Ride cleanliness

Big Pooh

New Member
Originally posted by ArchiDanDisney
Fix? Disney just closes the rides and builds new ones...i think its better that way. They remove what doesn't work and put in things that do. The difference between Disney and Universal...Universal doesn't have the space disney does to leave rides open, so they are forced to CONSTANTLY renew and redux rides. Disney can just fix them, and open a new park...

There have been lots of threads(and arguments:animwink: ) on whether US/IOA has space for expansion. This is the most recent one I've seen on the Magic boards:


This one's pretty level headed actually. :lol:

Cheers :wave:


New Member
Originally posted by bondskier
<img src="http://wdwig.com/bwars.jpg">

look at this^^
it is a pic from wdwig.com of the body wars ride vehicle
i think that disney needs to do a bit more on the cleaning side of things

Well, sorry but i clean to teh best of my abilities, I slave and i work on those floors for hours and this is the thanks i get. (and for those of you who think i am kidding, im not) I am a member of the Epcot custodial staff and i am one of the ones who cleans the pavilions after they close. My shift is from 4:30-1:00 and we clean all of that time except lunch and 2 breaks. Thats about all
Re: Re: Ride cleanliness

Originally posted by HorizonsMan
Well, sorry but i clean to teh best of my abilities, I slave and i work on those floors for hours and this is the thanks i get. (and for those of you who think i am kidding, im not) I am a member of the Epcot custodial staff and i am one of the ones who cleans the pavilions after they close. My shift is from 4:30-1:00 and we clean all of that time except lunch and 2 breaks. Thats about all

I for one see no dirt at all. I would like to thank you personally for keeping the world clean so all of us can enjoy it. Keep up the good work:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
I think the poster meant that Universal is constantly updating their attractions. Hanna Barbara closed, was replaced with Jimmy Neutron, Hitchock theatre closed, Shrek 4-D opened, Kong became a little dated, Mummy will replace it. I don't think the poster was talking about Universal's actual movies.

Well we went to all of them on our trip last year and I would have to say that we won't be bothering w/ US or IOA next year. our girls are younger..next trip they will be 8 &4 and Disney has more to offer them. Then with Hitchcock gone and Shrek replacing it, well thats the nail in the coffin for me. I am not saying I don't like US/IOA the thrill rides are nice.

Also, I would have to say i have seen much worse sights at Six Flags, US, even in line at WDW...over flowing trash cans on a hot day would be much worse to me. besides all i really see easily is a worn floor mat and some worn seats. But then I am not really looking for any disgusting crud in the cracks of anything!


Well-Known Member
I'm not a huge fan of amusement parks in general (other than WDW, of course!!!) but I have visited quite a few with family and friends. There is a Six Flags amusement park very near to us, and it's awful. Smelly trash, rude employees, poor landscaping, cheesy souvenirs, you name it - no magic to be found at all. I also visited the Universal parks recently, and there was no magic for me there, either. Disney is the BEST.

Considering all the traffic those rides see on a daily basis, I believe Disney does an outstanding job cleaning and maintaining the parks. Wear is inevitable, and taken care of in a timely manner.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
They don't look dirty to me. The ride is a little bit outdated, and needs a major rehab. I'm not really a big fan of the ride, but should be updated.


New Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
There is a Six Flags amusement park very near to us, and it's awful. Smelly trash, rude employees, poor landscaping, cheesy souvenirs, you name it - no magic to be found at all.

Great Escape smelly, rude, and cheesy? Say it ain't so! :rolleyes: :lol:

I kinda miss the old days when it was just Storytown, USA. Of course, that was before Lake George was drowning in tourists (no pun intended).

We may head up there once or twice this summer, if the kid's up to it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bagheera
Great Escape smelly, rude, and cheesy? Say it ain't so! :rolleyes: :lol:

I kinda miss the old days when it was just Storytown, USA. Of course, that was before Lake George was drowning in tourists (no pun intended).

We may head up there once or twice this summer, if the kid's up to it.
Ahh... great... We have a Six Flags down here in LA now... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
I'm still not seeing all of the dirt in the picture.

:lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun

Ummmm.....The seats are supposed to be white.........

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Its not really a GIANT deal..Things get worn out....one issue I had one time was at MGM, when there was a big pile of green vomit right outside of the TOT gift shop...also, even though I know people take very different sides on this issue, and it really doesnt have anything to do with ride cleanliness, but the painting of Daisy with the twin towers is still on the wall at WOD


New Member
Disney Cleanliness

Hey Everyone-
I think that the custodial cast members do an excellent job of keeping things clean. Besides, ALL cast members are custodians anyways! I know, because when I wasn't working programs for the DI I was taking a broom through EPCOT and MK. I have to say, I loved talking to the Guests and making the parks look a little bit nicer.
That being said, when people such as us (Disney nuts/enthusiasts) visit Disney so much, you tend to become more passionate about everything. We notice all of the details, good or bad. I also have a Six Flags by me, and we can't even put them and Disney in the same category!
I live in NYC now, and for the first time a few months ago, I really appreciated to a higher degree the effort that is put in to making DisneyWorld a safe and beautiful place. I agree that we should keep the standards high, but everyone there is trying the best they can with the resources that are available.


Well-Known Member
Disney nuts/enthusiasts) visit Disney so much, you tend to become more passionate about everything.

I TOTALLY agree. Disney is by far the cleanist park around. Everytime I go to Universal I think it is dirty.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bagheera
Great Escape smelly, rude, and cheesy? Say it ain't so! :rolleyes: :lol:

I kinda miss the old days when it was just Storytown, USA. Of course, that was before Lake George was drowning in tourists (no pun intended).

Storytown was a fun little park, with its own charm. When it changed hands, it lost its unique character. Sad to say, the last few times we were there, it was dirty, the employees were rude, and it was EXPENSIVE!!! Sure, WDW isn't cheap, but I know I'm going to have a good time in a magical, safe, clean place.


Well-Known Member
Considering the massive size of all of the theme parks, I think the custodial staff does an excellent job at what they do. Yeah, things do get worn, but that tends to happen when thousands, maybe millions, of people pass through an attraction in a given month.


New Member
Originally posted by figmentmom
Storytown was a fun little park, with its own charm. When it changed hands, it lost its unique character. Sad to say, the last few times we were there, it was dirty, the employees were rude, and it was EXPENSIVE!!! Sure, WDW isn't cheap, but I know I'm going to have a good time in a magical, safe, clean place.

Yep! These days, when we go somewhere around here, we usually go to Hoffman's Playland in Latham. (Yeah, he's only 4-1/2, so we can get away with no real thrill rides.) But even there, it's RELATIVELY clean, the employees are noncommittal at worst, and it's inexpensive. Great Escape is all about taking your money from you. (Of course, some folks that I work with feel the same way about Disney.) Once Premier Parks bought the place from Charley Wood, it started going downhill. When Premier and Six Flags got together, it only accelerated. Remember those "Storytown IS the Great Escape" commercials when they changed the name? [/end ramble mode]

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