Rides you were surprised you enjoyed


New Member
I have to agree with Primeval Whirl and TTA. Also, I enjoyed not loved but was shocked by Journey into your Imagination with Figment. I love CoP and SM, too.

General Grizz

New Member
I surprisingly enjoyed Alien Encounter when I first experienced it in the late 90s. Thrills aside, that show had so many classic Disney elements.

Also, I wasn't a Timekeeper fan (I had only seen it once in 1995) until I re-experienced the show in 2001. That show is also a great piece of art.


Active Member
In December we rode TTA for the first of many times! My 9 year old, as well as the rest of the family, fell in love with it. :sohappy:

I almost forgot Spaceship Earth. Seems like everytime we rode it though we got stopped where Rome was burning.


I loved RNRC even though I was scared to death before I went on. I ride it every time we visit (when I'm not pregnant that it is).
When I took my nieces and nephew, they loved CoP. I was so surprised because they we were ages 5,8,9 and 11 at the time. They still talk about it and that trip was 5 years ago.


New Member
GoofyFan1 said:
In December we rode TTA for the first of many times! My 9 year old, as well as the rest of the family, fell in love with it. :sohappy:

I almost forgot Spaceship Earth. Seems like everytime we rode it though we got stopped where Rome was burning.

I'm sorry...what is TTA?


New Member
Pardon me for being a dork, but I was really surprised by Flights of Wonder at AK. We went to it only because a new show was getting ready to begin as we passed it and we had a lot of time to kill. It was corny, definitely, but when those birds swoop right over your head, it's a thrill. Not an all-time favorite, but a really pleasant surprise.


New Member
I was so heartbroken that Mr. Toad left us and was convinced that Many Adventures...Pooh would be terrible. I was pleasantly surprised. In fact, I was quite impressed; that ride confirmed that Disney was still capable of making a ride in its classic fashion, a ride that tells a story.


Well-Known Member
I would have to say the CoP. Me and my family never realy went on it becouse we always went off peak and it was never opened. About 2 years however during the Alien Encounter/ Stitich renovation it was open off peak and we decided to give it a try and we LOVED it. It is now one of our favortites and watch it eevtime we go to Walt Disney World. At dirst i wsn to thrilled about going on it but after it was done i was singing theres a great big beutiful tomorrow the rest of the day.


New Member
Stitch :lookaroun

I'm in agreement with Primeval Whirl, TTA, and Spaceship Earth. All 3 are now some of my favorite WDW attractions! :sohappy:


New Member
It took a lot of gentle (and not so gentle) encouragment to get me on TOT, but im so glad i did....i love it! Although i do have to add that after my first ride i had to have a little rest...all the adrenaline!!!!
Definitely TTA and Peter Pan's Flight. I was skeptical about both of them a couple of years ago, but when I finally went on them in 1999, I fell in love with them. They are now two of my "must see's."


New Member
For me I would have to say it is every show or show-type attraction. I lived right next to DL up until last year when I was transferred to Florida, and I had never been to a "disney show". Then in WDW I went to the Indy Stunt Spectacular, next followed CoP, Timekeeper, and then HoP. Now I have been to all of the shows and show-type attractions, and I think they are all amazing in their own ways. Now my only regret is I have been to DL about thirty times in the past 24 years, and the only show I ever half saw was the Sword in The Stone pulling.

When you're a kid all you want to do is the rides, you figure shows are for the parents to sit down and take a break. :)

Frank Stallone

New Member
Definitely Peter Pan's Flight.

Last fall I had the day off (since MGM was still closed from damage from the hurricanes), and went with a friend to the Magic Kingdom, and basically every ride was a walk-on. So we decided to go on all of the Fantasyland attractions, since those are long waits for rides I don't really feel like going on. Peter Pan's Flight, however, was a lot of fun (definitely agree with the other poster who mentioned going over London).

One very underrated attraction is One Man's Dream at the studios. That was a very informative and interesting look into the life and work of Walt Disney.

One other one that may surprise some people-though it's not a ride- is Off Kilter at EPCOT. My parents always talked highly of them, but I did not expect much, but they quickly became my favorite live music act at Disney.


New Member
Since a few people have been including attractions, I think "One Man's Dream" would surprise anyone that goes to see it. It really is amazing to
see what Walt's beginnings were and what he was the force behind creating. I was most definitely a pleasant surprise. (and there is a lot of seating and
air conditioning.) That was just for those who needed another reason to check it out.


Naturally Grumpy
I would probably say Alien Encounter. It had been open for years, and we always just overlooked it on trips. I just never knew it was there, and thought it had never really been publicized. (Florida friends have corrected me in that it had been highly publicized in FLA).

Anyway, had some free time and the line wasn't long, so we went in with no expectations. The preshow theming and subtle (and not so subtle) gags from beginning to end still make me laugh to think of them. (I won't quote as I know I'll mess them up). The main show was so original and so different for the time I was just blow away. Took my (then) young daughter on it who wasn't afraid of anything and still have nail marks in my arm from that bonding. She still talks about it today when we visit.

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