It is a minor thing, but what if you prevented a person who needed that space from using it? Some people think only about themselves.


Well-Known Member
I've got a co-worker who "borrows" his in-laws handicapped parking hang tag. Sees nothing wrong with it. Offered to lend it to me for a concert, but I declined. It is a minor thing, but what if you prevented a person who needed that space from using it? Some people think only about themselves.
Yeah that's extremely tacky when people do crap like that.


Well-Known Member
One time while exploring the World Of Disney store, we noticed a woman acting suspicious while waiting in the checkout line. It was just the way she glanced around the room at people, and didn't make any prolonged eye contact. I could tell she was getting more & more nervous as she got closer to the checkout counter. I'm not sure if she had any other family members who were shopping in the store while she was in line, or if she simply came into the store by herself. But regardless, something just didn't add up with her.
She finally makes it to the front of the line & the checkout counter. As the cashier is collecting her payment and bagging her merchandise, I notice the woman slyly reach over to the brochure display which has the various theme park maps. She grabs not one, but TWO maps for DHS, and places them both in her bag right in front of the cashier's view! The cashier didn't say anything to her. I wanted to raise a fuss, but ended up just giving her a dirty look as she exited the store with her excessive amount of mappage.


Well-Known Member
There was some type of "argument" at Tower Of Terror recently ( 6/6/16) at the fast pass line. The cast member handled it very well. I couldn't quite get the gist of the whole thing, but it had something to do with the fast pass line, and the magic band "scanner" not turning green!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Today in MK we noticed a few types of scammers. The Anna and Elsa line was double the wait time of Rapunzel and Cinderella. She got to the front of the Rapunzel line and claimed she made a mistake and wanted to meet Anna and Elsa. It seemed odd to me. Another lady was claiming she had a 5.30 reservation at Crystal Palace when she really had a 7.30 reservation, they got her in early but as if that wasn't enough she tried to claim she pre paid for her meal. It did not end well and Secruity had to make an appearance...

Those don't annoy me nearly as much as the line jumpers that almost always tend to be hispanic that try an claim not to understand English and then try to walk to the front of the line to their supposed group. In those times if its just me and the kids and my wife isn't there they don't get past me, unfortunately when my wife is there I have to "avoid embarrassing her" by not telling them where they can go (and it isn't past me).... Though for the life of me I see no reason to be embarrassed by not allowing someone to jump a line.... At least your Rapunzel to Anna jumper wait a while in line... The line jumpers I speak of will just start waltzing through the line from the back to as far as the can get before someone stops them.


Well-Known Member
One time while exploring the World Of Disney store, we noticed a woman acting suspicious while waiting in the checkout line. It was just the way she glanced around the room at people, and didn't make any prolonged eye contact. I could tell she was getting more & more nervous as she got closer to the checkout counter. I'm not sure if she had any other family members who were shopping in the store while she was in line, or if she simply came into the store by herself. But regardless, something just didn't add up with her.
She finally makes it to the front of the line & the checkout counter. As the cashier is collecting her payment and bagging her merchandise, I notice the woman slyly reach over to the brochure display which has the various theme park maps. She grabs not one, but TWO maps for DHS, and places them both in her bag right in front of the cashier's view! The cashier didn't say anything to her. I wanted to raise a fuss, but ended up just giving her a dirty look as she exited the store with her excessive amount of mappage.
They dont have park maps on the counters at World of Disney


Well-Known Member
We see this stuff all the time in Disney. One of the times that made me mad the most (I am not sure why it ticked me off so badly) was back during paper fast passes the second year of TSMM. I watched a couple walking in front of us get to the FP machines after "rope drop" and we found that the CM's had the machines opened and were simply handing out FP's to people based on guest count. I overheard the guy telling the woman he was with what he was going to do. This couple split up with the woman walking to the line (Yes, to hold a spot for the guy) while the guy stood in the FP line in front of me. He got to the CM and told her that they had an entire family of 10 people besides the two of them at DHS. :facepalm: The guy walked away with 12 FP's. :banghead: I told the CM that I had a large group as well that consisted of 30 people. She just looked at me for a second and I told her that she has to give me 30 FP's since she just gave that ******* 12 FP's for just him and his wife. She refused (like I knew she would) and I just walked away shaking my head.

Other scammers have been typical line cutters that suddenly cannot speak English when called out for the behavior, people coming in as walk-ins for restaurants claiming an ADR when they never had one to begin with, people getting a wheelchair/ECV when it is obvious they don't need one by them swapping the chair out between every single person in their group, etc.


Well-Known Member
A couple of trips ago we were sitting on a curb right at the tape, waiting for the parade and a family of five ducked under the string and plopped down right in front of us, on the street. I told the lady she could not sit there as it was too close and she rudely snapped that it was none of my effing business where she sits.
Just a few minutes later, CMs came and made them move. As they were getting up, I waved and said, "Still none of my business where you sit." She just gave me a one finger wave goodbye. I love entitled people.

Can't take you anywhere can we ;)


God bless the "Ignore" button.
One of this things I most miss about being a CM is calling out people who pull crap like (all of the above. Especially you, @TLtron, I hope that wasn't too traumatic.)
Just remember, folks, if you get cut off in line by a CM merging the FP and SB lines, BE NICE. I promise you have a much better chance of getting on faster if you're not rude.
Also, if you're getting on the PeopleMover and the CM asks how many in the party, tell them a number. Not "69, huhuhuh", not a number not including children, not "we have two, and then two more are coming up the ramp right now". I assure you, I have heard all of these multiple times.
Also, don't try to exit CoP while it's running.
Also, I know Stitch is terrible. I'm sorry.
Also, no, I don't get to decide if you're "That Guy" in Monsters Inc.
Also, don't put the chips in Astro Orbiter in your mouth.
Also, don't stop the line to take pictures in front of Buzz in the Space Ranger Spin queue.
Also, don't hit the characters. Don't kiss the princesses. Don't ask Beast if it's "hot in there".

Guys, I feel so much better getting that all off my chest.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Honest question.. because I don't want to become one of the people that this thread is about.

My family really wants to try the Kitchen Sink at Beaches and Cream. There is 6 people in our party but I can only get a table for 4 during our trip. How horrible is it if we show up with two extra people? We are only ordering 1 thing and since we're all little people we could all fit in a booth together. is it bad? Or what if four stay and eat inside while 2 get "to go bowls" and eat outside? :oops: This is weighing on me and not sure what to do. I have been and will keep checking to try to get a reservation for 6.

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