Rude Cast Members?


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RUDE Castmembers...

I have run into these RUDE castmembers when i go sometimes.. Most of the time its teenagers and its a night around the time the park closes. The worst castmember i have met was at Disney Quest, he gave me a look and commented that i should be riding with another person on the Space Mountain:Make your own coaster ride. Has anyone else dealt with a rude castmember? I heard they can get fired for being rude.


Well-Known Member
Only once, at the Frontierland Train Station because we (quite mistakenly) came in through the wrong entrance.

It was a total mistake on our part but the guy (who was in his 50's/60's) went off like we were commiting a felony.

At first we just thought he was being 'in character' but it soon became apparent that he was not and I ended up being quite rude back to him. (my bad)


Well-Known Member
I can only think of one experience that comes close to rudeness. I was in the back of Morocco going into the Aladdin character greeting location and as I entered the CM immediatly ponced on me and said "Are you lost?" like I had no right to be in the character area. I said I wasn't lost and I just wanted to get a picture of the characters. He gave me kind of a look but let me in. :rolleyes:

Most of the CMs are super nice though. :D


Well-Known Member
I have to say for 99.9% of them, I have had no problems. But I have had the occasional CM who seemed not to fit in, almost disinterested.


New Member
My family and I experienced the WORST case of rudeness that March... we had been in line for the Jungle Cruise for nearly and hour (even though the line wait time said 45 minutes) and had moved only about half way. We were actually at the part where it wraps once more and we were standing right in front of the loading zone.

The reason that it was taking sooo long was that there was one CM loading ppl and she was taking about 15 ppl from the fast pass line to every 2 ppl from our line... so about 10 ppl to every 75... Not a very good split if you ask me....

Anyways.... my mom leans over a bit and mentions to the girl how long we've been waiting and that it seems like the split of fast pass ppl to regular ppl wasn't as fair as it normally is...

So the girl looks at my mom.... rolls her eyes and goes... well that's just the way that it is ma'am.... it was more her tone that anything....

My mom is normally a very calm person... but she lots it and was like we're leaving. So we got out of line and she bee lined for the "command station" area and asked to speak to a manager... They called one from somewhere in the park... and my mom told him what happened....

They gave us a pass to use anywhere in the park like a fastpass essentially... we didn't end up using it tho cause it was kinda like it seemed like they were trying to give us free stuff to make us shut up...

It was definately our most un-Disney like experience... I've never wished that a CM was fired before... and that day I really did, the girl just didn't seem like she cared about her job and it was like she was being forced to be there....

Very uncool!!!!!!!!!:mad:


New Member
I guess as we get used to the high standard that cast members attain, even the ordinary may seem rude in comparison.

I can only think of one openly rude CM – an older gentleman in the MK parking lot. It was my first time travelling with a wheelchair user. I was following the blue line to the special parking lot when I was stopped and pointed toward the far end of a regular row. I pointed out the wheelchair and was told rather too bluntly that I had to park where I was told as the special needs lot was full.

As it turns out I think the whole park was caught off guard that night (September 20th this year) by the sheer volume of guests arriving. I asked at Guest Services (after a half hour wait) if there was something special going on that night. There was not and they had no idea where everyone was coming from. So I guess the poor old boy in the parking lot had just passed breaking point.

On the same trip I heard a rude comment from a cast member on the jungle boat cruise loading bay that she muttered under her breath, and I overheard. I do not blame her for saying it one bit and smiled at her as I got the joke – She was trying to guide people where to sit. For safety reasons they do not want your crossing over the seats in the middle, also if there are a large number of very large guests they have be spread the load evenly. Well this party of particularly obese guest decided to do their own thing, which involved struggling over the centre seat and all sitting on the port side causing the boat to list at quite an angle. I overhear the cast member say through clenched teeth “or you can ignore me, I get that all day”. As I say I caught her eye, smiled and winked. I know the public can be trying at times.


Originally posted by Gucci65
Yep, I've run into rude cm's Universal!

:eek: Excuse me, but I have never, ever ran into a rude CM at the great Universal Orlando (or Hollywood if you want to get technical). Universal has the nicest employees of them all! :)

As for WDW, they are kind of scattered. But my philosophy was that the rudest CMs were always at my (former :cry: ) favorite ride, The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter. They were always so rude. I could never get photos inside until the last day of operation. I know there's been a few down at EPCOT, and most recently at Mickey's Star Traders. Thankfully on AE's last day they had some nice CMs. If I remember correctly (hey, it's been a few years), I can remember some very rude CMs at Horizons.


Account Suspended
Interestingly enough, in my entire life I've only encountered two rude cast members at any theme parks. Unfortunately, they were both Disney parks. The first was about 10 years ago at the Bengal BBQ at Disneyland. The CM was just unpleasant and kept rolling her eyes because a member of my group couldn't make up their mind on what they wanted.

The second time was just a few years ago during E-Ride Nights at Magic Kingdom. My wife and I rode Space Mountain and we noticed that the ride was extremely rough sitting in the back. So the next time through, we asked the CM if we could sit in the front rocket, and we explained why. He showed no sympathy and said that we had to sit according to the row where he assigned us. Of course, that row ended up being for a back seat again. After trying to get his attention, we just moved to a row for the front seat. He LITERALLY yelled at us and demanded that we "get back to the row I assigned you to" (I absolutely swear this is no exaggeration. I was completely floored). I refused and once again explained why we didn't want to sit in the back (reiterating, as we had already explained, that the back was EXTREMELY uncomfortable). He then pointed to a bull pen like section by the loading area and said (again, I swear no exaggeration), "You wait right here! I will deal with you two in a minute!". We waited several minutes and finally another guest, who had witnessed the whole thing, offered to let us take their place in the front row. When we got to the end of the ride, I asked to speak to a manager. They made us wait quite a while before a manager arrived.

In both cases, I was offered compensation for our experience. And in both cases, I declined the offer, asking instead for an assurance that the CMs involved would be spoken to about this.

I've never had an experience approaching anything near either of these at Six Flags or other parks. However, my CM experiences at Disney are usually so great that I think the guest service reputation is certainly deserved (though I have to say that I have consistently found Knott's Berry Farm's employees to be superior to Disney's).

I'm sure there will be CMs out there who read this and will want to defend the CMs involved in these incidents. If you are a food server, I have no doubt it is irritating to wait for someone to make up his/her mind while trying to get through a crowd. Likewise, if you are an attraction host/hostess, I'm sure there is pressure to load guests quickly to keep the lines moving. But my take on it is this: There is NO excuse for rude behavior if "guest service" is part of your job responsibilities. You've been hired for this skill as well as others. If you're unable to deal with annoying (or even rude) guests in a professional way, then you're not performing your job.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Gucci65
Yep, I've run into rude cm's Universal!

Have you really? Or is this more of a perception? I'm just asking because I occasionally read comments like this (on these boards) about Universal Cast Members in particular and it always surprises me. I've been to Universal quite a few times over the years and I've actually really been impressed by their cast members (aka employees). So I can't help but wonder if members on these boards really do have specific examples or are they just saying this because of a bias toward Disney.


New Member
Originally posted by Gucci65
Yep, I've run into rude cm's Universal!

I have too- I was riding the Cat in the Hat and the car was broken and it didn't spin, it jsut went straight along the we told the guy at the end and he said we could ride again. (i noted to myself it was car 28). After waiting for about 25 minutes a castmember came over and asked us "what are you doing!?" quite rudely. WHen we told her, she said "fine" and got us in line to board. We got...*sigh* 28 again. IT didn't spin. We told the guy at the end again and he told us to tell the front to no load that car. We waited for 25 more minutes and they same person came over to us, rolled their eyes and told us we were just trying to get on the ride with no wait and what a bunch of liers we were.....

However, i did encounter a rude cast member at the Epcot monarail station as well. The man screamed (literally) screamed at us for no exiting quick enough....other than those two, my experiences have been pretty good


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few but, we're only human. Think about the plethora of crazy/stupid questions the CM's have to field on an average shift, everybody has a special need, has to be escorted on and off an attraction, not to mention wanting to ride up front. It can be a little overwhelming trying to please the world, even WDW. Theres a reason for employee rotation and its not so you see a fresh face each time on a ride...


New Member
I think WDW offers great services, however there probably has been a decline in the quality of CM's over the years as WDW has got bigger and needed more staff.

Initially, Disney could be very picky over who they could recruit, but in recent years (pre 9/11) they needed more and more people to run the parks and resorts. In my experience the less 'Disney' CMs are given backstage positions. Some of the people who issue CM costumes, for example, can be the rudest and unprofessional people!

The only exception in WDW would be the International Programmes for Epcot, AK etc. Demand for these roles are highly sought after and thousands of people get turned down every year. Although, one may not see that having walked through the French or Moroccan pavillions! :lol:

Could be worse though, WDW could get just like Disneyland Paris. Let's hope not....


Account Suspended
Well, in January at one of the Main Street Shops we did come across a "small case" of rudeness on the part of a CM. But as I told my wife, it's bound to happen from time to time. Regardless of the fact that it's Disney, we're all just human beings. And we're all subject to a bad day now and then. That's not to say that it was okay, but understandable considering the circumstances at the time.

And having been CM's for The Disney Store ourselves, we try to be very understanding when at the parks. I always tried to use humor as a way to deflect angry guests and that seemed to work most of the time. But there are some people in this world who are just content being unhappy. Those are the ones that you smile at, say have a good day, and hope that the next one in line has a better sense of humor. And that's what stands out most to me these days. People have lost their sense of humor these days. Everyone is always in a mad rush, and in a bad mood it seems. HEY PEOPLE, it's a vacation. ENJOY IT. Laugh a little.


New Member
I myself think that i have never came off as rude to any guest. I would never do that becasue i highly believe in the MAGIC that needs to be withheld. I had been treated badly many times by guest that got mad for no reason or because they were not paying attention to things. I had a line in front of me at the outpost (main entrance DAK) and 2 guests got in a fight over who was next and one got mad at me for choosing someone before them even though they weren't next! My favorite part about working there was the guest interaction i would say 99 percent of the quests are nice there are just the few that are rude which ruin a cast members day. I am by no means saying that a rude cast member has that right to be rude to someone else but i am just saying there are reasons. I have actually seen one of my coworkers/friends cry because of a guest she had to walk away and have the manager finish the transaction before she had done anything rude/stupid. There were also a few times where ppl would just be rude to me for no reason. All i am getting at is IF YOU TREAT A CAST MEMBER WITH RESPECT (FOR MAKING YOUR VACATION TRUELY WHAT IT WAS) THEY WILL TREAT 200 TIMES NICER THEN THEY WOULD ANYONE ELSE! Thanks


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a rude CM that has made me remeber them, but I do remeber one time we had a lady who did the safety speal REALLY late durring Timekeeper, like over TK & 9-Eye speaking, but I didn't find that rude at all.


Well... I came across a rude one at the Rock and Roller Coaster.

I was trying to enter the fast pass line and he wouldn't let me in cause, according to him, my pass was not valid yet. I pointed out the time on the clock for the fast pass entrance, and he said it was wrong and he was going by his wrist watch. Of course the tone in his voice was not very polite at all. What got me mad was that he held back about 10 people for an extra five minutes (in the florida sun), because his wrist watch was slow. I filed my complaint at the end of the day at guest services and that was that.

It wasn't the first time I've gotten attitude from a CM, but this stood out far above the others.


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