Ride Seating Requests


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Original Poster
Exactly how accomodating are CMs when it comes to requesting a favorite place to sit on a ride? (i.e. Soarin') Has anyone ever been turned down?


Well-Known Member
It seriously depends on the time you go to the attraction. BTMRR CM's always make you go all the way down to the back and fill in towards the front. Soarin, I don't know why you couldn't just ask to be in the front, or where ever you wish. CM's are pretty nice and will usually let you request if you want. But I always just take what they give me on Test Track I figure others are waiting 70 + minutes, why slow down the process.

It's like when I first rode Revenge of The Mummy, I was going to request the front row so I could enjoy the FULL experience.. But then since we went in the morning when they opened, They were just letting the guests fill the rows themselves.. So we went in the front! :D


New Member
depends, if they are SUPER busy they wont give it a thought, otherwise you have to wait a while. the have a special line on RnRC for those who want to be in front.


Well-Known Member
I always request for the last row on Thunder Mountain Railroad, and have never been turned down. They'll say that I will have to wait and not be able to ride on the next one, but that's no big deal. Having the last row is worth the few minutes of wait.

I haven't requested a seat on Soarin' yet, mainly because I haven't had a bad seat so far, even when I'm in the 2nd row far left. I know of many people who request the first row, but y'know something, some time it's rather amusing to see people's feet dangling above you, especially when they left their sandals/flip-flops behind on the floor.



Active Member
we don't usually request seats, other than keeping the family sitting close together, but it all depends on how busy it is at the time


New Member
Really, the only time we request specific seats is at nightime, when the crowds are a little lower. Usually, we request our own boat on Potc and the very back on BTM (yes the back is better than the front!!!!).


New Member
I only request on RnRC. I also requested ONCE on Soarin'... I had never been up top (on four visits to the ride), so I asked... I won't again.

I request the front on RnRC because I am scared of the back...

Which leads me to ask... is the front or back scarier on RnRC? I am going again on MONDAY! yay!


Well-Known Member
I know people ask to be either seated at the front or back of the "roller coaster" type of rides - but thats about it
RNR is a better ride at the back but the view is better from the front


New Member
RNR is a better ride at the back but the view is better from the front

Is it a lot scarier in the back? Haha... they always try to seat me there and I chicken out and go for the front (I get really scared before I go on thrill rides)....


Well-Known Member
While it does matter what time of day it is, it also might matter who the CM is that's grouping. Some of them might be more apt to accomodate than others.


Well-Known Member
I've never gotten turned down for a request. Test Track, RnRC, wherever.

I should have requested NOT to be seated in the front on Splash Mountain, but it was too late. We had just gotten going and then I realized it and said to my GF: "We're going to get soaked....we're in the front... we're gonna get soaked" Sure enough... a nice big wave on the final drop and we were soaked :p


New Member
The only time I requested a seat was my last night at MK for Splash Mountain.
I asked the CM if I could have a entire log to myself, she said I could as long as I behaved. Now the only way I got it was I asked for it at the end of the day,since there was no line. I got the log to myself, it was a very special ride for me. Don't try to ask for a entire log in the day, you won't get it!


Active Member
its not about getting the cast member to let you sit in the front, its fighting off the rest of your family to get it thats the problem :hammer:


New Member
KRT said:
I always ask for the front seat on Space Mountain, and have always been accommodated.

Space Mountain is so much better in the front! It feels way crazier to me. Sometimes you feel like you're going to fly out of your seat off the tracks.

When we were on our honeymoon we requested the front of Splash Mountain so we could get a good photo (after riding it several times with no luck). The guy working gave us a whole log to ourselves (during a very busy day) for the best picture ever- holding our bride and groom ears in the air. He was then waiting at the ride exit to give us fastpasses so we could ride again. Usually though I don't like to make requests. I just feel bad doing it.


New Member
I've never had a problem with it. Especially BTMRR. My little brother almost always asks for the back and we almost always get it. Of course, this could be because all the cast members usually look at me and go "YOU AGAIN?!?!?!?!" WOOT WOOT! Oh, and I ask for the front on Splash, Space, and RnRC. Especially Splash. There is just nothing like hurtling down that thing screaming HIT ME!

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